View Full Version : WY - Adopting Vermont style CCW? House OK's Bill!!!

02-18-10, 15:45

CHEYENNE -- A House committee on Tuesday signed off on two proposals that would loosen Wyoming gun laws.

Under one bill approved by the House Judiciary Committee, a permit would no longer be required to carry a concealed weapon in Wyoming. A second bill, which committee members passed unanimously, asserts that firearms made, sold and kept in Wyoming are exempt from federal gun control regulations.

Under House Bill 113, anyone who meets the current requirements to obtain a concealed-weapons permit from the state would be allowed to carry concealed weapons -- except that proof of firearms training would no longer be required.

The House Judiciary Committee voted 6-2 to recommend approval of the bill after a testimony by spokesmen from pro-gun groups and other supporters. If the bill passes, Wyoming would become only the third state in the nation, after Vermont and Alaska, to allow conceal-carry without a permit.

Sponsor Rep. Elaine Quarberg, R-Thermopolis, says she believes the state and federal constitutions spell out that Wyoming residents have the right to carry concealed guns without needing government permission.

Rep. Joe Barbuto, D-Rock Springs, voted against the bill.

"I'm a strong supporter of Second Amendment rights," Barbuto said. "I don't think anybody around this table could accuse me of being a bleeding-heart liberal."

However, Barbuto said he's happy with the current permit system, which has law enforcement review permit applications.

"I don't think we need to take away that accountability," Barbuto said.

Rep. John Patton, R-Sheridan, cast the other vote against the bill. He said that despite being a gun owner himself, he didn't see how passing the bill would help with the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness in the state.

Anthony R. Bouchard, spokesman for the Wyoming Gun Owners Association, told the committee he wants to see the conceal-carry bill move forward.

Bouchard said his group sees no need to require training for Wyoming citizens who would carry concealed guns. A lot of people in the state are ranchers who grew up with guns and handle them daily, he said.

States that have gun control have "50,000 gang-bangers walking around carrying guns," Bouchard said.

The committee voted to specify that people who are mentally incompetent or who have been committed to mental institutions wouldn't be allowed to carry concealed guns.

The second bill, the Wyoming Firearms Freedom Act, is similar to legislation passed in Montana and Tennessee and introduced in 14 other states asserting that firearms that are made in the states and never leave the states are exempt from federal law. Gun advocates in Montana have filed suit against the federal government to test the law.

Under the legislation, any federal or state official who tries to enforce a federal gun law upon a Wyoming-made firearm could serve up to a year in prison and pay a $2,000 fine.

The bill specifies that Wyoming-made firearms can’t be bought or owned by convicted felons, people judged legally incompetent, or those who have been committed to mental institutions. The legislation also prevents people under 21 from buying Wyoming-made firearms.

If passed, the effect of the Wyoming Firearms Freedom Act would mostly be symbolic, as Wyoming's gun manufacturing industry is limited to a handful of small companies.

Gov. Dave Freudenthal told reporters on Tuesday that he is “not uncomfortable” with the proposed Firearms Freedom Act. However, he said he had “mixed” feelings about allowing conceal-carry without a permit.

“If it gets to me, I’ll sure take a look at it,” Freudenthal said of the conceal-carry bill.
Absolutely brilliant!!!

AZ - Similar story there: https://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?t=46336&highlight=vermont+carry

02-18-10, 15:56
and the feds said NO WAY??? Not the CCW part but guns made and kept in Wyoming.... Just wondering... IMHO All gun laws are UNCONSTITUTIONAL and the people who enforce them should be made criminals... I know 'ill stir up a pot-o-crap with that statement but thats just me

02-18-10, 16:00
and the feds said NO WAY??? Not the CCW part but guns made and kept in Wyoming.... Just wondering... IMHO All gun laws are UNCONSTITUTIONAL and the people who enforce them should be made criminals... I know 'ill stir up a pot-o-crap with that statement but thats just me

Read the article, 14 other states have legislation pending to that effect. This thread is about the CCW aspect and not whether you can build a gun in your state and not register it with the Feds.

02-18-10, 16:09
about weapons made and kept in Wyoming... They wouldn't be subject to federal regs... I remember a couple states passing almost the same things and the feds had a fit...

02-18-10, 16:15
I miss Wyoming a little more each day.... This would only be a problem for those who reside there and need a permit from their state of residence to carry in other states such as Michigan.


02-18-10, 17:23
I miss Wyoming a little more each day.... This would only be a problem for those who reside there and need a permit from their state of residence to carry in other states such as Michigan.


