View Full Version : Just what the country needs

Alpha Sierra
02-25-10, 05:10
Go to High School to learn to be a minimum wage slave (http://www.good.is/post/detroit-high-schools-teach-how-to-work-at-walmart/?gt1=48001)

02-25-10, 05:35
Go to High School to learn to be a minimum wage slave (http://www.good.is/post/detroit-high-schools-teach-how-to-work-at-walmart/?gt1=48001)

Hey, they are just being honest. That is all the jobs being created these days. It's not we make anything anymore.

02-25-10, 12:32
The Walmart assimilation has begun... resistance is futile! Walmart has also announced that it is replacing the Euopeon Union, Nato, the United Nations, the Organization of the Islamic Conference, the Arab League, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the Union of South American Nations on all matters from free trade to government aid. The poor country of Haiti is assed out since they do not belong to any of Walmart's social groups and will have to fend for themselves while shopping at Kmart. A Haitian refugee, dismayed at Walmart's decision, had this to say; "F--KING Kmart?!"

02-25-10, 13:25
Most people are destined for menial labor. It's just life.

02-25-10, 13:32
That is a good program. America is obsessed with going to college.

Menial labor is proud work.

This training keeps illegal immigrants from taking the same position. Sounds good to me.

02-25-10, 13:38
Work ethic isn't a bad thing, if that message gets through.

02-25-10, 13:47
Go to High School to learn to be a minimum wage slave (http://www.good.is/post/detroit-high-schools-teach-how-to-work-at-walmart/?gt1=48001)

This is actually a good idea.

It can and should instill a work ethic

Wal-Mart does not take any crap so they get to learn what the real world is like

Wal-Mart jobs have always been the beginning or entry level jobs or part time jobs (like any supermarket or fast food jobs) for kids getting out of school while they got their sh*t together. They get to earn some money for college, trade school, or whatever, learn how to work, take orders, etc.

What the "progressives" seem to not understand is that the low end jobs were never meant to provide ones lifetime of work and support for a family. They were meant to be starter jobs while you prepared yourself for something better.

02-25-10, 15:21
Walmart employees can make money. A family member makes $60k a year at a walmart near Lancaster, PA.

Alpha Sierra
02-25-10, 15:30
I don't have a problem with menial/entry level jobs. They gotta be done and they gotta be done right, just like everything else.

I also agree that college is not for everyone. Sometimes I wonder if I had been happier learning a skilled trade.

What rubbed me the wrong way is the tone of the program that preps Detroit area kids specifically to work at Walmart, as if that is the best they can do.

PS, contrary to popular belief, there are many manufacturing jobs open in the nation. They are, however, HIGHLY skilled white collar (program management, design engineering, tooling engineering, quality engineering, controls engineering) or blue collar (CNC machining, CMM operators, process technicians, robotics and PLC programmers, CAD draftsmen) jobs.

Some people just cannot understand that the days of an unskilled high school dropout spending 25 years on an assembly line doing menial, repetitive assembly work and making enough money to enjoy a middle class lifestyle have been over for a while and will NEVER return.

If you want to make a living in manufacturing here, in this day and age, you had best be prepared with some serious technical and communication skills. And be able to show how you use those skills to add value to the company.

02-25-10, 15:49
The Walmart assimilation has begun... resistance is futile! Walmart has also announced that it is replacing the Euopeon Union, Nato, the United Nations, the Organization of the Islamic Conference, the Arab League, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the Union of South American Nations on all matters from free trade to government aid. The poor country of Haiti is assed out since they do not belong to any of Walmart's social groups and will have to fend for themselves while shopping at Kmart. A Haitian refugee, dismayed at Walmart's decision, had this to say; "F--KING Kmart?!"


I work retail and it’s all that I have done since I turned 16(17yrs ago). I wish that when I was in High School there would have been more quality programs for skilled trades. From what I remember they were a bit of a joke back then.

02-25-10, 16:35
Learning to work at Walmart gets you nowhere in life but walmart. A public school system should not be able to teach students how to work for a specific company. They should prepare you for college. Go to public high school first two years, and if you're smart enough go to college or a trade school for two years. If you don't like either of those or are not qualified join the military, police, or some other government employment. If you don't do one of those you're just stuck competing with immigrants and shouldn't expect to live beyond the poverty line.

02-25-10, 21:56
Walmart employees can make money. A family member makes $60k a year at a walmart near Lancaster, PA.

How many full time workers/ department heads or leads do they have? Mom works at K-mart and makes a decent living but the people who get 2 to 4 hours a day a couple days a week don't make enough to pay for their gas to get to work for those 2 or 3 hours.

02-25-10, 22:40
Learning to work at Walmart gets you nowhere in life but walmart. A public school system should not be able to teach students how to work for a specific company. They should prepare you for college. Go to public high school first two years, and if you're smart enough go to college or a trade school for two years. If you don't like either of those or are not qualified join the military, police, or some other government employment. If you don't do one of those you're just stuck competing with immigrants and shouldn't expect to live beyond the poverty line.

But many of these kids will never reach college. If they do it's beacuse they went well beyond the average effort in their area and pulled themselves out of the malaise they're surrounded by to go (still needing the assistance of social programs and grants intended for the poor). The rest are left behind with no hope and no jobs at the factories their parents lost their jobs from.

Personally I'd rather have them sucessfully working at Wal-Mart than punching out welfare babies and dealing crack on the corner. JMO

02-26-10, 05:52
How many full time workers/ department heads or leads do they have? Mom works at K-mart and makes a decent living but the people who get 2 to 4 hours a day a couple days a week don't make enough to pay for their gas to get to work for those 2 or 3 hours.

I was told around 400 people at her store, but she was guessing via text. A fair sum of those are part timers. If I can get a breakdown of pt/ft/seasonal I will.

EDITED for number typo.