View Full Version : Zero Tolerance means zero tolerance

02-16-10, 18:12

What's next? On duty cops aren't allowed to carry either:rolleyes: pay no attention to the fact the media got it wrong and the article says security officer, Pgh Public Schools have their own police force.

02-16-10, 23:29
things have been snowballing in silliness ever since they started attaching felony charges to inanimate objects...

02-17-10, 03:15
Read the story again, it also says that when other officers confronted him about the fact that it was lying on his dashboard, he started waving it around and pointed it at the other officers that were there.

It also says that there were three other officers involved in the incident.

I don't think him having a revolver in his personal vehicle is what the problem was....

02-17-10, 05:53
There's been a lot of shenanigans in Pittsburgh lately so something like this was bound to occur. From OCers being harassed to some undercover cops beating the shit out of a kid because they say a bulge in his coat...which turned out to be a pop bottle...something like this doesnt surprise me very much in how it's being handled/portrayed.

02-17-10, 07:46
Media commonly will refer to cops as security even though they are police because factual reporting isn't important. Just like every rifle used in a shooting is either an SKS or an AK.

Doesn't sound like the problem was the fact that the guy had a gun, it was that he was waving it around.

02-17-10, 10:58
He should've known better, he could've got shot waving a gun around and pointing it.

02-17-10, 11:23
I could care less about the specifics of this case. The only thing important is that it is another example of something that did not have to have the state or "officials" involved to figure it out.

God Bless the Nanny State

Does anyone else hear Nero playing in the distance?

02-17-10, 16:17
I'm fine with this. If he did it he should get charged. I mean, a civilian would have been shot. Only reason he wasn't is because they knew him.

02-18-10, 17:22
Read the story again, it also says that when other officers confronted him about the fact that it was lying on his dashboard, he started waving it around and pointed it at the other officers that were there.

It also says that there were three other officers involved in the incident.

I don't think him having a revolver in his personal vehicle is what the problem was....

reading > me :o
I posted before I reread it, apparently the information was updated since I first read it to include him waving the firearm around.