View Full Version : Delaware Man (Marine Sgt. John White) Dies After Beating

02-25-10, 21:58

KENT, Ohio — Investigators on Monday were deciding whether to charge a man with murder in the beating death of a Marine from Delaware County.

John White was beaten on a downtown street last month, 10TV's Andy Hirsch reported.

White, 28, was a graduate student at Kent State University. He died Sunday after being hospitalized for several weeks, Hirsch reported.

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Police were not releasing details of the attack, but have arrested John Ragin, 21, for the assault, Hirsch reported.

Ragin could now face murder charges, Hirsch reported.

Police also charged a 21-year-old woman for not cooperating with investigators.

"A very valuable life was lost for no particular reason," said family friend Holly Tschakert. "Nothing was gained and, not only was his young life lost, we have two people whose lives are real, real messed up now because of poor choices."

White graduated from Ohio Wesleyan University, joined the Marines after the Sept.11 attacks, Hirsch reported. He was an Iraqi war veteran and was working on his second master's degree at Kent State.

Tschakert said the White family is grieving a life cut short.

"Over the first couple weeks we kind of got on this roller coaster of, eventually he'll go to rehab, and he'll be okay and we'll work our way through whatever we have to work through," Tscharkert said.

Prosecutors were waiting on autopsy results before deciding whether or not murder charges should be filed, Hirsch reported.

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He was my NCO when I first got to the fleet. He deployed to Iraq shortly after I got there but I got to see him again after my first deployment. He EAS'd a few months after and my shop greatly missed him. He was a little weird, but was a great friend, very smart guy.

It pisses me off that he could survive Iraq but not Kent, OH. I wish for the most terrible of things upon his attackers...


02-25-10, 22:01
I wish for the most terrible of things upon his attackers...

I'll second you on this.

This Marine had a bright future ahead of him. I hope they prosecute everyone who may have helped the bad guy, or hindered the investigation, to the fullest extent.

02-25-10, 22:24

He was my NCO when I first got to the fleet. He deployed to Iraq shortly after I got there but I got to see him again after my first deployment. He EAS'd a few months after and my shop greatly missed him. He was a little weird, but was a great friend, very smart guy.

It pisses me off that he could survive Iraq but not Kent, OH. I wish for the most terrible of things upon his attackers...


I'm sorry for your loss and what you're going through. I know it's not easy.

02-25-10, 22:33
Thank you, I did not get to see him much because of deployments but it was great having him around.

Unfortunately, while searching for articles about him, I ran into shit like this


I already left a very restrained comment on there because I am already thinking of shit that I will not post here. I will say this though, may these worthless ****ers ROT. :mad:

02-26-10, 00:21
Wow man, that is disturbing . .. . ESP and all that jive. . . . . I went to High School with Matt Hale & even he did sound that whacked when spewwing his brand of racist . .... . insert a word __________. That is some really far out. . . . I mean how does a person even get there in their mind?

Reeling from the brain drain . . .. . back to more important thing:

Man, I am sorry for the loss of John White, both to my country and the men who knew him.

02-26-10, 09:45
RIP SGT.White.... Hopefully OH has the death penalty, and the perpetrator(s) face maximum justice.

Think this will be classified as a "hate crime"?

02-26-10, 14:01
This sucks, hope the SOB gets the chair or how ever Ohio deals with his type, maybe his girl can set on his lap when they put an end to his dumn ass.

Thanks for your service Sgt White.

02-26-10, 18:17
Thank you, I did not get to see him much because of deployments but it was great having him around.

Unfortunately, while searching for articles about him, I ran into shit like this


I already left a very restrained comment on there because I am already thinking of shit that I will not post here. I will say this though, may these worthless ****ers ROT. :mad:

I cant believe that blog.

Heavy Metal
02-26-10, 18:40
I cant believe that blog.

A cesspool of hate and intolerance.

Reading that crap, I understand why Hell must exist. God can no more allow such as that 'individual' to enter into his kingdom than allowing a pestilence into a hospital.

Truly an evil mind. That moron is the other side of the coin form the 88'ers.

02-26-10, 19:54
So I go back to that hate site and I see my avatar from here and lightfighter posted on there, calling me the "devil". I feel good that these ****ers hate me, because I think nothing good of them. I don't want to start any dramatic crap, but I am wondering if anyone else here can help against those racist slime?

02-26-10, 20:15
I don't want to start any dramatic crap, but I am wondering if anyone else here can help against those racist slime?

Sadly, there are no treatment options to slow or reverse their repugnant disease process as it is too advanced.

I wouldn't post there any more.

Sorry to hear about your friend.

02-26-10, 20:29
Fair winds & following Seas SGT White.

That story just SUCKS so hard.


Heavy Metal
02-26-10, 22:25
Does ARFCOM know about this?

There is a purpose and a place for ARFCOM and even 4Chan. This is a prime example.

02-26-10, 22:45
Rest in peace Marine.

May the savages that killed him reap what they have sown.

**** the guys who made that website. **** them to hell.

Rock Nova
03-01-10, 13:22
So I go back to that hate site and I see my avatar from here and lightfighter posted on there, calling me the "devil". I feel good that these ****ers hate me, because I think nothing good of them. I don't want to start any dramatic crap, but I am wondering if anyone else here can help against those racist slime?
I saw your avatar and comment there as well. I clicked the button up top on that blog "Report Abuse" - it says that "hate or violence" is a violation of their policies. Hopefully something is done about it, but I'm not holding my breath.

I went further into that little ring of garbage blogs and even found them celebrating the torture, rape and murder of the Knoxville, TN couple a few years ago (maybe the most disgusting case I've ever heard).

The blog even awarded one of those monsters "White Abuse Tokens" for what they did to Channon Christian. I could not believe my eyes.

I would like to see what the people at 4Chan could do to such blogs.

03-01-10, 13:38
I think maybe they are parishoners at Obamas former church, followers of Reverend Wright.