View Full Version : I’m Painting Ammo Box’s = Zombie Camo FUN!!

02-21-10, 03:02
Hey guys,
You guessed it!, it’s me Linkpimp again (with another one of my what did you do now threads) Hahahahaaaa.. This time I’m just screwing around with some ammo box’s.. If your asking yourself (WHY?) then you don't know me do you.. LOL.LOL..

Much like all of my projects this is another first!, I’ve never painted any ammo boxs and you’ve properly never seen a painted ammo box (let alone in Zombie camo) so this should be first for both of us.. LOL…

First off, let me say (looking for an excuse) This is my first project were I went all free hand it was a bitch!!! I need to work (practice) on my pistol’s (big time) LOL.LOL… Overall I think it turned out ok… I think I need to add more smoke (I think?). Hey team!, does the color of the helmet look right?? I’m thinking it really needs to be green? Or something else??. Also can you see the netting on the helmet? Does that look ok?? It was my first netting job, anyway I hope you like it, if not, that’s cool too.. Just please tell me why you don't like it so I can luern from my mistakes..

Thank you for your time gentlemen and have a great weekend..


In the beginning..


All primed up:


Holly POOP.. here goes nothing.. (wish me luck!)..

Working it..



02-21-10, 03:03
Detailing in the helmet strap (how cool is that!)..


Adding the helmet detail


Starting the fill…


Added in the pistol (Colt .45 - 1911), spent brass and smoke (I think I need to add more smoke?)


02-21-10, 03:04
The Second on is a favorite of mine and it really helps me work on my fine line detailing.. IMO





Then I move on to another can and come up with this.. hahahaaa..


02-21-10, 03:05

02-21-10, 03:06
Then I put them all together and I come up with this.. Not to shabby, I still have a few hours to of fill and detail but it looking cool… Well better than just green ammo box’s (you can give me that!).. LOL.LOL..


Let’s not forget about the other sides too.. Tons of hours left but you get the idea of what I’m going for.. Different!.. http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii195/TDC57/fun%20stuff/10.gif


Thanks for your time everybody and have a great one


Please stay tuned or keep an eye out for your next upcoming post.. I’m working on my Salute to the troops and my F-YOU to our current enemies.. I just need to figure out a way as to NOT piss off the entire Muslim community.. http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii195/TDC57/fun%20stuff/anim_rofl2.gif http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii195/TDC57/fun%20stuff/anim_rofl2.gif

02-21-10, 03:14
You are talented. I'm not one for painting weapons etc. anything that isn't functional however, I could get down on some painted ammo cans. Good job. Look forward to seeing more.

Thanks Man.. I'm glad you like it...

I knew if I kept at it, I would get something right.. Everybody seams the love the idea of a painted ammo can..

GO FOR IT SIR... It's really easy, fun and extremely cheep to do.. It does take a few hours thou but it’s all good..

Have a fun and please post pics of your project when your done..


02-21-10, 05:07

02-21-10, 09:05
are you free handing or using a stencil .I see the airbrush.....

02-21-10, 10:42
I think the OP said all free hand. I remember not too long ago he did a zombie camo on an AR and it looked pretty bad ass too.

I think you got a good idea going here, and eventually you will want to branch off and paint other things you might be able to make a buck on some of these. I wouldnt mind having a few of your ammo cans done up like this. I'd attempt at doing it myself, but like ZDL said, my mastery of art ends at stickmen.

02-21-10, 11:02
Nice work...I like the tan boxes with just the black outlines. Simple but
effective. Maybe a good label method.

2 skulls = .223
3 skulls = .308
4 skulls = .45


02-21-10, 13:27
Man the only thing I can draw is flies . I'm downright envious.

02-21-10, 13:45
Dudes got too much time on his hands...Those are awesome. I do fine painting/touching up with just one color.

02-22-10, 00:15
are you free handing or using a stencil .I see the airbrush.....

The WWII one and the Grim Reaper are freehand, the skulls on fire I used a stencil for the outline only.. I’m trying to wing myself of the stencils at this point..

