View Full Version : FL - Fight over unleashed dog, gun pulled.

02-17-10, 01:22
http://www.winknews.com/news/local/84165287.html (Follow link for video).

LEE COUNTY, Fla. - Forty-one-year-old James Cashin is in jail tonight for allegedly punching another man in the head during an argument. Kurt Hartman says he was hit while taking Gus for an early morning walk.

"Their dog was running loose, no collar, no leash, no nothing," said Hartmann.

Hartmann admitted to frustration with Cashin, who lives a half a block away on Park Road. He says Cashin routinely let his dog run loose, so he shared his frustration.

"It became into a heated exchange, next thing you know, the guy hit me," said Hartmann.

Hartmann suffers from cardiomyopathy, and needs a pump to move his blood. he carries a battery pack wherever he goes."This is just a temporary measure until I can get on a transplant list out of Tampa General Hospital."

Lying on the ground, bleeding, and in fear of his life, he says, he pulled out a licensed .40 caliber pistol in self-defense.

Julie Sherman, a friend of Cashin's says, it didn't happen that way.

"Jimmy was arguing with him because he was calling me names," said Sherman. "He pulled the gun on me and put it in my face."

But according to deputies, there were inconsistencies between Sherman and Cashin's stories.

"You don't bring a fist to a gunfight, you think if I pull out my gun, he's gonna come after me with his fist? I pull out a gun, he's going to run," said Hartmann.

According to reports, both parties called 911. Hartmann has a concealed weapons permit and deputies say he acted well within the law. Cashin was taken to jail and now faces one county of felony battery.

Cashin does have a prior criminal record that includes battery and drug charges.

02-17-10, 08:07
big disparity of force detected it appears lawful

02-17-10, 12:50
A good lesson to those who allow their dogs to roam free to leash them. I almost had to shoot a dog that charged me and my wife's little dogs one day because the owner had him off the leash and said 'Man, he's never done that before' yet he has NO clue how close he was to watching his dog get shot that day. I would have been REAL pissed at the guy for making me do that too because I love dogs but when my dogs are leashed and I'm doing nothing wrong and a 95lb dog charges growling and snarling it puts the person on the other end in a bad situation. I'm glad I waited that time but it could have gone real bad real quick and I would have had to explain to my wife why her little dogs got mauled to death that day. Leash your damn dog I don't care how good you think you know him/her.


Carne Frio
02-17-10, 13:06
Bear spray works well on dogs, dog owners, and even bears.:D

02-17-10, 13:06
Bear spray works well on dogs, dog owners, and even bears.:D

Unfortunately I don't carry bear spray especially when I'm going for a walk and have on shorts and a T-shirt. It's all I can do to carry a subcompact firearm, cell phone and wallet.

02-17-10, 13:41
Bear spray works well on dogs, dog owners, and even bears.:D

And used by Dog as well!