View Full Version : any of you guys see "michael moore hates america" ?

02-21-10, 15:01
it's actually a very well done film. the guy basically interviews a lot of very inspiring americans to prove that this country isn't the oppressive hellhole that michael moore portrays it to be.
if you've ever had to sit through a moore film, this will make ya feel a lot better :D

it's available free on hulu.com right now.

02-21-10, 16:10
I love Michael Moore films, they allow me to readily identify idiots.

Someone claims anything he shows is the truth; Idiot. Someone calls one of his films a documentary; Idiot.

02-21-10, 16:21
Cant say I like his films to much either but it provides food for thought nonetheless.
Anyone seen Zeitgeist?

02-21-10, 17:01
Cant say I like his films to much either but it provides food for thought nonetheless.
Anyone seen Zeitgeist?

I agree his films do provide food for thought. I just wish his mother would have thought more before giving birth to a human piece of shit.

02-21-10, 18:24
I agree his films do provide food for thought. I just wish his mother would have thought more before giving birth to a human piece of shit.

LOL, so very true. To bad he has a cult like following of sheep.

02-21-10, 18:34
"didnt you see fahrenheit 911??? bush is like best friends with osama bin laden! its a ****in fact, man!"

"don't YOU know that movie isn't a documentary, and that michael moore has never claimed it is, and that he'd fully admitted most of it is fabrication and for pure entertainment purposes?"

"yea, but some of it's still true!"

can't tell you how many conversations i've had like that.

02-21-10, 18:39
i saw one michael moore film- bowling for columbine.. i didn't know who he was, or what the movie was about.. i'd just heard it was good. within 5 minutes, it was obvious that the movie was extremely left wing and 100% anti-gun and anti-america. i have never watched a michael moore film since, officially boycotting his lying drivel, to the point that i took a C, which would have been an A, in one of my sociology classes because i refused to watch one of his movies required for the term paper. michael moore's lies literally effected my life- that's one of maybe 2 C's i have on my entire transcript.

02-21-10, 18:45
....i wouldn't piss on michael moore if he was on fire, much less watch his films.

02-21-10, 21:52
you guys would love michael moore hates america :D (just to clarify it is NOT by michael moore)

02-21-10, 22:16
I will say this, this guys does not need any attention. I will not even go near a website of his only because he would acknowledge this as as fan hit.

This guy is fat **** who only cares about himself. F USA, F the world. he is the type who should be suffering in one of Dante's lower levels of hell, except not the ninth since he is pretty much a POS and that would be giving him too much credit.

Just stay away from this fat disgusting asshole. He will only get you with his flaggilations(even I have wrote more than I want)

02-22-10, 01:00
i saw one michael moore film- bowling for columbine.. i didn't know who he was, or what the movie was about.. i'd just heard it was good. within 5 minutes, it was obvious that the movie was extremely left wing and 100% anti-gun and anti-america.

actually bowling for columbine was not at all anti-gun. he pointed out several times throughout the film that guns were not the problem.

02-22-10, 02:45
actually bowling for columbine was not at all anti-gun. he pointed out several times throughout the film that guns were not the problem.

im not even going to debate that- our definition of "anti gun" is probably very different.

if your attitude toward guns is anything other than "absolutely zero laws, restrictions, or oversight," then you're anti-gun, in my opinion. for perspective.

02-22-10, 05:02
I already knew that Michael Moore hated America. Thanks for the heads up though.

Preferred User
02-22-10, 07:59
if your attitude toward guns is anything other than "absolutely zero laws, restrictions, or oversight," then you're anti-gun, in my opinion. for perspective.I am sure you meant to add: for law abiding citizens. I know there are some cases where otherwise decent people have become felons and cannot legally possess a firearm, and know that even though the criminals rarely respect laws that govern the possession, there are good laws that we prosecute for offenses of misuse of a firearm.

02-22-10, 09:30
I have never seen F911, although from hearing about it it sounds like a real winner :rolleyes:

Bowling for Columbine was stupid, and what pissed me off the most is that he kept asking C. Heston why he had loaded guns in his house. Like it's any of his F'ing business. Then he proceeds to leave the picture f the slain child in his yard like it was even relevant to anything. Pure liberal BULLSHIT!
Sicko made some good points, but was still way over the top, and lacked research from the argument against universal health care/socialized medicine. Epic fail.

I will catch M.Moore hates America to see if it's any good.

02-22-10, 15:07
I love Michael Moore films, they allow me to readily identify idiots.

Someone claims anything he shows is the truth; Idiot. Someone calls one of his films a documentary; Idiot.

Do you own stock in the Blood Pressure Medications companies? :D

02-22-10, 15:48
Do you own stock in the Blood Pressure Medications companies? :D

That's a no shitter! My wife hates when I watch these types of film cause I get pissed!!!

It is available on Netflix FWIW and so is Michael & Me which I think is a better film about Moore and his dumbshit philosophies.

02-22-10, 16:07
Michael Moore and George Soros should both be hanged at opposite ends of the same gallows.

02-22-10, 17:41
this is like the opposite of a michael moore film... it's got young people starting businesses in places where michael moore has said people can't start businesses. it's got disabled veterans who are proud of their service, hard working immigrants finding success and freedom here, even has canadians with locked doors. :D

02-22-10, 20:30
A big thanks to SKYUGO for the heads up. I just finished watching, Michael Wilson did a great job. I really hope this piece of work catches on and gets wide spread exposure.

02-22-10, 20:49
A big thanks to SKYUGO for the heads up. I just finished watching, Michael Wilson did a great job. I really hope this piece of work catches on and gets wide spread exposure.

ah glad to see somebody watched it :D i was afraid as soon as guys saw "micheal moore" in the thread it was gonna go south.

i dug it a lot.. made me feel good about 'merica... :cool:
we're pretty damn lucky to be here.