View Full Version : Thoughts on using Google Docs as alternate website?

02-18-10, 08:43
I do most of my writing on Google Docs. Currently to get it from there to my site is a major pain in the ass. I'm thinking of changing the format of my site such that each section has a simple list of links, and all of those links will go to Google Docs published as web pages.

I am aware that this will limit access by some as work environments often block Google Docs, but I think I'm willing to trade that off for an easier workflow, better formatting, and easier updates to keep the information current. Right now updates are just as much of a pain as the initial postings, if not more.

Generally speaking this would mean a shift in appearance from this (http://tacticalyellowvisor.net/8301/111221.html) to this (http://docs.google.com/View?id=dg8rvhdd_25fpvtd8gj). I personally prefer the second layout for a lot of reasons, but am interested in hearing feedback. The second layout is what happens when I copy and paste what's on my site now into the Google Doc. There are some formatting issues that come over that I need to work out. This (http://docs.google.com/View?id=drnhb8z_88c26jvfc7) is what a document looks like when created in Google Docs with the express intent of publishing it and sharing the link. I REALLY prefer the way this looks overall.

02-18-10, 08:55
FWIW, I agree with you on the one being created in Google Docs as the best overall look.

Preferred User
02-18-10, 10:55
FWIW. Google Docs format better on mobile phones.

02-18-10, 10:57
FWIW. Google Docs format better on mobile phones.

This is actually part of my impetus, is that I can update pages while mobile. :D

02-18-10, 11:10
That's a pretty good idea all around. Only thing I'd worry about is whether clicking on a link would require a new pop-up window (some of us on USG servers can't enable the option to allow pop-ups) and what you've already stated about other work restrictions. Also, at least back in 2007 and 2008 when I was out in Iraq, anything "google" outside of their search engine too fricking forever to load and often would time out and just not load period. I had a bitch of a time checking my gmail account and even the slow connections option wouldn't work.

02-18-10, 11:37
I didn't mind the Google docs way. The chart saved me money, and the other info has proven to be very valuable, and any means that allows more and better information to be posted should be welcomed.

As for places where it is blocked, there may be work arounds, I have a few friends who are able to use Google docs at their offices where they are blocked. I will see how they do it.

02-18-10, 11:54
As for places where it is blocked, there may be work arounds, I have a few friends who are able to use Google docs at their offices where they are blocked. I will see how they do it.

Yeah, if you can find that out it would be awesome. I could include a "how to view this site" section of the website explaining to people how they can get a workaround.


02-18-10, 12:24
Wordpress is free and has all sorts of plugins.

02-18-10, 12:36
Wordpress is free and has all sorts of plugins.

I have access to the admin side of another site that uses Wordpress, and have been underwhelmed. In some areas it offers too much functionality, and in others it's very limiting. I even bought "Wordpress for Dummies" and still found it lacking.

I'm also trying to avoid, if possible, a "blog" feel to the site. Ideally I want individual pages for each article, main pages with links to the individual pages, etc.

I really wanted that option to work, but it was still too buggy and geeky for me. With the google docs solution, assuming it works, I don't have to actually learn anything new! :D

02-18-10, 12:47
Yeah wordpress alone can be a bitch if you're not experienced with it, that's why you find some plugins or buy a premade template.

Wordpress can be a used as a very cheap cms, it's not strictly for blogs. Below is a site that sells themes (nicer than the free ones floating around) browse around and you'll see wordpress can be any style you want. And with the proper plugins for the the admin section you can do anything and make it as simple as you want, even shopping carts exist for wordpress now.


Going off-site to look at an article is going to get a lot of people to leave your site because after reading the article they're more than likely not going to return to your site.

Also your current url's arent friendly. Add keywords into your titles and instead of www.tacticalyellowvisor.net/8301/index.html try something like http://www.tacticalyellowvisor.net/Equipment_Guns_Gear_Reviews It will show up better in search results.

02-18-10, 13:00
Yeah wordpress alone can be a bitch if you're not experienced with it, that's why you find some plugins or buy a premade template.

Wordpress can be a used as a very cheap cms, it's not strictly for blogs. Below is a site that sells themes (nicer than the free ones floating around) browse around and you'll see wordpress can be any style you want. And with the proper plugins for the the admin section you can do anything and make it as simple as you want, even shopping carts exist for wordpress now.


Going off-site to look at an article is going to get a lot of people to leave your site because after reading the article they're more than likely not going to return to your site.

Also your current url's arent friendly. Add keywords into your titles and instead of www.tacticalyellowvisor.net/8301/index.html try something like http://www.tacticalyellowvisor.net/Equipment_Guns_Gear_Reviews It will show up better in search results.