I'm glad you liked it..

Have a great one


I think the OP said all free hand. I remember not too long ago he did a zombie camo on an AR and it looked pretty bad ass too.

I think you got a good idea going here, and eventually you will want to branch off and paint other things you might be able to make a buck on some of these. I wouldnt mind having a few of your ammo cans done up like this. I'd attempt at doing it myself, but like ZDL said, my mastery of art ends at stickmen.

Thanks Dmanflynn.. I’m glad you like them.. Hey quick question for you SIR.. I can do tons of different things.. What would you like to see???.

If your serious about the cans I’ll be more than happy to sell you a few.. Just send me a PM and we’ll go from there..

Thanks for your time and have a great one


Nice work...I like the tan boxes with just the black outlines. Simple but
effective. Maybe a good label method.

2 skulls = .223
3 skulls = .308
4 skulls = .45


THANKS… I’m glad you liked them.. How many should I put you down for?? Hahah (jk)

I do like the idea of the marking / labeling too…. I just might use that one..

Thanks again for your time and I’m glad you like them..

Have a great one

Man the only thing I can draw is flies . I'm downright envious.

That’s GREAT!... LOL.. Thanks for the smile.. I'm of course I’m sorry you haven’t had the opportunity to hone you skills airbrushing skills yet but MAN.. That’s just funny the way you put it..

Thanks for stopping by and checking it out..


Dudes got too much time on his hands...Those are awesome. I do fine painting/touching up with just one color.

Thanks Sir I’m glad you like it..

These projects are a GREAT way to fill that down time between (10:00pm to 2:00 am)

Have a great one and thanks again for checking it out and leaving a comment..


02-22-10, 00:24
I like your work :cool:

02-22-10, 15:12
They are all badass, but i'm in lust with the red one! Nice work.

Too f'in cool.


02-22-10, 16:35
very nice!!! whatdya charge if someone sends you a can and a picture? :)

i foresee a side money-making venture in your future...

02-23-10, 00:13
These look sick!!

I would love to have some if I didn't just keep my cans in the storage safe....

Maybe just two nice painted cans to take to the range for carrying tools/ammo.

02-23-10, 00:49
I like your work :cool:

Cool... thanks man.. I'm glad you like it..

Thanks for stopping by and checking it out..

Have a great one

They are all badass, but i'm in lust with the red one! Nice work.

Too f'in cool.


Thanks Sir.. You can have that box.. Well not that box it's mine the original, but I’ll be more than happy to paint you up one like it for $60.00.. ;)

Anyway Cool.. I’m glad you like it..

Thanks for the complement..


very nice!!! whatdya charge if someone sends you a can and a picture? :)

i foresee a side money-making venture in your future...

Thank you sir I’m glad you like them..

I’m been asking $60 for the ones with the one big color pic and background (whatever picture you want) and the rest of the can will can will have / be in the two dimensional drawings with a standard background.

And or $35.00 for one’s that just done in two colors everywhere.

Plus shipping ;)..

If that works cool.. Please flee free to shot me a pm and we’ll go from there, if not no worries at all.. I’ve actually got tons of guys who want them to and I’ll be painting up a bunch of cans this coming weekend..

Yes I’ll be more than happy to paint anything you want (if I can do it) for just a little more coin.

Anyway thank you for your time and have a great one


I will be singing and number them on the bottom of the inside of the lid.. You never know.. LOL..

These look sick!!

I would love to have some if I didn't just keep my cans in the storage safe....

Maybe just two nice painted cans to take to the range for carrying tools/ammo.

I hope they wouldn’t end up in the safe?. These cans are fun and should be enjoyed by all (I say) I love going to range and unpacking my stuff, The expressions are priceless and it a great way to have conversation with others too.. For what it worth all of the cans come sealed in flat matt finish so it wont exactly scratch easy too..

If and when you ready for one or two then please feel free to shot me a pm and we’ll go from there..

Thank you for your time and regardless if you decide to get one or not, I do appreciate your time and I thank you for the compliment.
