View Full Version : There hasn't been much discussion of the Olympics

02-18-10, 16:57
Just wanted to chime in USA on top but of course 15 medals!! Hell yeah!

Also anyone else notice that this years games are much more sloppy than previous games? I mean the downhill womans yesterday 3 girls wiped out hard! It's not just that either, everyone is wiping out consistenly, not finishing the courses etc. Not to mention the death of the Georgian luger. Even the pairs skating (and don't act like your woman don't make you watch) are making some huge errors and still winning. Cross country woman's one of them fell off a ledge down a slope and hit a rock! I mean WTF? Just don't eve remember the Olympics being this dangerous.

Jay Cunningham
02-18-10, 17:22
I wouldn't watch the Winter Olympics even if they were taking place on my patio.

02-18-10, 17:42
The only Olympic event I am interested in is the USA-Canada Mens Hockey match-up. Oh, and I recently fell in love with Julia Mancuso!

02-18-10, 17:49
Just for you bro, Julia Mancuso is all her glory :D



02-18-10, 19:28
Winter Olympics? Yawn. Wake me when women's volleyball comes on in 2012.

02-18-10, 19:32
Shooting is the only thing that interests me, and they play a few minutes here and there. Not enough to sit down and wait for it to come on.

Don't care in the least about skiing, skating, bobsled, and whatever else they are doing.

02-18-10, 19:53
I'm loving it! Not only do I get to watch hockey but I get to watch women's hockey. It doesn't get any better!

GO CANADA!!! (for the men's team)

GO USA!!! (for the women's team)

02-18-10, 20:17
I wouldn't watch the Winter Olympics even if they were taking place on my patio.

You obviously havent seen some of the women that are participating....

I have been watching the medal count though, the USA is looking good. I used a weighted scale to see how everyone compares (5-gold, 3-silver, 1-bronze) and so far we are ahead.

Hopefully canada loses to the swiss for mens hockey.

02-18-10, 20:50
We've watched a little. That short track speed skating stuff is wild. Have not had it on the last couple days though. The wife is a little more keen than I am though once on I tend to watch with her. Wife has had night shift though yesterday and tonight so the boy has the Wii on instead.

02-18-10, 20:52
Just wanted to chime in USA on top but of course 15 medals!! Hell yeah!

Also anyone else notice that this years games are much more sloppy than previous games? I mean the downhill womans yesterday 3 girls wiped out hard! It's not just that either, everyone is wiping out consistenly, not finishing the courses etc. Not to mention the death of the Georgian luger. Even the pairs skating (and don't act like your woman don't make you watch) are making some huge errors and still winning. Cross country woman's one of them fell off a ledge down a slope and hit a rock! I mean WTF? Just don't eve remember the Olympics being this dangerous.

Look at who is putting it on :p

What do you expect? eh?

(just jokin')

02-18-10, 21:15
Hopefully canada loses to the swiss for mens hockey.

That was one awesome game! Crosby getting the game-winner in a shootout had to have been exciting for the home crowd! Great game.

Up next for me is the China vs Russia womens game!

02-19-10, 08:40
I got no problem watching it everyday. It sure as Hell beats most other things on TV.:D

02-19-10, 09:31
Wife's had it on every day. I'll pay attention to the short track speedskating, snowboarding, hockey, anything with Lindsey Vonn, and strangely enough curling.

I can do without the ice skating...when that crap comes on it's time for me to fire up the PS3.

02-19-10, 12:38

02-19-10, 13:13
That Canada/swiss hockey game was awesome! USA v Canada this sunday! cant wait :) I personally like the winter olympics more than the summer...

And Julia Mancuso is my new favorite skier :):)

02-19-10, 13:33
Shaun white was wicked the other night in the half pipe. Just closing around on his victory run he smashed his first score. The women snow boarding was pathetic. WTF were they even doing in the olympics. They barely could get out of the pipe.

02-19-10, 15:21
Just for you bro, Julia Mancuso is all her glory :D



I quoted this just so we could see it again. :D

02-19-10, 15:26
Shooting is the only thing that interests me, and they play a few minutes here and there. Not enough to sit down and wait for it to come on.

Don't care in the least about skiing, skating, bobsled, and whatever else they are doing.

I love some events and dont care about others. Just an FYI there is the biathlon, cross country skiing and shooting.

02-19-10, 15:33
I love it when they talk about the biathlon and call the participants bi-athletes.

02-19-10, 15:54
That Canada/swiss hockey game was awesome! USA v Canada this sunday! cant wait :) I personally like the winter olympics more than the summer...

And Julia Mancuso is my new favorite skier :):)

That was a great game! Canada better hustle if they want to beat the USA on Sunday.

02-23-10, 06:09
One thing I did with the last summer games was try to see and relate each countries performance relative to medal count. The end solution, to establish a talking point, was to weight each medal, and I used 5-3-1 for gold-silver-bronze. I felt this was a fair way to judge. Others have suggested weighing each sport differently, but I really didnt care for that. I simply used 5-3-1.

Currently the USA leads with a score of 69 (7-8-10)

USA 7-8-10 Score: 69 Count: 25
Canada 5-4-1 Score: 38 Count: 10
Switzerland 5-0-2 Score: 27 Count: 7
Germany 7-9-5 Score: 67 Count: 21
Korea 4-4-1 Score: 33 Count: 9
France 2-2-4 Score: 20 Count: 8
Norway 6-3-5 Score: 44 Count: 14

02-23-10, 12:27
I've enjoyed the bits I've seen. I just don't like NBC and the way they do the Olympics. When I already know who got the medal, why do I want to watch the event?

Dragon Slayer
02-23-10, 13:19
I watch it all the time, being a skier I can appreciate the adrenalin and risk in going 90 miles an hour down hill.;)

02-23-10, 14:26
i enjoy keeping up with some of the events. The downhill & short track are very entertaining. While biathalon is like watching the grass grow, I'm very amazed at the shooting skills.

This jerkoff however:


needs a kick to the taint with a ski boot...what a tool.

02-23-10, 14:44
This jerkoff however:


needs a kick to the taint with a ski boot...what a tool.

He is an embarrassment to himself and his country. And what is with the hair. The Russian pairs ice dancing dude had the same type of hair... I thought that hair died in the 70s. Maybe it is still the 70s in Russia or they are just catching up after over 70 years of CP rule?

02-23-10, 14:55
He is an embarrassment to himself and his country. And what is with the hair. The Russian pairs ice dancing dude had the same type of hair... I thought that hair died in the 70s. Maybe it is still the 70s in Russia or they are just catching up after over 70 years of CP rule?

a russian mullet??

I never could quite grasp the attn. the figure / dancing skaters bring to the olympics. Some of the gals are quite the hotties though. I overheard one of the announcers say that their custume counts for some of the score....wth?? no doubt they have talent but not sure how it pulls more audience than the speed skaters.

I have to admit I kinda root for the non u.s. competitors to fall and do kinda giggle when it happens. Certainly nothing I'm proud as it has to hurt to train so hard only to muff it up.

02-23-10, 19:41
So the bronze medal winner of the half pipe was ermm told to go home after posing for a pic in somewhere in a pub or what have you holding his medal in front of his crotch while a girl was on her knees kissing the medal :cool:
What did they expect from extreme snow boarders?