View Full Version : OH - Bulletproof Blackberry!!!

02-16-10, 16:46
Maybe that's why my company gave me one instead of that elusive iPhone :)

On Saturday, Feb. 6, Anthony Holtvogt, 24, was in a Dayton area Fricker's restaurant with his girlfriend and some other friends. According to reports, as they were leaving his sleeve got tangled in his coat and he looked down and saw the slide on his .32-caliber handgun was pulled back. He reached down for the gun and it went off, the bullet striking his girlfriend in the leg.

Fortunately, she had her Blackberry in her pocket and it stopped the bullet, leaving her with only a bruise and leaving Holtvogt facing charges and revocation of his concealed handgun permit.

"The Blackberry was in the right place at the right time and the bullet hit her in the right spot," said Butler Township Police Captain Carl Bush.

I expect that those who oppose concealed carry will use this incident as a prime example of why lawful citizens should not be permitted to be armed in public places and why Ohio should retain its ban on concealed carry in locations that serve liquor as Fricker's does. It took six years since concealed carry passed for there to finnaly be an accident. If there was one car accident every six years people would be celebrating in the streets.

Holtvogt deserves the punishments he is facing for this preventable accident. A firearm should always be carried in a holster that covers the trigger to prevent accidents like this from happening. A pocket holster would have protected the trigger as well as prevented the slide from retracting when the sleeve got caught. Proper gear is important for proper safety.

Hopefully others will learn from his mistake and we can go another six years without such an incident occurring.

02-16-10, 16:56
Haha, first I heard of that one. I think the first gen iphones that where metal might stop a speeding bullet too:p

02-16-10, 17:36
What a douchebag. Just when we're trying to pass a HB to allow us to carry in these places and the idiot makes us look good...:rolleyes:

02-16-10, 17:54
If the media spun this as the first CCW accident in 6 years for that state it would be pretty good. People don't like clean records, they like a long period of cleanliness and one hiccup to remind them how great the clean streak was.

02-16-10, 18:48
One dumbass ruins it for the rest of us. :mad:

02-16-10, 23:22
bullet proof eh?
i guess that all depend if you consider 32 to be a bullet...

02-16-10, 23:32
Good thing it was a pee shooter. :D

How do you "Accidentaly" get a slide back while carrying? I supose it is possible, so how?

Alex V
02-17-10, 09:01
Haha, first I heard of that one. I think the first gen iphones that where metal might stop a speeding bullet too:p

when I get my new iPhone I may be willing to test that theory on the original lol

There is a bill in the NJ assembly to make NJ a "will issue" state... I sure this will be an example used as to why we should stay w/o the right to carry