View Full Version : My New Hero: Sheriff James Alderden

02-25-10, 10:26
In response to a ban passed on legal CCW by The Colorado State University Board of Governors, Sheriff James Alderden states:

“I have told the CSU police chief I will not support this in any way,” Sheriff Alderden told The Gazette. “If anyone with one of my permits gets arrested for concealed carry at CSU, I will refuse to book that person into my jail. Furthermore, I will show up at court and testify on that person’s behalf, and I will do whatever I can to discourage a conviction. I will not be a party to this very poor decision.”


“This ban, which is broad and encompassing, basically denies students at the Fort Collins campus any defensive capacity at all,” Alderden said. “It’s a weapons-free zone for law-abiding people, and it won’t do a single thing to keep armed criminals off of campus. It will only ensure them a lot of defenseless victims. The people who did this are lost in their own world of ideological liberalism. You would think people involved in academia would want to deal in data and experience, but this has been all about emotion.”

This LEO has brass balls, stands up for principle, citizens 2A Rights, and obviously "gets it" when it comes to such a ban only putting more people at risk.

Such an LEO in this day and age is rare, so I hope everyone will send him some support however they can! There's also a poll to take. Rest of article:


02-25-10, 10:30
First piece of good news I've seen in some time.....

Alex V
02-25-10, 10:31

Bravo indeed!

02-25-10, 10:33
Wow! Could we get this guy to run for the Senate?

02-25-10, 13:21
That's awesome. If only more people thought along those lines.

02-25-10, 13:50
Such an LEO in this day and age is rare, so I hope everyone will send him some support however they can!

This is indeed a great story, but I have to dissagree with your comment posted above. Trust me, the majority of the street coppers I know and work with, even here in Obama-Land (Chicago), are strong supporters of the 2nd Amendment. In my experience, it is mostly the new guys/gals that come on the job that have never been exposed to firearms prior to getting here that have an issue with guns in the hands of law abiding citizens in general. And I do all I can to bring them into reality.

However, I will agree that as a Chief law enforcement Officer, this Sheriff sounds like the definition of a "Stand up Guy", but his stance on the 2nd Amendment is not rare at all in the LEO community.

02-25-10, 13:55
However, I will agree that as a Chief law enforcement Officer, this Sheriff sounds like the definition of a "Stand up Guy", but his stance on the 2nd Amendment is not rare at all in the LEO community.

It is kind of rare at the leadership level. Almost every non-appointee cop (ie non chief/asst chief type) I know support the 2A strongly or have never thought about it really. Most of the stories you hear from chiefs, sheriffs, etc are more anti than pro. A lot of it depends on where they are of course. If the liberals are paying their bills they are more likely to be anti, and if in a conservative (generally more rural) area, they tend to be more pro.

02-25-10, 14:00
It is kind of rare at the leadership level. Almost every non-appointee cop (ie non chief/asst chief type) I know support the 2A strongly or have never thought about it really. Most of the stories you hear from chiefs, sheriffs, etc are more anti than pro. A lot of it depends on where they are of course. If the liberals are paying their bills they are more likely to be anti, and if in a conservative (generally more rural) area, they tend to be more pro.

Very true, but they (Appointed Chief/Admin) are a different breed alltogether. There are several exceptions to this though as well.

02-25-10, 14:09
Very true, but they (Appointed Chief/Admin) are a different breed alltogether. There are several exceptions to this though as well.

Yep, this thread for one!

The chief/sheriff/admin are the ones that get the press time and get to make the public statements which is why we dwell on what they say and give them credit where credit is due...


02-25-10, 15:13
This is indeed a great story, but I have to dissagree with your comment posted above. Trust me, the majority of the street coppers I know and work with, even here in Obama-Land (Chicago), are strong supporters of the 2nd Amendment. In my experience, it is mostly the new guys/gals that come on the job that have never been exposed to firearms prior to getting here that have an issue with guns in the hands of law abiding citizens in general. And I do all I can to bring them into reality.

However, I will agree that as a Chief law enforcement Officer, this Sheriff sounds like the definition of a "Stand up Guy", but his stance on the 2nd Amendment is not rare at all in the LEO community.

I'm not saying most street LEOs don't support civi 2A Rights. To a man, all the guys I know and or work with are strong supporters of the 2nd Amendment. That's very different then publicly stating, as head of a PD, to the possible detriment of your future career, that you plan to essentially ignore college policies on guns because you feel the policy will put law abiding citizens at risk.

If anyone wants to drop him a line of support, I believe this will do it:


02-25-10, 15:49
Saying to "Joe Citizen" about supporting second amendment rights and standing up to other Gov entities publicly are two different things. How many LEO's have publicly stood up to another Gov entity and made any statement like that? He has a real backbone.

I have heard support for the 2nd when there were like minded people in the room from LEO's, but I have never been in a room with LEO's and a bunch of opposer's to the 2nd, so I have no idea what is said by the same LEO's then. Neither am I jumping to conclusions here, I have often wondered how that conversation usually goes.

02-25-10, 15:56
Here's what I sent him:

I read your stance on the The Colorado State University Board of Governors decision to ban campus CCW. You sir, are a hero! For decades liberal elitists have shoved pacifism in the face of predators down our throats. Deciding to be a victim rather than being responsible for yourself and your loved ones is not noble. It's stupid and unproductive. For you to call them on their ignorance is one of the best things I've heard in quite a while. They're not used to someone standing up to them. They usually have a captive audience who must do as they say. I commend you as a responsible member of your community and a good steward of our God given rights. Thank you Sir!


Jerry Biggs

02-25-10, 16:05
I'm not saying most street LEOs don't support civi 2A Rights. To a man, all the guys I know and or work with are strong supporters of the 2nd Amendment. That's very different then publicly stating, as head of a PD, to the possible detriment of your future career, that you plan to essentially ignore college policies on guns because you feel the policy will put law abiding citizens at risk.

If anyone wants to drop him a line of support, I believe this will do it:


I did. It’s a stand up thing he is doing. The poll showed that 93% of the people support his decision.

02-25-10, 16:12
In response to a ban passed on legal CCW by The Colorado State University Board of Governors, Sheriff James Alderden states:

“I have told the CSU police chief I will not support this in any way,” Sheriff Alderden told The Gazette. “If anyone with one of my permits gets arrested for concealed carry at CSU, I will refuse to book that person into my jail. Furthermore, I will show up at court and testify on that person’s behalf, and I will do whatever I can to discourage a conviction. I will not be a party to this very poor decision.”


“This ban, which is broad and encompassing, basically denies students at the Fort Collins campus any defensive capacity at all,” Alderden said. “It’s a weapons-free zone for law-abiding people, and it won’t do a single thing to keep armed criminals off of campus. It will only ensure them a lot of defenseless victims. The people who did this are lost in their own world of ideological liberalism. You would think people involved in academia would want to deal in data and experience, but this has been all about emotion.”

This LEO has brass balls, stands up for principle, citizens 2A Rights, and obviously "gets it" when it comes to such a ban only putting more people at risk.

Such an LEO in this day and age is rare, so I hope everyone will send him some support however they can! There's also a poll to take. Rest of article:


I love it!

02-25-10, 16:19
Great to hear the Sheriff is standing up for the people you are sworn to serve and protect!!!!

As a one time CSU student I applaud his stance and encourage the students and alumni to stand with him in this important fight for their rights!

From the website poll
College gun ban
Should Colorado State students ignore the new weapons ban, as one sheriff suggests?
Yes, they should ignore the ban
No, they should obey the campus rules
I don't know
I don't care
Total Votes: 3576

Email I sent to the Sheriff's Office

Thank you Sheriff Alderden for standing up for the rights of the people you are sworn to serve and protect.

As a former CSU student I plan to encourage the students, faculty, staff and alumni of CSU to stand with you in this important fight for their rights!


02-25-10, 16:24
This is indeed a great story, but I have to dissagree with your comment posted above. Trust me, the majority of the street coppers I know and work with, even here in Obama-Land (Chicago), are strong supporters of the 2nd Amendment. In my experience, it is mostly the new guys/gals that come on the job that have never been exposed to firearms prior to getting here that have an issue with guns in the hands of law abiding citizens in general. And I do all I can to bring them into reality.

However, I will agree that as a Chief law enforcement Officer, this Sheriff sounds like the definition of a "Stand up Guy", but his stance on the 2nd Amendment is not rare at all in the LEO community.

Good to hear for when the "ban" is shown to be unconstitutional! I had to be near there today for my daughter's Dr. appointment.


02-25-10, 16:51
Contact info for the Governors: csus_board@mail.colostate.edu

my email to them

Dear Governors,

I am writing to inform you of how upset I am that you have recently instituted a campus weapons ban.

This ban will not make your campus safer but will only encourage criminals to prey upon your students, faculty and staff.

As a former CSU student I was considering sending my son and daughter (17 and 19 respectively) to your university. However, due to this decision I will no longer consider CSU as a possibility and will be looking elsewhere for my children's education.

I hope you will reconsider your decision and if so I will gladly pursue sending my student to your school. Otherwise I will be encouraging the students, faculty, and staff of CSU to protest loudly against this infringement of their Second Amendment rights and personal safety. May God forbid another campus event like Virginia Tech. Your decision has clearly increased the likelihood of a similar tragedy occurring on your campus.


02-25-10, 17:52
The people who did this are lost in their own world of ideological liberalism. You would think people involved in academia would want to deal in data and experience, but this has been all about emotion.”


02-25-10, 18:06
Someone with a higher intellect than I have should start a Facebook page in support of this Sheriff.

02-25-10, 18:08
Someone with a higher intellect than I have should start a Facebook page in support of this Sheriff.

By golly that might just get me to be a social media guy!


02-25-10, 19:28
Indeed, a big tip of the hat to Sheriff Alderden.

I'm going to find out if he is an elected official. Then send a check along with my letter of support.

Nothing says "Pay Attention" to someone running for re-election like cash.

02-25-10, 20:15
I actually sent him a kudos email and got this response back, quoted below.

Sheriff Alderden is a class act.

I may have already responded to some of you so if this is redundant, please forgive me. I have been overwhelmed with e-mails regarding my position on the CSU rule prohibiting students, faculty or staff from carrying anything on campus that may be used in self-defense; i.e. concealed handgun, mace, or stun gun. This is incredibly irresponsible.

I have received 170 e-mails from all corners and coasts of the United States supporting my position. I haven't had such a response since my Third Annual Politically Incorrect Christmas tree Decorating Party or the Balloon Boy incident. For those of you who haven't made the connection, yes, I'm the overweight bald Sheriff who was at the center of the Balloon Boy Hoax. I tried responding individually to your e-mails to express my appreciation for your kind words, but it soon became evident that I wasn't going to be able to. I do have a few other things on my plate. To each of you, please accept my humble appreciation for your support and encouragement.

By the way, I did get one negative e-mail. 170 to 1, and it wasn't from Dr. Frank, the CSU President.

Many of you have suggested that I run for higher office. I have said it before, but I don't think there is any higher office than that of Sheriff. It is an office that gives me the most direct contact with the people and the best opportunity to act rather autonomously to do the right thing. I only have to answer to the public, not the politicians. In any event, I'm about to wrap up a 38 year career and my 12th as Sheriff. I would love to hang around but Colorado enacted term limits several years ago to ensure that the most qualified and competent people can't remain in office too long.

Again, thank you for taking the time to write but my position really wasn't a difficult or courageous decision to make as some of you have implied. It was simply the right thing to do and in keeping with my sworn oath.

02-25-10, 20:58
Great response. As a retired federal LEO, what I would give to see someone like Joe Arpaio (sp?) or Jim Alderden heading up DHS, instead of :eek: Fatso Napolitano. :eek:

02-25-10, 21:17
I know Arpaio likes dressing men up in pink underwear, but what has he done as far as advocating for 2A rights?

02-25-10, 21:30
What I just sent to the CSU board of Governors:

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to express my thoughts on your recent decision to institute a ban on legal carry of a concealed firearm at your campuses. For many years it has been my observation that academia overwhelmingly disapprove of concealed carry, despite convincing evidence that it is a safe and effective way to defend against and even lower the number of violent crimes.

I've always believed this position is based on academia's sense of how things should be in a civilized society, rather than how it may be in reality. You see, not everyone in this world gets to live in nice homes, in nice neighborhoods, with nice places to work and shop and send their kids to school. Sadly, some people can't afford those luxuries. Some people barely have the means to live in squalid little run down neighborhoods. Neighborhoods where poverty, despair and sometimes anger drive people to commit crimes. As poor as some of these people are, they can usually afford a run down old car.

In that car, they can go wherever the $20 they robbed from their last victim will take them. That may mean a nice neighborhood or place of business. And while only a tiny fraction of the good people there will ever meet these poor, despondent and sometimes angry people, it usually isn't a positive experience when they do. Which leads me to your faculty and students.

When they leave your beautiful campuses that are staffed by friendly, helpful campus police officers, they go to homes and stores and restaurants. And this is where they may run into one of society's less bestowed upon citizens. Now here's where you come into the picture.

You see, you may feel very good about your decision to protect your campuses and it's inhabitants from all the lawlessness and danger that firearms create in this world. However, statistics show that concealed firearms in the hands of properly licensed citizens is a very safe endeavor. What you've unintentionally done (I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here) is to take a choice that the Great State of Colorado has sagely granted your citizenry from their hands, and are instead making that choice for them. A choice that the majority of these United States have realized is a sound way to let the citizenry partake in their Constitutionally recognized freedoms, as well as their own safety and security.

As you are well aware, the Supreme Court of the United States long ago ruled that no government is responsible for the safety and security of any one individual. By denying Colorado citizens the Constitutionally recognized right to bear arms, you appear to be saying that the Colorado State University System is willing to voluntarily accept that responsibility. At least it appears to me that such a case could be made by inference. I'm assuming that instances of violent crime on CSU campuses is so low that it would be a statistical anomaly to actually be a victim of a violent crime there? Surely that's the reason you'd be willing to voluntarily accept the great responsibility to protect the safety and security of every man, woman and child who enters your fair campuses?

Alas, you may be able to protect them on campus. You appear to be willing to make them whole if they suffer a violent attack there. However, are you willing to extend the same courtesy to them for any attacks they may suffer while travelling to and from your campuses? Along with anywhere they may stop in between? If not, you may want to ponder the wisdom of your gracious offer to voluntarily be held responsible for the people who enter your grounds. Instead, you may want to consider the advice given by Sheriff James Alderen.

Are you familiar with Sheriff Alderen? The sheriff of Larimer County? He has some experience with crime. Thirty eight years worth to be exact. You might even say that he's risen to the level of a PhD in violent crime. He also appears to be a Constitutional scholar. At least he's sworn an Oath to uphold and defend the same, and apparently takes it quite seriously. Have you done this as well? Regardless, he has offered your learned board members some sage advice of his own. Perhaps you should extend him the courtesy of expounding on it further? You know, in an effort to promote wisdom and knowledge in policy decisions?

Well I've taken quite enough of your time already. I just wanted to thank you for your implied offer to voluntarily accept responsibility for the safety and security of everyone on your campuses. It is a very gracious offer indeed. I wish you well and hope that you never need to cover this offer with funds that would be better spent providing higher education. At least if you do, all those double digit tuition increases averaged over the last few years should more than cover it, right?


Jerry D. Biggs

When in fact what I really wanted to send was:

Sheriff James Alderen: Common Sense Man of the People

CSU Board of Governors: Out of Touch Educated Idiots :D

02-25-10, 22:38
Awesome news, brings some glimpse of hope that REAL MEN with backbone still exist out there!

02-26-10, 01:15
I actually sent him a kudos email and got this response back, quoted below.

Sheriff Alderden is a class act.

I got the same email back. Stand up guy. Its a shame he will be retiring soon...will have to take him out for a drink some time!

02-26-10, 02:14
As a resident of Larimer County and friend (not close personal but if he wanted to have a beer the first round is on me) to Jim Alderden I can say that it will be a sad day when this current and final term of Sheriff runs out. He's a good man and this country could use more leaders like him at all levels.

02-26-10, 02:46
This Sheriff rocks. Period.

02-26-10, 09:50
Awesome news, brings some glimpse of hope that REAL MEN with backbone still exist out there!

I'm sure there are some women who feel that way too. Just sayin'...:cool:

Cold Zero
02-26-10, 16:59
Wow. Good on the Sheriff. Like a breath of fresh air. The NRA should put him on their Board.

Could someone post his email addy for congrat's messages?

02-26-10, 17:20
Wow. Good on the Sheriff. Like a breath of fresh air. The NRA should put him on their Board.

Could someone post his email addy for congrat's messages?

Jim Alderden alderdja@co.larimer.co.us

CSU Board of Governors csus_board@mail.colostate.edu