A valid point. Hopefully more states will be headed this way with Vermont and Alaska, Arizona has something in the works right now. Currently I believe some of the best states for reciprocity include Utah, Florida & Nevada but it's been a while since I've done much in the way of research where that's concerned.

02-18-10, 18:14
Good luck to them, it sure is nice to not have to bother with such nuisances as Permits.;)

02-18-10, 18:23
Good luck to them, it sure is nice to not have to bother with such nuisances as Permits.;)

Why do all the cold states get no permit carry?!?! :)

02-18-10, 19:14
Why do all the cold states get no permit carry?!?! :)

No idea but I'm not about to complain :D

RancidSumo- A Proud Wyoming Resident

02-19-10, 01:18
No idea but I'm not about to complain :D

RancidSumo- A Proud Wyoming Resident

If everything goes well you might have a neighbor... then again AZ is going the same route and it's warm there ;)

Mauser KAR98K
02-19-10, 08:30
Us Tennessians' also have something in the works on par to the gun's made at home exemption. Hope it goes through.

96 SS
02-19-10, 08:50
Utah just passed the "State made" gun laws, and our CCW is good for almost all states. For some stupid reason NV dropped reciprocity though. Good to know our neighbor is keeping up the fight. With so many states passing similar
Maker laws this might just work out! Yeah to SBR's without stamps!

02-19-10, 10:40
Utah just passed the "State made" gun laws, and our CCW is good for almost all states. For some stupid reason NV dropped reciprocity though. Good to know our neighbor is keeping up the fight. With so many states passing similar
Maker laws this might just work out! Yeah to SBR's without stamps!

We did with UT & FL. There are threads here that go into depth & detail as to the reasons. Suffice it to say it wasn't a popular decision.

02-19-10, 10:53
All the cold States get free carry because it is too cold for "Gang Member Types". You don't see Thugs on the corner with their, "Pants on the ground" when it's below freezing outside. Also, not to sound racist, but we are the Whitest States with the lowest Violent Crime stats.:)

02-19-10, 10:56
All the cold States get free carry because it is too cold for "Gang Member Types". You don't see Thugs on the corner with their, "Pants on the ground" when it's below freezing outside. Also, not to sound racist, but we are the Whitest States with the lowest Violent Crime stats.:)

Alaska has a huge gang & drug problem according to the report I watched a few months ago.

02-19-10, 12:37
Hmmm.. Maybe that is so. That said, I suppose I should do my research a little better.

96 SS
02-19-10, 18:27
We did with UT & FL. There are threads here that go into depth & detail as to the reasons. Suffice it to say it wasn't a popular decision.

Yeah, I know why (learned it here - been lurking around a LONG time) but I still think it was fairly bone-headed.

02-19-10, 21:09
Silencers and machineguns cannot be taken into the game fields and forests of Wyoming.

Until this changes, this other stuff doesn't mean shit.

It is a pain in the ass to travel to Wyoming during a hunt and decide whether or not to bring silencers such as when I go antelope hunting and want to prairie dog hunt after I have filled my antelope tag. I cannot shoot up wind and use a silencer to control my muzzle blast and dust kick up during prairie dog hunting.

I also cannot just go out and shoot because I'm in WY for hunting, I am in the "game fields and forests" with a silencer but I am not hunting. However, WY law makes no distinction between the two.

02-19-10, 22:07
I wish Colorado had the proper representatives in place to at least challenge the restrictions in Denver.

02-20-10, 12:43
Silencers and machineguns cannot be taken into the game fields and forests of Wyoming.

Until this changes, this other stuff doesn't mean shit.

I disagree with you wholeheartedly. An American being able to exercise their Constitutional rights without having to pay a tax and getting permission from the government is a hell of a lot more important than you shooting a critter out in a field with a suppressor.

02-20-10, 13:54
I disagree with you wholeheartedly. An American being able to exercise their Constitutional rights without having to pay a tax and getting permission from the government is a hell of a lot more important than you shooting a critter out in a field with a suppressor.

Obviously that went over your head. The way WY law is worded, it can be argued that it illegal to have a silencer on rural land regardless of what you are doing.

WY already has CCW and the 2nd amendment was not indented for people to carry around pocket pistols. It was to protect military style weaponry such as silencers and machineguns.

02-22-10, 11:41
Obviously that went over your head. The way WY law is worded, it can be argued that it illegal to have a silencer on rural land regardless of what you are doing.

WY already has CCW and the 2nd amendment was not indented for people to carry around pocket pistols. It was to protect military style weaponry such as silencers and machineguns.

I'll refrain from making any condescending comments. Your assertion is presumptuous at best.

