View Full Version : Wow! This Isn't Very Reassuring

02-26-10, 21:22
How exactly does a country recover from 190th place? :(


02-26-10, 21:33

02-26-10, 22:01
As a percentage of GDP, those numbers are not as bad as they look. 380 billion is chump change by current standards.

I'm more worried about the 12 trillion in debt that we owe.

I've always said it's easier to stay ahead than it is to get caught up. Maybe if we didn't buy everything like a drunken lottery winner, we wouldn't have a huge trade deficit or an enormous debt?

02-26-10, 22:18
This is crazy - lets see if this gets around the Internet forums a bit if this page disappears...like so many before....

02-27-10, 06:18
ya and we can really afford free healthcare :rolleyes:

02-27-10, 07:11
This is crazy - lets see if this gets around the Internet forums a bit if this page disappears...like so many before....

It's the CIA World Factbook. Paranoid much?

ya and we can really afford free healthcare

Public Healthcare and "Free Healthcare" are very different things. Nothing's free and public healthcare isn't charity. However, to believe that public healthcare would simply add-on to extant negative GDP is entirely incorrect.

Some say it'd be cheaper
Some say it'd be more expensive
(None of us would REALLY know unless we did it - and even then it might be pretty difficult to gauge with any sense of accuracy)

but it wouldn't be an unbelieveable additional cost just slapped onto this number, that's not how it works.

02-27-10, 07:19
yeah, i told my wife last night that the people that need free health care, in my opinion already have it...medicare, medicaid, welfare...aren't those all free systems that the taxpayer already pays for??? there was the 45K deaths/yr for those without healthcare statistic being thrown around on a show i watched on bill maher last night and some guy on his panel says basically, "who cares, we have 50K deaths/yr from automobile accidents, are we gonna ban those next???" i loved that response...

it looks as though this free healthcare mess is going to get rammed right down the throats of the middle class taxpayer...so let us not forget that come election day, as the president said in his sound bite...let it be known that the middle class taxpayer isn't going to go unheard come november and vote every one of these incumbent knuckleheads out of office!!! that is the only way to get them to see the light...

02-27-10, 09:58
let it be known that the middle class taxpayer isn't going to go unheard come november and vote every one of these incumbent knuckleheads out of office!!! That is what Obama is counting on. There are more "poor" people than middle class. It is the revolution, exactly as Marx talked about it. Time for the "poor" to rise up and show the bourgeoisie that they have exactly no political power left. What better way? Pass legislation through obviously unAmerican/anti-Founder/spit on the spirit of the law methods (the Nuclear Option which essentially = laying the flag down on the ground and crapping on it while standing on a veteran's grave) and when the bourgeoisie get pissed about it let them throw their fit at the ballot box & let the light come on when exactly nothing happens to the traitors because they have already bought the majority of votes with free handouts paid for by the bourgeoisie! Couldn't make Marx any prouder and THAT my friends is exactly why Obama still has that silly grin on his face.

Give me back the Berlin wall
Give me Stalin and St Paul
Give me Christ
or give me Hiroshima
Destroy another fetus now
We don't like children anyhow
I've seen the future, baby:
it is murder

02-27-10, 10:53
That is what Obama is counting on. There are more "poor" people than middle class. It is the revolution, exactly as Marx talked about it. Time for the "poor" to rise up and show the bourgeoisie that they have exactly no political power left. What better way? Pass legislation through obviously unAmerican/anti-Founder/spit on the spirit of the law methods (the Nuclear Option which essentially = laying the flag down on the ground and crapping on it while standing on a veteran's grave) and when the bourgeoisie get pissed about it let them throw their fit at the ballot box & let the light come on when exactly nothing happens to the traitors because they have already bought the majority of votes with free handouts paid for by the bourgeoisie! Couldn't make Marx any prouder and THAT my friends is exactly why Obama still has that silly grin on his face.

Whats funny about these types of things is its ALWAYS the poor that get the hurt the most in the long run.




Just a sampling of what happens when commies take over a system they deem "inefficient". Someones got to go......

02-27-10, 11:26
You know that and I know that, but Obama also knows he can profit from it in the short run & live in exile like Edi Amin if things go wrong. Enough wealth and enough friends & . . . well, he couldn't give two rabbit pellets what the long term cost to America is! :mad:

02-27-10, 12:13
Considering that China is no1, and most of it is assets from the US deficit, they actually have much much less cash on hand...they are probably closer to the EU...