View Full Version : tiger woods

02-20-10, 06:26
Does his lame apology make anyone think different about him?

He should have just maned up and said he is rich and hot chick throw themselves at him. I can not blame him. It also has nothing to do with advertising, he can bang a hooker on a green and his advertisers will make money, but they will complain about negative publicly while they are cashing checks.

02-20-10, 07:55
I apon hearing the news, bought some Tiger Woods gatorade just hoping it contained his lady rounding powers.

No porn stars yet:D

02-20-10, 08:05
Hrmm should have worked?

Oh wait did you win the masters? That might have some thing to do with it.

Any advertiser that bailed on him should be screwed, unless he deals with them again. He should have already made enough to last his life and his kids, so he should have got on camera and said you can all find something better to do.

02-20-10, 09:05
I feel the women he nailed should be apologizing to everyone, including him and his wife. There was a reason why he kept his private life private. The media is treating him like he is a criminal. Like he killed someone. Who cares that he cheated on his wife, show me 20 athletes that haven't... It wasn't effecting his game play, yet his sponsors dropped him (not all). The women that outed him are just pissed because he either wouldn't drop his wife for them, and/or wanted a cash payout.

Regardless how many holes tigers has nailed, he will still be the greatest golfer of all time. I just hope this stress doesn't effect his play. There is no reason he needs to apologize to the public. He didn't do anything to us.

Just my opinion.

02-20-10, 09:09
apology? what did he do?


I saw a brief part of it on sportscenter today. He did seem to be genuine and this is a necessary first step for him in his unique situation (public sports figure). now the girls should do their part and apologize, lert his wife make a brief statement....and then.......wait for it......

DROP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just hate seeing things like this drag on and on and on and on and on and on and....well you get the idea. do the apologies that society wants to hear then move on with life, not just Tiger, but EVERYONE!

02-20-10, 09:11
He should have been a man and apologized to the people he cared about, asked them to leave, and told all the reporters that they already got the story.

THEN he should hire PI's to deal with all the reporters, and see what they do on their off time.

02-20-10, 09:19
He should have been a man and apologized to the people he cared about, asked them to leave, and told all the reporters that they already got the story.

THEN he should hire PI's to deal with all the reporters, and see what they do on their off time.

conspiracy? lol

Yeah it should be dropped..

02-20-10, 09:26
conspiracy? lol

Yeah it should be dropped..

WTF are you talking about? No conspiracy at all. Just someone standing up and investigating all the reporters that have more skeletons in their closets than anyone they report on.

02-20-10, 09:29
All those woman knew he was married .. so they are just as guilty as he is (it takes two to tango as they say). Why aren't they apologizing for their part in this ... they are all coming off like they are victims ... like Tiger forced them into this horrible situation. Shit they were probably falling over each other in the hall way to get into bed with him and they had Big Ole $$ signs in their eyes. Ya he did his wife wrong ... but there has been way worse done by way more people .. but they weren't Tiger Woods so nobody cares.

02-20-10, 10:22
Tiger Woods should not have apologized because it was a personal issue and his apology did not look genuine. This whole situation is about money: media looking to sell papers and advertisement, those females looking to sell exclusive stories and plant their face wherever they could, and sponsor's pressuring of Tiger to apologize so they can increase their sales. This is the price you pay for being a celebrity and you have to accept all the BS that comes with it. He should have followed Derek Jeter's lead and date all those models/actresses and not get married ;), no alimony and child support.

02-20-10, 12:42
I was sick of hearing about this about 5 seconds after it "broke".

How people actually think this is any of their business simply amazes me.

...Unless of course he was stickin it to you.

BTW-Gloria Alred(?) should be shot into space(with no ship).

02-21-10, 03:25
How people actually think this is any of their business simply amazes me.