02-22-10, 11:43

Re: "No need to change Wyoming's gun laws," Opinion/Feb. 17.

I would like to address this in two parts. The true laws of the country and state we live in. And, my personal opinion on this subject.

First of all, I am a registered voter. I am a registered Republican. I have never voted a straight party ticket ... ever. As a matter of fact, I voted for Governor Dave twice. (I would not vote for him a third time. Because term limits are a good thing. No offense Dave.) The reason I bring this up is simple, I wish to point out that I am not blinded by only one side of an argument.

The obvious: Our tattered and seldom-read Constitution of the United States of America's Second Amendment says I, as a citizen, have the "right" to bear arms. Not a privilege, a right. Nowhere does it define this as pursuant to hunting or recreation. It does not define it by saying open carry or concealed. It simply says I have the "right." As a matter of fact it does not even describe what type of gun I may have.

People will argue that this was written in a different time where the understanding of today's society could not be appreciated. True, to a point. People were more polite in that bygone era. Personal responsibility was demanded also. If anything, this makes the "right" of bearing arms even more valid.

Article 1, Section 24 Wyoming State Constitution: "The right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and of the state shall not be denied."

That second fact is absolute. Wyoming says we all, as citizens of this state, have the right to bear arms. Not the right to get permits to bear arms. So in fact I question the legality of the concealed carry law(s). It does not sound legitimate. And if so, it should be abolished.

Laws that restrict law-abiding adult citizens' "rights" are unconstitutional. And since they are unconstitutional they carry no authority.

Criminals do not care about obtaining permits. Do you all get that? The only people affected by these types of laws are the ones that should not be affected at all. If criminals are not going to care about laws, then it is crazy to hamstring the honest law-abiding citizens of America and the state of Wyoming. Keep the playing field level. Promote a rebirth of personal responsibility. Truly educate our children about what it means to be a citizen of this country and state.


02-23-10, 10:12
GREAT NEWS!!! http://www.trib.com/news/state-and-regional/govt-and-politics/article_00ea5d76-819c-5a50-a6dc-fed5a5c9fa35.html

CHEYENNE -- The Wyoming House of Representatives on Monday passed legislation under which a permit would no longer be required to carry a concealed weapon in Wyoming.

If passed, Wyoming would become the third state, after Alaska and Vermont, to allow conceal-carry without a permit.

The bill, House Bill 113, passed 42-15. It now advances to the Senate, where it will be taken up as soon as the end of the week. But although the bill has Senate sponsors, Senate Majority Leader Jim Anderson, R-Glenrock, said the proposal will "probably be received with more scrutiny on the Senate side" than in the House.

Under the bill, anyone who meets the current requirements to obtain a concealed-weapons permit from the state would be allowed to carry a concealed weapon -- except that proof of firearms training would no longer be required.

If the legislation passes, Wyoming would still issue concealed-weapons permits to residents, as such permits are needed for Wyoming residents to carry a concealed weapon in several other states.

State Rep. Lorraine Quarberg, the Thermopolis Republican who sponsored the bill, said the legislation asserts Wyoming residents' Second Amendment right to bear arms.

"It's sad when law-abiding citizens have to get permission -- have to get permission, have to get the permit -- from the government," Quarberg said. "There's just something inherently wrong with that whole philosophy of the role the government should play in our lives."

Opponents said that the permit system helps weed out those who shouldn't be carrying concealed weapons. Law-abiding citizens, they said, have few problems being able to get a concealed weapons permit under the current system.

Anderson said following concerns expressed by law enforcement officials and others, there will likely be attempts in the Senate to restore some firearms training requirements and lengthen the six-month residency requirement in the bill. Senators will also likely try to merge HB113 with a second concealed-weapons bill in the Senate that attempts to clarify Wyoming law dealing with reciprocity with other states, he said.

If those issues are addressed, and the two bills are merged, "we'll come forth with something that will be acceptable," Anderson said.

Contact capital bureau reporter Jeremy Pelzer at 307-632-1244 or jeremy.pelzer@trib.com. Read more about Wyoming politics and government at http://tribtown.trib.com/wypolitics


House Bill 113

* What the bill would do: Assert that firearms made, sold and carried in Wyoming are exempt from federal gun laws.

* The latest: Passed the state House on Monday.

* What's next: The Senate will take up the legislation late this week or early next week.

