View Full Version : CCW in schools, bar and parks...

02-25-10, 16:03
I'm doing some research on concealed carry, I'm looking for reasons why you should be able to carry a firearm in schools, bars and parks if you have a CCW permit. So, should they be allowed in these places and why? Anyone have statistics on this?

02-25-10, 16:10
Not that I have statistics, but I can admit that I carry in bars, schools and parks. I figiure that if I'm at a school function with my kids and some numb-nut decides to pull off a Columbine.... I might be the last ray of hope in ending his dreams of mass murder. I'll deal with the courts after I save my children's lives.

Same goes for bars, if someone want to commit murder, I don't think they care much about where they are allowed to legally bring thier gun to do the killing. I carry concealed where I'm not allowed to carry and I carry semi concealed or open where I do not have to hide it and weather is warm. During the colder season my firearm is generally hidden, but unless I am in a gun free zone I make no special preperations to hide it. I've not once been hassled by business owners, joe public, or LEO over open or semi-open carry here in Western PA.

02-25-10, 16:28
This conversation again?

02-25-10, 16:30
why should you be able to carry in those areas? simple...

To be able to save your own life should the need arise.

02-25-10, 16:42
This conversation again?

Sorry, but if it's been discussed in depth could you point me in the right direction? I'm just looking for rational arguments for the right to carry in these places.

02-25-10, 16:57
Start with reading this article, then click on the "statistical and anecdotal data" link in the article.



Alpha Sierra
02-25-10, 16:58
Sorry, but if it's been discussed in depth could you point me in the right direction? I'm just looking for rational arguments for the right to carry in these places.

You were given the only argument that matters in the post immediately before yours.

Read it again.

02-25-10, 17:00
why should you be able to carry in those areas? simple...

To be able to save your own life should the need arise.


02-25-10, 17:33
A good place to start is the abject lack of reasons not to carry in any given place.

Schools - has a whack job ever gone into a school intent on harming innocent & unarmed targets? Seems like Bruco Strongeagle Eastwood springs to the relatively recent memory. It is swell he was able to be taken down by an unarmed man . . . but I tell ya, I'd far rather be armed against the like than not.

Bars - has a whack job ever gone into a bar intent on harming innocent & unarmed targets? Have to reach back to New Bedford Mass. to remember one . .. http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/02/02/gay.shooting/index.html . . . even fits the axe weilding maniac stereotype. I'd much rather face an axe weilding maniac while armed, than not. Perfectly legal in my present state of MN. Now there are laws about how much alcohol is imbibed and that makes sense. .04 is the legal limit for carry, .08 for driving . .. seems like a good law. Carrying guns and drinking to excess is patently stupid, being able to have a beer with my pizza or a glass of wine with my pasta . . . is pretty darn reasonable & my right to self defense shouldn't be impaired because I sure as heck ain't . . . while blowwing .04 or less.

Parks - Has a whack job ever gone to a park intent on harming innocent & unarmed targets? http://weblogs.baltimoresun.com/news/crime/blog/2009/08/hate_crime_attack_at_park.html wow man, fishing while wearing the wrong color of skin . . . . Yeah parks, you mean wide open spaces where help is usually quite a ways away? Parks where bodies can lay for a while before being found http://www.kcra.com/news/22546345/detail.html . . . yup all kinds of things can go wrong in parks for all kinds of people & it is good to have the means of self defense.

Churches - Has a whack job ever gone into a church intnet on . ... . oh, yeah, I guess there too.

Banks - Has a whack job ever gone . . . . there too, I guess.

No sir, it does not appear that there is a place that impairing the right to self defense makes sense. If somebody like James Brady can get torn up in an entourage with that kind of security, what makes you Hoss356, think there is a place that can provide me with as good of security as I can provide myself? No, I can't think of any place that a citizen with full rights shouldn't be allowed to carry.

I think you have the wrong question. Where shouldn't a citizen with the inalienable rights expounded upon in the U.S. Constitution, be able to carry?


How does the answer to that "why" line up with "inalienable" and "shall not be infringed"?

02-25-10, 18:10
What makes any of those places special?

Look at the shootings at churches:


