View Full Version : Frontline/ Taliban "Behind Enemy Lines"

02-22-10, 09:43
I searched around and could not find this. I saw this link on Lightfighter:


This is pretty amazing that this guy was able to get the video/interviews he did. I look forward to this when frontline puts it up online.

Seems like it will be a good view into the Taliban's/AQ mindset, tactics and technical proficiencey level


02-22-10, 10:04
That's just crazy. So they aren't really Taliban, but another group fighting side by side by the Taliban. Did I get that right?

02-22-10, 10:04
double tap

02-22-10, 10:23
That's just crazy. So they aren't really Taliban, but another group fighting side by side by the Taliban. Did I get that right?

The way I have had it explained it to me is that there are quite a large amount of groups in Afghanistan that we (Americans) all kinda lump together as the Taliban. While there are small differences that might seperate them amoungst each other, to us they all have one thing in common and that is they want to kill Americans.


02-22-10, 10:49
The way I have had it explained it to me is that there are quite a large amount of groups in Afghanistan that we (Americans) all kinda lump together as the Taliban. While there are small differences that might seperate them amoungst each other, to us they all have one thing in common and that is they want to kill Americans.


There's a lot of little groups that take advantage of the lawlessness to partake in the drugs and kidnapping that are to be had down there. Not exactly Taliban but if it's convenient they'll identify with them. Not sure if that's who is in this frontline show though.

02-22-10, 12:11
Here in the DFW Metroplex It's going to air on Feb. 29th at 8PM on channel 13 (KERA) I believe. I've already set the DVR.


02-22-10, 12:30
The way I have had it explained it to me is that there are quite a large amount of groups in Afghanistan that we (Americans) all kinda lump together as the Taliban. While there are small differences that might seperate them amoungst each other, to us they all have one thing in common and that is they want to kill Americans.


In Afghanistan tribes and tribal affiliations trump everything.

02-22-10, 12:54
In Afghanistan tribes and tribal affiliations trump everything.

I meant past this. On top of the tribes that there were kinda larger organizations that operated loosley along tribal ties, dedicated to killing Americans made up of members from different tribes that we lumped together as the Taliban. That is if I am remembering it correctly.

I read an article about it a while back, I will try to bring it up and post it.


02-22-10, 22:34
will be curious to see ?

I really hope they somehow leaked where the bombs they were making were going to be !!!

would be funny OH we will film you from way over here when planting the bomb and watch them get hit with a air strike :)

02-23-10, 23:58
just watched it !!!

interesting and about what I thought it would be like ?

02-24-10, 00:02
Its also available online now for those interested.