View Full Version : Anybody else get pneumonia this year?

02-17-10, 12:12
I did. First time I've ever had it and it seems like I've run into a lot of other people who have gotten it for the first time this year also. Been almost 3 months and I'm just now starting to feel like my old self.

02-17-10, 12:16
My wife was just diagnosed this past saturday with it althought it seems pretty mild.

I had it so bad in 2004 in Baghdad I had to be sent to Germany.

02-17-10, 18:49
Guys, pardon my ignorance but what are the symptoms?

02-17-10, 18:52
The teenager that babysits for us is in the hospital with pneumonia and an infection that has spread through her body. She's in the ICU ward right now in pretty serious condition. :(

02-17-10, 18:57
A co-worker of mine used to get walking pneumonia almost every winter that I worked with him. One year it went septic and he ended up in the ICU, I imagine somewhat like the girl in the earlier post. He recovered but he was in pretty bad shape afterward, it took him about a year to gain his weight back. He is much more vigilant about his health in the winter now.

Oscar 319
02-17-10, 19:01
A friend of mine just died of pneumonia this morning. He was hospitalized awaiting a liver transplant. :(

02-17-10, 19:05
Guys, pardon my ignorance but what are the symptoms?

Lots of places online to look it up.

For both my wife and I we had chest pains when breathing, feeling like its hard to breath, cough, phlegm, etc.

My O2 levels were in the high 80's. Got two antibiotics, and a saline drip for a week. Basically woke up one day, and felt like I couldn't breathe. I am very sensitive to cold air blowing on me for extended periods of time, and the day prior we had removed the partitions in our rooms to get read to go back home. The AC was blowing on me all night once the walls came down, and I woke up like that....When I was 18 I had a hacking cough for 3 months because I fell asleep on the couch, and my mom turned the overhead fan on. I seriously cannot take cool air blowing on me while sleeping or I'll get sick within a couple hours.

Its definitely something that is treatable in a healthy person but its nothing to just let go. A cold or flu can develop into one pretty quick. Older people and the very young are at much greater risk from complication.

02-19-10, 10:31
Got it last year. The only year I've ever taken a pneumonia shot.

Outlander Systems
02-19-10, 10:42
Had it in '06.

Woke up on the couch one morning coughing up blood.

It is the worst experience of my entire life.

Got prednisone, albuterol, and antibiotics.

Interestingly enough, the night before I had been taken on a tour of a blast-freeze facility, and it was -60°F in the freeze-area. I don't know how related the two incidents were, though it does cause me to wonder if cold weather doesn't play a part.

02-19-10, 10:44
Pneumonia is the old man's friend. People dying of other things often die of Pneumonia first.

I had walking pneumonia as a kid -- had antibiotics and stuff and recovered pretty quickly.

Nothing since in our family or extended family except my dad when he was in the hospital in 2004 after a car crash aspirated and ended up with pneumonia. He survived and is doing quite well now turning 75 this year.

02-21-10, 16:54
I just got it a couple of days ago, made it to the doc today. Apparently, it's only a "mild" case. ****, if this is a "mild" case, I don't want to see what a full blown case is. Take my word for it, this is probably the most aggravating thing I've ever had, simply because of the painful and near constant coughing.

It's a course of antibiotics, plenty of fluids, and a couple days bedrest for me. If I'm not feeling better by end of the week, then back to the doctor.

02-21-10, 19:33
I had heart surgery last March and got a pneumonia vaccination while I was in the hospital. I had no idea that there was such a thing.

The only kind of pneumonia I've had is "walking pneumonia". That was painful enough.

02-22-10, 09:57
Had it this December, "walked" right through it. Missed two days of work initially, then practiced my comic routine of a dying street wino for the next month. My older son had it, two other co-workers, too - one before me, another right after his wife had it. (So there.)

Lots of hand sanitizer went around, along with Lysol. With the swine flu in the news, it wasn't hard to find that I matched the exact symptoms. Describing them to a coworker, they were identical to his walking pneumonia as a child.

I don't really know what I had. My office visit expenses are on me in my plan, I didn't see I needed to go. Might have been nice, tho.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger - if you live. I'm getting old enough I should pay more attention to my health. The last time was over 20 years ago, the next time might be 20 years from now, I don't need to be put down by that.