View Full Version : Front Sight Advertisment In the National Rifleman

02-16-10, 19:02
I don't want to start a war here especially since the previous thread was closed by the moderator. Just FYI it had been reported that the NRA was no longer running Front Sight advertisements. I received my subscription of the American Rifleman today and on page 65 there is a full page ad for Front Sight. Just FYI no more than that please!!

02-16-10, 19:07
it was stated in an email sent by American Rifleman in the locked thread that they would not use any of FSI's ads in future issues, but could not remove them from this months issue since they had already been printed.

02-16-10, 19:14
What he said.

02-19-10, 10:39
Did they give a reason for dumping FSI?

02-19-10, 11:17

02-19-10, 15:12
The "stop screaming and start shooting" ad where the officer is screaming as he's being shot.

02-19-10, 18:14
Kinda like that tactical rifle maker using the Ruby Ridge FBI marksman in ads.

Pathfinder Ops
02-19-10, 18:28
This is one of the 2 threads: