View Full Version : Five Muslim Soldiers Arrested at Fort Jackson in South Carolina

02-19-10, 04:36

The enemy within.......

CBN News has learned exclusively that five Muslim soldiers at Fort Jackson in South Carolina were arrested just before Christmas. It is unclear whether the men are still in custody. The five were part of the Arabic Translation program at the base.

The men are suspected of trying to poison the food supply at Fort Jackson.

A source with intimate knowledge of the investigation, which is ongoing, told CBN News investigators suspect the "Fort Jackson Five" may have been in contact with the group of five Washington, DC area Muslims that traveled to Pakistan to wage jihad against U.S. troops in December. That group was arrested by Pakistani authorities, also just before Christmas.

Coming as it does on the heels of November's Fort Hood jihadist massacre, this news has major implications.

Stay tuned to this blog for more details.

02-19-10, 04:48
Does the military still hang traitors?!? :mad:

02-19-10, 06:05
Does the military still hang traitors?!? :mad:

I wish we still lived in the days of harsh and swift judgement.

02-19-10, 07:20
haj strikes again. when will we learn?

02-19-10, 07:51
Hang them and bury them with the bodies of pigs in order to make them unclean in death. A little more scary to Muslims than dead in itself.

02-19-10, 08:55
Gee what a surprise.

We had a muslim kid in my old unit who refused to leave the wire because he might have to shoot another muslim. Guy was a shitbag for other reasons, too.

Also funny the story gets buried, and our dear leader never mentioned it.

02-19-10, 09:04
Replace the word "Muslim" with "Christian" and it would be front page material... The mid-stream media strikes again.....

02-19-10, 09:20
Replace the word "Muslim" with "Christian" and it would be front page material... The mid-stream media strikes again.....

But muslims committing terrorist acts from within the military doesn't fit into the president's notion to reach out to the middle east and kiss their asses to make them like us.

02-19-10, 09:49
Ummm, I'm not into defending these guys, and if they did it, no problem, they should hang.

But........this has not been proved. Even Fox News, the only reputable news source that has anything on this story, said this:


"The ongoing probe began two months ago, Chris Grey, a spokesman for the Army’s Criminal Investigation Division, told Fox News.

The Army is taking the allegations “extremely seriously,” Grey said, but so far, "there is no credible information to support the allegations.""

Bottom line: the story MAY be true, but at best it is unconfirmed.

02-19-10, 09:58
Before we hang 'em high.....I'd seriously question the CBN source.

02-19-10, 10:44
If it's in fact proven true then justice should be carried out swifty and in public, make an example of them.

02-19-10, 10:49
haj strikes again. when will we learn?

We won't. Hell, I got yelled at HERE for suggesting that perhaps we ought not to give Muslims security clearances.

02-19-10, 11:10
We won't. Hell, I got yelled at HERE for suggesting that perhaps we ought not to give Muslims security clearances.

Clarify. Where do you mean by HERE?

02-19-10, 11:10
People think we need to leave the Middle East, to me this is proof that we need to send more troops. We can fight them in their back yard or ours. And I do agree, racial profiling is BS!!! I'm not suggesting we use internment camps, there are plenty of good muslims out there, but lets not let political correctness be our fatal flaw. "Well America was destroyed, but at least they didn't offend anyone"

02-19-10, 11:30
Clarify. Where do you mean by HERE?

Here as in this site.

02-19-10, 11:37
I've heard about this from other people. Maybe they just saw the same article but they are service members and this may have been a topic of discussion recently. Anyhow, I really don't know what this means. Sure we assume that Muslims in our military who get caught doing something bad must mean it was a really bad thing they did. For all we know this could have been a small attempt of revenge from them being hazed for their religious beliefs...etc we can't really jump to conclusions.

02-19-10, 12:13
When my Grandfather was stationed in Italy (15th AAF) during WWII this happened to them. A bunch of guys got sick from food prepared by locals from town and they suspected food poisoning.

During their next bombing run one of the bombs got hung up and on the way back came free just as they were flying over the town.

They didn't experience any more problems with the locals after that.

02-19-10, 12:25
And I do agree, racial profiling is BS!!

no its not.. its a tool of limited use, like all other tactics.

its more to do with HOW you racially profile, and what you then do about the conclusions you draw.

stopping random people because of the color of their skin and searching them down all over the place is no-go. or anything even close to that. but because there really aren't that many around here, and the fact that their religion commands them to kill most of America, singling out muslim-looking people and keeping an extra eye on them is perfectly reasonable. this, while "unfair," is practical, and WILL lead to the prevention of terrorist attacks against Americans.

