View Full Version : NV - What would you do?!?!? (Video)

02-17-10, 23:18
I saw this a while ago and have thought about what I would do in the situation if I were the victim and also if I was a witness... what would you do??? LEOs please provide your input as to what would be the best possible legal way to deal with something like this as the victim or as a witness.

For background purposes this happened on the corner of Las Vegas Blvd. "The Strip" and Sahara in Las Vegas, NV.


02-17-10, 23:21
SHOT THE SHIT OUT OF HIM! without a doubt or hesitation...!

Don Robison
02-17-10, 23:22
The misunderstood fellow was trying to beat his way into my car.
I was in fear for my life and parked on top of him to stop the attack.:cool:

02-17-10, 23:29
Another possibility would be to run the ****er over. You might be able to smash him in between another vehicle and yours but that would get expensive.

What if you were parallel to the incident? A driver/passenger in another vehicle? Would shooting him be justified then?

In my mind anybody could've shot that guy and would've deserved a medal.

02-17-10, 23:33
I'd have blown the Claymores, and then made sure the crew-serves had plenty of ammo.

02-17-10, 23:52
if you live in a good Samaritan state, you can blast someone threatening the life of another.

its sort of hard to keep it in perspective after watching the video, because WE have the privilege of knowing he was just trying to act crazy and show off for the camera. but the people inside the vehicle had no reason not to think he was trying to beat his way into the vehicle to kill them all... why the hell else would somebody be smashing his way into your car? so it's pretty clear cut, to me... even in the must-retreat states, i can't see how emptying the mag into him wouldn't have been perfectly justifiable.. her only option, in the way of retreat, was to smash into other vehicles or get out of her own, which would have opened her to attack.

100% good shoot.

02-18-10, 00:21
if you live in a good Samaritan state, you can blast someone threatening the life of another.

I honestly don't know if NV has a law like that. Time to do some research.

02-18-10, 00:42
He was attacking with a deadly weapon. I would have drawn my gun and warned him against continuing the attack. If he busted out a window and came at me, I would shoot. He was obviously crazy and out of control. I see no reason to let him continue like that.

02-18-10, 02:20
If that was me it would be one less drain on society in the world and I wouldn't even lose a minute's sleep that night over it either.

02-18-10, 02:23
I honestly don't know if NV has a law like that. Time to do some research.

Im sure in any state if some one came at you with a metal pipe it could be seen as threat on your life or great bodily harm.

And I won't watch the video, I've seen it once some time ago and it makes me an angry person :D I prefer smiles (Mr. Smiles)

02-18-10, 02:44

02-18-10, 03:11
Call a 67 year old white dude............................

Touche! :D

02-18-10, 04:11
The guy just made himself a felon by the amount of damage he did to the vehicle, and he is in possession of a deadly weapon. I would step out and draw, give him a cease and desist order and tell him to drop his weapon, IF I HAD THE TIME AND DISTANCE (if not, I must be able to articulate why no verbal direction was given).

Any aggressive move by him at that point gets him shot, center mass, repeatedly until such time as he stops his aggression. Then he gets cuffed and the ambulance is called. Unfortunately, if my aim is any good, he will be deceased prior to their arrival.

02-18-10, 04:37
The guy just made himself a felon by the amount of damage he did to the vehicle, and he is in possession of a deadly weapon. I would step out and draw, give him a cease and desist order and tell him to drop his weapon, IF I HAD THE TIME AND DISTANCE (if not, I must be able to articulate why no verbal direction was given).

Any aggressive move by him at that point gets him shot, center mass, repeatedly until such time as he stops his aggression. Then he gets cuffed and the ambulance is called. Unfortunately, if my aim is any good, he will be deceased prior to their arrival.

I doubt he's gonna attack a police car or do you always carry cuffs?

02-18-10, 07:04
If I have my gun, I have my cuffs, too.

02-18-10, 12:25
Threaten my life while I'm in a 5000lb weapon and see what happens. He would've been squished.

02-18-10, 12:32
I saw this a while ago and have thought about what I would do in the situation if I were the victim and also if I was a witness... what would you do??? LEOs please provide your input as to what would be the best possible legal way to deal with something like this as the victim or as a witness.

For background purposes this happened on the corner of Las Vegas Blvd. "The Strip" and Sahara in Las Vegas, NV.


Ok...the minute I see him approaching my vehicle with a tire iron I'm going to be using the skinny pedal on the right. If I'm trapped, then we're going to find out if he can deflect hollowpoints with his crowbar. When the guy heads to the driver's side with that crowbar any reasonable person in the driver's seat would have ample cause to be in fear for their life.

02-18-10, 12:42
Damn crackheads!!! ... I've walked down that road before when I was in Vegas. I was going from the Treasure Island Hotel to the Stratosphere that is partially visible in the background, I even stopped at the store that is behind him in the beginning of the video. I would have tried to get away but the guy was obviously boxed in. I think I would have shot him when he approached my drivers door with that weapon in his hand. I had something similar to this happen here in Florida .. some crackhead came out of nowhere and started beating on my window telling me to get out of my car .. lucky for him he never broke the glass and then traffic started moving again and I drove off.

02-18-10, 12:49
i think trying to hit him with the car, especially in this situation, is unrealistic.. there was little room to move, and not really any where to run. not without striking other vehicles, at least. trying to manipulate the vehicle controls, trying not to strike bystanders, and trying to get the car into position to have the proper angle (on a rapidly moving target) and velocity to do anything to him.... just not gonna happen. obviously there are situations where that does work, and is a good strategy, but this doesn't seem like one to me.

02-18-10, 13:01
The use of a handgun doesn't pose a shorter list of possible concerns over using the car, at least in the situation seen in the video.

02-18-10, 13:03
in fact, if i may inject my own little tale here.. i'll try to make it short (its not that interesting, but applicable)-

i was taking my usual short-cut route out of the parking lot across from the Public Services building at PCC Cascade in Portland, driving my beautiful jet black and freshly waxed '94 Stang with '98 light kits and spoiler, 18x10 Saleen rims, and a soft, deep bass radiating from the trunk (the only "nice" car i'd ever owned)... it was summer term, beautiful evening, and i was rolling with the windows down.

i got about halfway through the alley when two large homies popped out and started toward me.. one stopped in front of the car while the other walked around and toward my window- both starting straight at me.. i immediately lamented the fact that all i had on me was a stupid ****in Beretta Bobcat in my back pocket.. yea, the pocket i was sitting on. as homie No. 1 rounded the front of my car, he slipped his hand under the front of his shirt and said, "sup wit you, nigga?" in an unfriendly voice.

that was all i needed... i was in first gear, so i just mashed the gas and homie No. 2 barely got out of the way as i shot two streamers of tire smoke at them. going for the gun was NOT an option, but running one of their asses over certainly was.

still have no idea what he had under that shirt, or what they wanted.. might have just been trying to scare the white boy in the pretty car.. i'm glad i didnt find out.

El Vaquero
02-18-10, 13:03
Deadly force is definately justified, just have to becareful with your shots. There were a lot of innocents in the background. Just dont miss.

02-18-10, 13:04
This is another reason to ensure that you have plenty of room to maneuver your vehicle. There's absolutely no reason to be up against the bumper of the person in front of you. Leave yourself an out if at all possible. That not being the case, I didn't hear a horn going off, which is kinda odd. I'd have been all over the horn in an attempt to get the person in front of me outta the way. If that didn't work, I think the passengers/driver would have been justified in shooting the crack out of him!

02-18-10, 13:09
The use of a handgun doesn't pose a shorter list of possible concerns over using the car, at least in the situation seen in the video.

concerns, no... definitely not.. but i think in their situation, it would have been a faster and more effective option.

if nothing else, shooting at a standing target from a sitting position would tend to send your rounds up and out of the area. this doesn't make firing in an urban environment any "safer," but at least it lets energy dissipate and possibly dilutes the biological density of the backstop.

02-18-10, 13:31
Poor soccer mom. The "average person" does not drive and carry. She was in a bad spot in broad daylight. She was boxed in with no safe means of escape. After I evacuated the area I would file a police report, an insurance claim, and a DOJ background check for a nice sidearm.

For the rest of us, I would answer his question, "whattya gon' do bout it?" with repeated shots to the torso. This is clearly assault with a deadly weapon. I seriously doubt anyone would miss his sorry ass.

As a witness, order a cease command. if he complies, detain until police arrive, if not see above. Remember to keep your eye on the dipshit with the camera.

If i was a liberal, we would sit down and reason. I would ask what I can do to appease his anger at this unjust white mans world. Then we would skip merrily in the meadow looking for the end of a rainbow.:D

02-18-10, 14:29
I'm curious, and have no idea, have there been tests firing out of a car into a target? We often talk about windshield and glass in cars being resistant to 9mm and less so to .40 & .45 but that's typically shooting from the outside in, what about the opposite? How would firing out the side window impact your aim & deflection? Obviously you're losing an undetermined amount of velocity, due to proximity, caliber, etc. and I don't know of any tests to the best of my knowledge. Can someone more knowledgeable point me in the right direction? I think this thread is a good place to discuss it and if others don't think so we can start a new thread, unless I missed an old one ;)

02-18-10, 14:40
the Trinity of deadly force in Texas Law as applied to this situation
1) Ability? Do they have the ability to inflict serious bodily harm? Crazy loon wielding crowbar
2) Opportunity? Do they have the opportunity to inflict serious bodily harm? Hes right freaking next to me!
3) Intent? Do they have the intent to inflict serious bodily harm? Holy shit hes hitting my car right now with me inside it, I'm trapped.

green light for deadly force

02-18-10, 16:39
I'm curious, and have no idea, have there been tests firing out of a car into a target? We often talk about windshield and glass in cars being resistant to 9mm and less so to .40 & .45 but that's typically shooting from the outside in, what about the opposite? How would firing out the side window impact your aim & deflection? Obviously you're losing an undetermined amount of velocity, due to proximity, caliber, etc. and I don't know of any tests to the best of my knowledge. Can someone more knowledgeable point me in the right direction? I think this thread is a good place to discuss it and if others don't think so we can start a new thread, unless I missed an old one ;)

That is a good question .. I would also be interested to know if there has ever been any tests and what the results were.

02-18-10, 17:07
2 to the chest. Adrenaline would been in overdrive, especially if family is in the car. First priority protect family. Also. This **** tard obviously has a record. I could speculate that even before the audio kicked in. PD would probablythank you for your service.

02-18-10, 20:12

08-09-10, 13:44
the Trinity of deadly force in Texas Law as applied to this situation
1) Ability? Do they have the ability to inflict serious bodily harm? Crazy loon wielding crowbar
2) Opportunity? Do they have the opportunity to inflict serious bodily harm? Hes right freaking next to me!
3) Intent? Do they have the intent to inflict serious bodily harm? Holy shit hes hitting my car right now with me inside it, I'm trapped.

green light for deadly force

What if yelled out, I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to beat the crap out of your car.. Number 3 is gone.. The intent just flew out of the window. Do you just sit there and let him trash your car?

Edit: Oh crap I'm sorry I didn't mean to necropost. I clicked on this thread from a link in another thread.

08-09-10, 18:57
What if yelled out, I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to beat the crap out of your car.. Number 3 is gone.. The intent just flew out of the window. Do you just sit there and let him trash your car?

Edit: Oh crap I'm sorry I didn't mean to necropost. I clicked on this thread from a link in another thread.

crap no. what if the same guy started toward you with a knife held above his head saying "i'm not gonna stab you?" he can say anything he wants, but if his actions are showing you otherwise, blast that fool.