This is all stuff I'd love to do. The problem is, I'm not a web guy, and most of it sounds like greek to me.

I don't doubt that Wordpress can be made to do those things, but I don't want to pay for it and I don't want to research it to find out how to make it work.

I totally agree that the urls should be things like "www.tacticalyellovisor.net/Reviews/MBUS", but that's not going to happen with my current site builder or knowledgebase.

I have tried to find someone else to pay to set up the templates for me, and come to the house to spend an hour showing me how to make it work, and have had ZERO luck. Either I get out-of-towners that don't understand that I don't want to do this via phone & email, part-timers that have "real jobs" that take their focus away, "friends" that want to do it for a "discount" that winds up meaning I can't bitch if they aren't there when I need them, and over-priced so-called "professionals" that want to charge me hundreds of dollars but send me links to their "portfolio" that looks like a 3rd grader made the page or that are trying to up-sell me on hosting as well so they can hijack my page and hold it hostage for more money. Actually, a 3rd grader's page would at least be visually interesting.

Unfortunately, based on my experience monkeying with this site for the last year, this is the only solution I can come up with, and it seems like it will work for me.

I don't get why someone going "off site" wouldn't return, or why I care if they don't return. I'm not selling anything, or charging any money, so if they click a google doc and don't click "back" to go back to the site, or the link at the top of the page, I'm not sure how that negatively impacts me.

I appreciate what you're suggesting, I really do, it's just that my experience over the last year is full of guys telling me all these things with absolutely zero plans, suggestions, or available help for implementation. My day job is Building Information Modeling manager for a large general contractor, and I see this in my work daily as well. "This is some really cool thing you can do with BIM!" "great, how do we get there?" "pay me $10k for a half-assed solution that will leave you hanging 1/4 of the way into implementation and leave you with egg on your face and a project in limbo".

02-18-10, 13:25
This is all stuff I'd love to do. The problem is, I'm not a web guy, and most of it sounds like greek to me.

I don't doubt that Wordpress can be made to do those things, but I don't want to pay for it and I don't want to research it to find out how to make it work.

I totally agree that the urls should be things like "www.tacticalyellovisor.net/Reviews/MBUS", but that's not going to happen with my current site builder or knowledgebase.

I have tried to find someone else to pay to set up the templates for me, and come to the house to spend an hour showing me how to make it work, and have had ZERO luck. Either I get out-of-towners that don't understand that I don't want to do this via phone & email, part-timers that have "real jobs" that take their focus away, "friends" that want to do it for a "discount" that winds up meaning I can't bitch if they aren't there when I need them, and over-priced so-called "professionals" that want to charge me hundreds of dollars but send me links to their "portfolio" that looks like a 3rd grader made the page or that are trying to up-sell me on hosting as well so they can hijack my page and hold it hostage for more money. Actually, a 3rd grader's page would at least be visually interesting.

Unfortunately, based on my experience monkeying with this site for the last year, this is the only solution I can come up with, and it seems like it will work for me.

I don't get why someone going "off site" wouldn't return, or why I care if they don't return. I'm not selling anything, or charging any money, so if they click a google doc and don't click "back" to go back to the site, or the link at the top of the page, I'm not sure how that negatively impacts me.

I appreciate what you're suggesting, I really do, it's just that my experience over the last year is full of guys telling me all these things with absolutely zero plans, suggestions, or available help for implementation. My day job is Building Information Modeling manager for a large general contractor, and I see this in my work daily as well. "This is some really cool thing you can do with BIM!" "great, how do we get there?" "pay me $10k for a half-assed solution that will leave you hanging 1/4 of the way into implementation and leave you with egg on your face and a project in limbo".

LoL I could write up a step by step directions, It's no coding or anything of that nature, I've done it in the past, trust me it sounds hard but changing spark plugs on your car requires more time and patience. The url is a simple thing, in wordpress you have a seo friendly option, this converts all pages to use words instead of the page_id.

And for editing you could even simply use google docs and copy paste. Mysql and php are simple as well, for just installation. Your current hosting probably already allows you to setup a database.

And deadbeats are everywhere, I've had the same troubles (thats why you learn to do it yourself :P )

02-18-10, 13:34
changing spark plugs on your car requires more time and patience.

yeah, but it's something I get my hands on, and that I can see. Despite the amount of time I spend on the internet, I really, really hate computers and anything other than using a forum makes me absolutely nuts. Probably in large part because me day job is so computer-intensive now. :mad: