View Full Version : Al Gore responds (not a joke)

02-28-10, 12:55

02-28-10, 13:15
Here's a thought, Al. How about you step up to the podium, and answer questions in an open forum?

02-28-10, 13:49
Al cannot explain the difference between weather and climate. When a reporter asked Al about climate lies he pulled the polar bear card. "Are you going to tell me that polar bears aren't endangered!?!" Then the reporter got booed out of the building by his colleagues. You got to remember that these climate change reporters are more zealous than a suicide bomber.

Oh yeah, Yes Al there are more polar bears now than there were 30 years ago.

02-28-10, 13:50
said the man who invented the internet...

02-28-10, 14:02
What an A$$.. He knows he's a liar.. He knows if he keeps spinning these lies the inept will buy it again and the media will continue to support it.

02-28-10, 14:07
he's a JERK XXF. sorry couldn't help myself.:o

02-28-10, 14:10
Like I said in a couple other climate threads its nothing but an attempt to force socialism into the west.

They'd love to see mass public transportation, taxes on energy, forced compliance with very stringent green standards, weath redistribution, loss of economic and personal freedom, etc.

Its also highly suspect the most "evidence" of GW comes from one body which is part of the UN. These are the same people who under a different UN sub-body ranks us so low on the health care list ONLY because we don't have socialized medicine here.

02-28-10, 14:12
This is the best site on the net for keeping up on 'Climate Science':


I really hope they do try to ram thru Cap-N-Tax. It will be another winning issue for the Dems! The job killing nature of this stuff should be REALLY popular with the American people. :rolleyes:

02-28-10, 14:12
Climate change has passed peer review. Al Gores version hasn't even come close.

02-28-10, 18:05
Didn't read all of what Algore wrote, but did I see that he quoted Winston Churchill? OMG, Algore doesn't deserve to be mentioned on the SAME DAY as Winston Churchill much less BY Algore.

02-28-10, 18:19

02-28-10, 18:32
Sure Al, only two errors were found. They left out data, they manufactured data, they colluded to prevent real peer review, and they lied.

Oops that's four errors!

It's so much more convenient when you leave out geologic warming and cooling trends, and weather stations have heat exchangers, furnaces, and jet exhaust next to them. So how many houses do you have being air conditioned and heated year round? How many miles did you fly in a private jet this past year to save the planet? Who is it that owns the largest US carbon trading company which benefits from scaremongering about man-made global warming?

How very convenient.

02-28-10, 19:51
i realize that i am way too old to complain about weather,, but,, i sure wish some global warming would hit the SE US. this was the first year ever recorded that we did not hit 70* in febuary, and not the first pear tree or plum tree has bloomed yet. i've sure felt you guys up north's pain this year, that much snow has got to give you the blues.

02-28-10, 20:13
Sure Al, only two errors were found. They left out data, they manufactured data, they colluded to prevent real peer review, and they lied.

Oops that's four errors!

It's so much more convenient when you leave out geologic warming and cooling trends, and weather stations have heat exchangers, furnaces, and jet exhaust next to them. So how many houses do you have being air conditioned and heated year round? How many miles did you fly in a private jet this past year to save the planet? Who is it that owns the largest US carbon trading company which benefits from scaremongering about man-made global warming?

How very convenient.

+1 to that, Gore is heavily invested in all the "Green" projects and hopes the goverment connections he retained while in office will pump billions into his companies. Want to know about Gores Climate views. Just follow the money.

02-28-10, 20:28
+1 to that, Gore is heavily invested in all the "Green" projects and hopes the goverment connections he retained while in office will pump billions into his companies. Want to know about Gores Climate views. Just follow the money.

Exactly. It has made him millions. He will continue to spout his BS as long as he is making money off of it.

The sad part is, people buy into it because the media pushes it so hard.
"You tell a lie often enough, the people will believe it." Adolf Hitler

02-28-10, 20:38
If the man had just a little credibility then I might listen.

The hypocrisy is just too overwhelming. If he road a horse and lived in a mud hut then I might listen to him but his carbon footprint is 1000 times bigger than mine so I will just sit back and snicker whenever his name is mentioned.

Whenever the EPA puts such large mandates on clean air vehicles that the efficiency actually suffers then I have to wonder.....

02-28-10, 20:39
Al....I might strat believing you when you give up:

(1) your big private jet
(2) your power sucking household
(3) your carbon trades business

Until then you're just a megalomaniacal hypocrite.

02-28-10, 22:03
Al....I might strat believing you when you give up:

(1) your big private jet
(2) your power sucking household
(3) your carbon trades business

Until then you're just a megalomaniacal hypocrite with a fat carbon assprint.

Fixed it.

02-28-10, 22:04
i realize that i am way too old to complain about weather,, but,, i sure wish some global warming would hit the SE US. this was the first year ever recorded that we did not hit 70* in febuary, and not the first pear tree or plum tree has bloomed yet. i've sure felt you guys up north's pain this year, that much snow has got to give you the blues.

Actually, that's a blessing in disguise for those of us with plum trees.

Normally, warm temps in mid winter fool the plum trees into blossoming, then when the temps drop back down it ruins the crop. What survives is quickly scarfed down by the birds.

We've watched our few plum trees (we have 4) repeat this cycle over and over. We were extremely lucky in that we had a good harvest of plums last year...before that, last harvest was in '95...and that's a damned shame because the jelly is phenomenal.

Now, our pears seem to do well regardless. We've always got a bumper crop of those. I never suspected three trees that weren't really that large could grow so much fruit. We've got pear jelly and canned pear slices coming out of our ears.

02-28-10, 22:30
Al Gore has just figured out a way to scare the shit out of "Sheople" and prosper from it.

So how did it happen before? Was there not a big global warming at another time? If not, how do you explain finding the Mammoths frozen to death with green grass still in their mouths and stomachs, in the regions that they have? Obviously there was green grass there before and no "Ice Cap". It would appear that some sort of "Flash Freeze" happened, so what is to say it couldn't happen again? And once again we would have "Al's Ice cap back". Obviously the world didn't end the first time now, did it.

02-28-10, 23:49

02-28-10, 23:53
Those eye's have a "Deceitful" look.

03-01-10, 01:01
said the man who invented the internet...

He also recently claimed the core of the Earth was millions of degrees celcius. Let's just say science isn't his strong suit. I think he ought to go back to crusading to ban rock and roll records.

03-01-10, 02:36
follow the money.

These three words, if heeded, would shatter most people's perceptions of the world they think they know.


03-01-10, 10:52
Oh look, Al Gore made another speech. Here's what he had to say:


03-01-10, 10:55
I thought that any speech AG made would be followed by "I'm totally cereal you guys...... Manbearpig......" :o

Alex V
03-01-10, 11:10
I could not take more than 2 paragraphs of that self indulgent diatribe...

I sometimes wonder, does be really belieave his own BS or does he know he is lying only to push through his vision of how we [not he] should live?

Which is worse?

03-01-10, 11:19
I could not take more than 2 paragraphs of that self indulgent diatribe...

I sometimes wonder, does be really believe his own BS or does he know he is lying only to push through his vision of how we [not he] should live?

Which is worse?

He only believes in making "AL" money! So no he does not believe his own crap, he just believes that sheople will.

03-01-10, 12:40

03-01-10, 12:43