View Full Version : Black guns magazine

02-17-10, 02:27
My daughter brought this home to me, more like a sales brochure than anything else. $9.95 magazine and no cards to subscribe to it.

Anyone know of this, or how to subscribe, or is it just that, a sales magazine put out by different manufacturers?

And how cool is my 15 year old daughter to think about her dad when she goes to the mall, am I lucky or what? :D

02-17-10, 08:11
Hmmm I don't think I have seen that one yet. If I had to guess though I'd say it's one of those "specials" that the put out now and then from like guns and ammo dedicated to the AR/M16, especially seeing that it was 9.95.

That is VERY nice of your daughter to pick that up for you. Especially at the age she is, I'd figure when a 15yr old girl is at the mall Dad would be the last thing on her mind, but not with her apparently. You must be a good daddy!!:)

02-17-10, 08:48
I believe it is one of the annuals or semi annuals from Harris Tactical (http://www.tactical-life.com/)

02-17-10, 11:22
It does say Harris outdoor group, is their magazine worth the price? Do you get these specials with a subscription? Which one is better, special weapons or tactical weapons? Both seem to cover the same area looking at the website.

02-17-10, 11:29
And how cool is my 15 year old daughter to think about her dad when she goes to the mall, am I lucky or what? :D

Its great to read things like this and know there are real families out there.

Congratulations on the good kid.

02-17-10, 14:09
It does say Harris outdoor group, is their magazine worth the price? Do you get these specials with a subscription? Which one is better, special weapons or tactical weapons? Both seem to cover the same area looking at the website.

I'm pretty sure you don't get those specials with your subscription. They are a news stand only release I believe. If you ask me they tend to all be the same honestly. Only thing that is different possibly is what rifle/pistol they review probably. Half the magazine is usually ads also.

02-17-10, 16:05
Its great to read things like this and know there are real families out there.

Congratulations on the good kid.


I'm still in the "Daddy has a gun but we don't talk about it because some people are afraid of them phase". Maybe I'll be be to that point someday.


02-17-10, 17:50
Its great to read things like this and know there are real families out there.

Congratulations on the good kid.

I say brace yourself.

Bad news could be come down the pipeline.

01-07-11, 22:27
So, I realize I'm reviving a bit of an old thread, but I have a question. I admit to being a n00b, but I like to think of myself as fairly intelligent. I got a copy of the "2011 Buyer's Guide" of Black Guns magazine with my BCM upper order. I'm going through it as more of an informative read than anything else. Ignoring the fact that the writing is absolutely terrible (I mean, basic grammar people, come on!), it does have a fair amount of information on various manufacturers and their recent products.

Which leads me to ask... how much weight can I attach to their opinions? I ask for the simple fact that they give some of the "lesser" manufacturers pretty great reviews. Now, I understand this site's take on those manufacturers and the reasons for it (read The Chart, etc.), but then why the praises? They also give BCM great marks, so it can't all be crap. Are the reviews/articles sponsored, or are they just reaching a different audience than visits this site? I do see how to an "average" (you may say "uninformed") person, a lesser AR can be just as awesome as the top-of-the-line contenders that are loved here. But if these guys are pros... what gives?

Anyway, just curious what you all may think. Thanks!

01-07-11, 22:53
Generally speaking many magazines will not bad mouth a gun. At least from what I have seen.

So I guess my question is what do you want to know? The proven performers are pretty well known here and among knowledgeable shooters.

So, I realize I'm reviving a bit of an old thread, but I have a question. I admit to being a n00b, but I like to think of myself as fairly intelligent. I got a copy of the "2011 Buyer's Guide" of Black Guns magazine with my BCM upper order. I'm going through it as more of an informative read than anything else. Ignoring the fact that the writing is absolutely terrible (I mean, basic grammar people, come on!), it does have a fair amount of information on various manufacturers and their recent products.

Which leads me to ask... how much weight can I attach to their opinions? I ask for the simple fact that they give some of the "lesser" manufacturers pretty great reviews. Now, I understand this site's take on those manufacturers and the reasons for it (read The Chart, etc.), but then why the praises? They also give BCM great marks, so it can't all be crap. Are the reviews/articles sponsored, or are they just reaching a different audience than visits this site? I do see how to an "average" (you may say "uninformed") person, a lesser AR can be just as awesome as the top-of-the-line contenders that are loved here. But if these guys are pros... what gives?

Anyway, just curious what you all may think. Thanks!

01-07-11, 22:59
Do they give Bushmaster and DPMS the same great marks as they do BCM? If so, then the magazine is just a marketing tool.

01-08-11, 00:11
Yeah the Black Gun Mag is the shit... Bravo Company sent me one too with my last order and that was the 1st time I heard or seen it. But after checking it out it's the same as any other magazine.. It's just opinions..

01-08-11, 01:15
They definitely gave Bushmaster, DPMS, Del-Tron and the like pretty great marks all around. I mean, the articles are CLEARLY written from a very subjective point of view, but they seem to favor most of everything that was reviewed across the board. I was starting to wonder if some of these 2011 releases from these manufacturers are in fact an improvement in quality and/or manufacturing compared to what's disliked about them in the past. But it sounds like perhaps not.

What am I looking to gain from it? Nothing really, other than to look at dem purdy pictures ;) Seriously, though, being as new as I am, it's still interesting to see what's being offered. I don't take any of the reviews to heart, merely try to take note of the weapons for future references here or wherever.

So, is there a "good" source of reputable reviews that I should be considering? As an avid motorcyclists I have narrowed my monthly magazine subscriptions over the years to only two (Cycle World and Rider), canceling all the other crap that was a waste of time to read. So, in the gun world, what do you guys read on the can? :)

01-08-11, 03:42
All magazines have an agenda, even the so-called "We call'em as we see'm and don't take ads" Gun Tests. You've got to use your best judgement. Talk to folks and find who's opinions can be respected and see how it applies to your needs & wants. That's why it's so important to go shoot your rifle for yourself, to use the experience gained to help form your own opinions. Yes, with the price of ammo these days, it's an expensive proposition but a firearms choice is a very personal thing

01-08-11, 06:06
In regards to the comments about across the board marks for any and all weapons reviewed, I feel more and more every publication that does gun reviews is full of it. Whether they are worried about losing ad revenue, or reviewing priveleges, whatever, they all give bullshit reviews. They overemphasize the positives and minimize or sidestep the negatives.

01-08-11, 11:33
it really sank in how bad the gun rags are a few years back when one of them (honestly can not remember which one) wrote a article about a DPMS Sportical in 5.56 LEO rifle....talking up like crazy, even saying it shot very acceptable groups....which were 2.5 to 4 inch groups at 50 yards!!!!!! from a bench at that........

01-08-11, 12:32
I believe that a writer has a responsibility to report what they find with a firearm. If something isn't staked that should be, say so. If you have malfunctions while testing, say so. Report the accuracy as it is and leave it up to the reader to interpret if the accuracy achieved meets their needs.

But I also think the readership as a whole needs to get real. If you're over the age of 12 and you think that ANY media (including forums) is totally unbiased and not in the pocket of someone then you need to wake up. Additionally, people are rarely realistic about their own needs and abilities and will poo-poo results printed. LWRCi fans went bananas when Pat Rogers posted that he managed to break the gun after several thousand rounds. People were SHOCKED that I mentioned malfunctions in my articles about the pre-production KAC SR15 E3 and Spike's rifles. Shit happens guys. And when the average gun-rag-reader isn't likely to be actually, you know, shooting the gun they are reporting exactly the way the audience deserves.

Personally, I turn down articles, and even T&E, on things that I don't think are worth my time, or that I suspect may not live up to my personal standards without ever laying hands on them. I do my best to put as many rounds through the gun, in a dynamic environment, as I can and report my findings as accurately as I can.

As a reader, I want an author that reports what he finds, both in terms of features and performance, but also that will take the time to try and figure out what caused any issues encountered and give the manufacturer an opportunity to weigh in as well. It's a courtesy that I offer anyone that sends me stuff, for print of just for hands-on or online, and I think it's a good practice. It doesn't mean climb in the guy's pocket and roam the forums looking for places he's been slighted so you can act as his proxy and stir up shit either though.