02-19-10, 12:55
no its not.. its a tool of limited use, like all other tactics.

its more to do with HOW you racially profile, and what you then do about the conclusions you draw.

stopping random people because of the color of their skin and searching them down all over the place is no-go. or anything even close to that. but because there really aren't that many around here, and the fact that their religion commands them to kill most of America, singling out muslim-looking people and keeping an extra eye on them is perfectly reasonable. this, while "unfair," is practical, and WILL lead to the prevention of terrorist attacks against Americans.


I'm sure if you joined the military and told them your religion was Christian Identity you'd get a more than thorough check over. I think it is prudent to do the same with Muslims.

Not all of them are going to be fifth column enemy combatants, of course by the same token not all Christian Identity folks would be a problem. But the probability is higher than average so they both merit an extra look to be sure.

02-19-10, 13:21
You are right it is a tool of limited use. I am just easily frustrated with how people and orginazations go out of there way to be polite or are over careful to be "equal." For instance I heard a story about TSA doing a "random search" of a really old guy, could barly walk or hold his arms up for the medal dector wond. A little ridiculous if you ask me.

02-19-10, 13:31
You are right it is a tool of limited use. I am just easily frustrated with how people and orginazations go out of there way to be polite or are over careful to be "equal." For instance I heard a story about TSA doing a "random search" of a really old guy, could barly walk or hold his arms up for the medal dector wond. A little ridiculous if you ask me.

This happens ALL the time and is not an isolated incident. I travel constantly through airports and see this almost every week.

02-19-10, 13:50
This happens ALL the time and is not an isolated incident. I travel constantly through airports and see this almost every week.

I have a relative that worked for TSA before he got a better job. He told me that those that worked the security checkpoints were to conduct random searches. However, should the random searches appear to target a particular race, ethic, or religious group too often then those sensitive individuals should be skipped over. Obviously the whole process is not random nor is it designed to actually catch a terrorist.

02-19-10, 15:20
Does the military still hang traitors?!? :mad:

We don't even hang foreign terrorists! We give them trials in NYC! These guys will probably be sent to a rehab program.

02-19-10, 16:21
We don't even hang foreign terrorists! We give them trials in NYC! These guys will probably be sent to a rehab program.

Maybe even be appointed as Czars...

02-19-10, 17:45
and the fact that their religion commands them to kill most of America,


singling out muslim-looking people and keeping an extra eye on them is perfectly reasonable. this, while "unfair," is practical, and WILL lead to the prevention of terrorist attacks against Americans.

muslim looking people? WTF? what an ignorant comment.

and do you think terrorists are stupid enough to use people who look like terrorists to commit their acts?

this tactic will only backfire. look at all the terrorist attempts we've had recently. did any of them look muslim?

02-19-10, 18:29
Czars!!!! So true. Appoint a Terrorist Czar and it will solve everying!!!! ;)

02-19-10, 19:11
muslim looking people? WTF? what an ignorant comment.

ignorant? ok.. explain how i'm ignorant because i've noticed the correlation between islam and ethnic background. that's not ignorance, it's simply possessing visual perception.

and do you think terrorists are stupid enough to use people who look like terrorists to commit their acts?

are they going to use blonde haired white chicks with blue eyes for all future attacks?

this tactic will only backfire. look at all the terrorist attempts we've had recently. did any of them look muslim?

well, i hate to be the bringer of badder news, but this is already how its done.

i dont keep a journal of every terrorist attack, but i can tell you for a certainty that the vast majority of the perpetrators LOOK MUSLIM.

02-19-10, 19:19
ignorant? ok.. explain how i'm ignorant because i've noticed the correlation between islam and ethnic background. that's not ignorance, it's simply possessing visual perception.

because there are many people who you would think look like muslims, who in fact are not.

just as there are many people who do not look muslim at all who in fact are.

are they going to use blonde haired white chicks with blue eyes for all future attacks?

way to take it to the extreme. :rolleyes:

probably not, yet they are smart enough to use people who do not look like terrorists.

this guy look like a terrorist or muslim to you?


how about this guy?


i dont keep a journal of every terrorist attack, but i can tell you for a certainty that the vast majority of the perpetrators LOOK MUSLIM.

thats your opinion i guess. i disagree.

02-19-10, 19:28
Alright, this is only going one way, and it's down hill.