View Full Version : Move Over MW2 this looks ridonkulous!

02-20-10, 12:30

I love this series and it looks even better.

release april 13th

02-20-10, 12:54
Exclusively on Xbox and PC?! That's no good. I'd think that PS3 would be the perfect platform for a game like that. Oh well time to buy an Xbox after my next trip to Kyrgz.

02-20-10, 13:09
very innovative gameplay. looks cool

02-20-10, 14:09
I've been waiting for this to be released for a while now.

02-20-10, 14:39
Looks pretty good with some creative touches to combat. Now all they have to do is make it realistic so I'll buy it.

Whatever happened to Rainbow 6?

02-20-10, 14:43
I haven't played a Splinter Cell game since the 1st one was released on the orignal Xbox many moons ago.

This one however has piqued my interest.

02-20-10, 15:58
good post, game looks really cool. All that grey-scale will really test the limits of my TV !

02-20-10, 17:05
Thank God it's on PC.

02-20-10, 17:27
Looks promising but no PS3=Fail.

02-20-10, 18:39
I have the first Splinter Cell for GC (even though I have an xbox, yes fail), and didn't care for it. Too realistic/hard to be fun.

Metal Gear Solid is about as stealth as I would want a game.

02-20-10, 20:15
Now all they have to do is make it realistic so I'll buy it.

Ya, when I saw Fisher wearing a backpack I thought to myself, "Cool. They're making the game more realistic."
But then I watched the rest of the trailer.

I've been waiting for this game for a couple years now. It looks pretty fun, although I'm not sure if I can get past the super-ninja part.

02-20-10, 22:00
I'm willing to try a game that lets you smash a dude's head through a urinal...although in my admittedly limited experience they are considerably less fragile than a person's face.

02-20-10, 22:35
I've had this reserved for 2 years now. That and they screwed up the old school multi-player. I'll buy it regardless, but I'll miss spies vs. mercs. The original SC theater map was scary good.

02-20-10, 22:43
I've had this reserved for 2 years now. That and they screwed up the old school multi-player. I'll buy it regardless, but I'll miss spies vs. mercs. The original SC theater map was scary good.

i loved sc multiplayer. no guns and pure stealth

02-21-10, 00:03
I'm willing to try a game that lets you smash a dude's head through a urinal...although in my admittedly limited experience they are considerably less fragile than a person's face.

I've found them to be the opposite.:o