How they voted

In favor (42): Anderson, Blikre, Bonner, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Cannady, Childers, Cohee, Craft, Davison, Diercks, Edmonds, Esquibel, Gilmore, Goggles, Harshman, Harvey, Illoway, Jaggi, Kimble, Lockhart, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Millin, Moniz, Peasley, Pedersen, Petersen, Quarberg, Semlek, Shepperson, Simpson, Stubson, Teeters, Thompson, Throne, Wallis, Zwonitzer (Dan).

Against (15): Bagby, Barbuto, Berger, Blake, Byrd, Carson, Connolly, Hales, Hammons, Jorgensen, Landon, Patton, Roscoe, Steward, Zwonitzer (David).

02-23-10, 10:43
I'll refrain from making any condescending comments. Your assertion is presumptuous at best.

How many times do you travel to WY with NFA weapons every year?

1 SF0079
Weapons authorized for hunting.
Sponsored by: Senator(s) Case and Vasey and
Representative(s) McOmie
1 AN ACT relating to game and fish; modifying restrictions on
2 the possession of weapons while hunting; authorizing the
3 possession of automatic weapons and silencers while
4 hunting; prohibiting the use of automatic weapons and
5 silencers in the taking of wildlife; repealing the
6 prohibition on carrying firearms while archery hunting; and
7 providing for an effective date.
9 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Wyoming:
11 Section 1. W.S. 23-3-112(a) is amended to read:
13 23-3-112. Firearms; automatic weapon or silencer
14 prohibited.
16 (a) No person shall take into or possess in the game
2 SF0079
1 fields or forests of any wildlife within the state of
2 Wyoming by the use of any fully automatic weapon or with
3 any firearm equipped with a device designed to silence or
4 muffle the report of any firearm.
6 Section 2. W.S. 23-2-104(d) is repealed.
8 Section 3. This act is effective July 1, 2006.
10 (END)

02-23-10, 10:53
How many times do you travel to WY with NFA weapons every year?

Obviously the point of this thread has gone completely over your head. Realistically what has more impact on the citizens and visitors of Wyoming, not having to have a CCW to carry concealed or shooting Thumper with a silencer? This thread has nothing to do with hunting or NFA weapons in Wyoming, if you'd like to start one please feel free.

02-23-10, 23:25
Obviously the point of this thread has gone completely over your head. Realistically what has more impact on the citizens and visitors of Wyoming, not having to have a CCW to carry concealed or shooting Thumper with a silencer? This thread has nothing to do with hunting or NFA weapons in Wyoming, if you'd like to start one please feel free.

My point is WY is not as free as you think it is.

The way the law is worded, you cannot take a silencer into a rural area in Wyoming reguardless if you are hunting or not. How many times do I have to repeat this?

Alpha Sierra
02-24-10, 05:22
Silencers and machineguns cannot be taken into the game fields and forests of Wyoming.

Until this changes, this other stuff doesn't mean shit.
To you.

It, however, means quite a bit to Wyoming residents and 99% of armed visitors. There is a long way to go before your pet peeves get their turn. There are more important things to worry about regarding gun rights, at the moment.

Alpha Sierra
02-24-10, 05:27
My point is WY is not as free as you think it is.
Wyoming is extremely free for the overwhelming majority of the population that does not have a hard-on for silencers.

BTW pocket pistols, whose purpose is 100% martial, are definitely protected by the 2nd Amendment.

02-24-10, 10:23
To you.

It, however, means quite a bit to Wyoming residents and 99% of armed visitors. There is a long way to go before your pet peeves get their turn. There are more important things to worry about regarding gun rights, at the moment.

I couldn't agree more.

BTW pocket pistols, whose purpose is 100% martial, are definitely protected by the 2nd Amendment.

Beyond a shadow of a doubt.

03-03-10, 12:12
Interesting Wyoming gun news: http://www.ammoland.com/2010/03/02/wyoming-firearms-freedom-act-2-passes-senate/

Wyoming – -(AmmoLand.com)- HB-95 Wyoming Firearms Freedom Act-2 passes Senate second reading.

Although it has been attacked by anti-gun Senators pandering to the Anti-Gun Police Union, it still has “Teeth”.

HB-95 needs to endure a third reading and then it will require the Governor’s approval. This legislation must move forward without any more attacks on the language or it will become a mere “Resolution” with “Pulled Teeth”.

To encourage the Senators to move the bill forward call (307) 777-8683

Also call the Governor’s Office at (307) 777-7434

Tell them to pass HB-95 without any further adulteration of the legislation

Go to page 6: http://legisweb.state.wy.us/2010/Introduced/HB0095.pdf

Dragon Slayer
03-03-10, 16:36
Obviously the point of this thread has gone completely over your head. Realistically what has more impact on the citizens and visitors of Wyoming, not having to have a CCW to carry concealed or shooting Thumper with a silencer? This thread has nothing to do with hunting or NFA weapons in Wyoming, if you'd like to start one please feel free.

Now you see what I was arguing about and who I was arguing with in the thread that was deleted regarding the "Is the NRA working against us" with people that will never be happy no matter what advances and gains we make for our gun rights.:(

If tomorrow they allow silencers and machine guns they will ask for RPG's and the ability to mine their fields against trespassers.:rolleyes:

03-03-10, 18:39
Now you see what I was arguing about and who I was arguing with in the thread that was deleted regarding the "Is the NRA working against us" with people that will never be happy no matter what advances and gains we make for our gun rights.:(

If tomorrow they allow silencers and machine guns they will ask for RPG's and the ability to mine their fields against trespassers.:rolleyes:

The home made state weapon laws are going nowhere.

CCW without a permit is nice to have but I don't care if I need a card or not.

Sorry to interrupt your circle jerk but this stuff doesn't mean shit.

03-03-10, 18:43
Wyoming is extremely free for the overwhelming majority of the population that does not have a hard-on for silencers.

BTW pocket pistols, whose purpose is 100% martial, are definitely protected by the 2nd Amendment.

I'm well aware of that.

My point is Wyoming is cited as "the freest of the free" when in fact it is not.

03-03-10, 19:59
Sorry to interrupt your circle jerk but this stuff doesn't mean shit.

If you weren't sitting in the middle with your mouth open you probably wouldn't be so upset about it.

Dragon Slayer
03-03-10, 22:08
[QUOTE=scottryan;589239 Sorry to interrupt your circle jerk but this stuff doesn't mean shit.[/QUOTE]

Why don't you go to GOA and ask them to help you with your needs? That way you and GOA can jerk off together. Or maybe they can sue the pro gun pro 2nd legislators from Wyoming by saying that what they did is not worth shit because a whiny child wants to shoot critters and rodents with a silencer. :rolleyes:

People like you usually try nothing, do nothing, accomplish nothing, except alienate friend and foe and only shoot their mouth and have sex with themselves.:p:rolleyes:

07-01-10, 13:29
Just thought I'd bump this back up as I've spoken with a Wyoming Rep. who voted for this the first time around and he said that it will likely come back this year too. This was its fate last year-


Conceal-carry bill martyred for less-controversial bills
Posted by: Jeremy at 5:55PM EST on February 26, 2010
A Senate committee on Friday let legislation die that would allow concealed weapons to be carried without a permit in Wyoming.

But Senate Labor Committee members didn't necessarily block the bill because they opposed the proposal, which has been one of the most talked-about bills in the 2010 legislative budget session.

With only one week left in the 20-day session, Labor Committee members felt that the inevitable debate over the concealed-weapons bill would take up so much time that it would prevent other bills from being addressed, said state Sen. Bruce Burns, R-Sheridan, one of five Labor Committee members.

"The question is, how many bills were going to die if we passed this," Burns said.

Labor Committee members effectively "pocket-vetoed" the bill by refusing to add it to Friday's committee meeting agenda. Under legislative rules, any piece of legislation that didn't pass out of committee by Friday was automatically killed.

At least one committee member was a likely supporter of the concealed-weapons bill, House Bill 113: Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Tony Ross, R-Cheyenne, was a co-sponsor of the legislation.

When speaking to this Rep. he told me something that I believe everyone needs to keep in mind. He said that he would be more supportive if normal people would come talk to him about why it is needed. He says that the last time around, there were a lot of crazy people that came in and ranted on about all of the stereotypical fears and why they think it needs to be passed. Due to this he is unsure about supporting it again in the future. Keep that in mind everyone, our legislators need to hear rational, down to earth, arguments as to why this kind of thing is vital to the people.

When it comes up again here in WY, contact your reps but do it in a way that shows that you are grounded in reality and show how it will help solve real world, current problems.

07-01-10, 13:47
Proud of my cousin (http://www.lisashepperson.com/) that i grew up with :) :) :)

In favor (42): Anderson, Blikre, Bonner, Brechtel, Brown, Buchanan, Cannady, Childers, Cohee, Craft, Davison, Diercks, Edmonds, Esquibel, Gilmore, Goggles, Harshman, Harvey, Illoway, Jaggi, Kimble, Lockhart, Lubnau, Madden, McKim, McOmie, Miller, Millin, Moniz, Peasley, Pedersen, Petersen, Quarberg, Semlek, Shepperson, Simpson, Stubson, Teeters, Thompson, Throne, Wallis, Zwonitzer (Dan).