View Full Version : Tough Arizona sheriff object of protestors

02-28-10, 16:00
Today's news has a story about the Arizona sheriff noted for pink inmate clothes and tent camps. 10,000 people marched in protest against this guy, whose fault was enforcing the law. My guess is that putting this gig together required money and talent so where did they come from?

About brutality charges in jails, either the inmates control things or else the staff members do. When inmates rape, disembowel each other, and assault staff, it ain't called brutality. Most brutality charges against staff occur during take downs or when force is used in self-defense. Brutality charges are often written in context of civil rights violations, and these require investigation and tons of paper.

One other thing: an inmate who can write a good letter will eventually get a staff person fired. Why? Because it's easier for the for the folks in the Head Shed to get rid of the employee than continuously deal with the inmate.


02-28-10, 22:47
Are you trying to make a point or just rambling?

Joe Arpaio is a racist, an asshole, and is of the simpleton mind that believes the justice system should be serving physical and mental torture to those who are incarcerated rather than rehabilitating them. He has had thousands of lawsuits filed against him for civil rights violations and has displayed tactics time after time characteristic of concentration camp guards. He is a tyrant and should be relieved of his command. He puts a smear on law enforcement nationwide.

He's the very definition of "I'm going to kick your ass and get away with it.". If anyone should be in prison, it's his ass.

02-28-10, 22:49
Read up on him. He's not a law and order type, that is a front. He thinks he runs the county and the laws don't apply to him and his deputies.

Here's some video of one of them stealing documents from a defense attorney:

A couple articles:

02-28-10, 23:10
Joe Arpaio needs to eat a bit less and stop being a media whore. He's the Oscar Goodman of sheriffs.

And no I don't have a problem with inmates living in tents or wearing pink. But I have a problem when a government official tries to use his or her office for fame.

02-28-10, 23:22
Sorry I touched a nerve. Sounds like somebody or his relative ate one of those green baloney sandwiches at one time or another. If I had it to over, I would have been a social worker and probably I would see things differently now. However, my background in corrections has skewed my world view. I have no sympathy for the incarcerated.

02-28-10, 23:25
I have no sympathy for the incarcerated.

You should never be in a position of authority within this country's justice system.

03-01-10, 00:32
Sorry I touched a nerve. Sounds like somebody or his relative ate one of those green baloney sandwiches at one time or another. If I had it to over, I would have been a social worker and probably I would see things differently now. However, my background in corrections has skewed my world view. I have no sympathy for the incarcerated.

So every punishment given is fair and just? Because these guys sure did get what they deserved (http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/innocence-list-those-freed-death-row) :rolleyes: Our justice system is all kinds of f$%ked up. When corporations play a roll in it's just a matter of time until it happens, hell wackenhut is the only example needed for why private prisons are a bad. It's become an industry and many county's wouldn't exist if sentences where fair & just.

03-01-10, 01:04
Well since none of you live in Arizona, allow me to chime in. First off he is an elected official. The people of the county have elected him time and time again. The reason is real simple. He does his best to protect the citizens of Maricopa county.

I would love to know from any one of you exactly why you think he is a racist? Because he cracks down on the illegals in our city and county who smuggle people and drugs? Or because he doesn't feel that criminals should be handled with kid gloves and given every benefit in the world?

I have actually met with and talked to the guy and maybe some of you should do the same first before you criticize him.

03-01-10, 01:22
Being elected does not make you right (Bush, Obama, etc) and I don't have to speak to someone personally to find out whether or not they discriminate against Hispanics and treat prisoners like Jews in concentration camps.

03-01-10, 01:27
Being elected does not make you right (Bush, Obama, etc) and I don't have to speak to someone personally to find out whether or not they discriminate against Hispanics and treat prisoners like Jews in concentration camps.

Hispanic is not a race.

Enforcing immigration laws is discrimination?

03-01-10, 01:35
You should never be in a position of authority within this country's justice system.


Sympathy is a weakness. Empathy is a virtue.

03-01-10, 01:37
Being elected does not make you right (Bush, Obama, etc) and I don't have to speak to someone personally to find out whether or not they discriminate against Hispanics and treat prisoners like Jews in concentration camps.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

Targeting illegals is not discrimination. They are criminals.

03-01-10, 01:42
Well since none of you live in Arizona, allow me to chime in. First off he is an elected official. The people of the county have elected him time and time again. The reason is real simple. He does his best to protect the citizens of Maricopa county.

I would love to know from any one of you exactly why you think he is a racist? Because he cracks down on the illegals in our city and county who smuggle people and drugs? Or because he doesn't feel that criminals should be handled with kid gloves and given every benefit in the world?

I have actually met with and talked to the guy and maybe some of you should do the same first before you criticize him.

So he's not a media whore? And DHS didn't bitch slap him and he's not known for using his office to intimidate others?

Mauser KAR98K
03-01-10, 01:56
So does this mean you all want more of those sanctuary cities, like San Fransico, where they like the smell of their own farts? Sheriff Joe is doing something that the rest of the nation is either having a hard time doing, or just letting it go and "going with the times. The county has the highest kidnapping rate in the country! That's marking Phoenix as the Mexico City of the U.S.

And Phoenix ain't far from the boarder and the bloody war across it.

03-01-10, 01:58

Sympathy is a weakness. Empathy is a virtue.
You have no idea what the words sympathy and empathy mean.

Hispanic is not a race.

Enforcing immigration laws is discrimination?
Targeting people because of what they look like it discrimination. He was going after people that 'looked' like illegals.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

Targeting illegals is not discrimination. They are criminals.
What does an illegal look like?

Also, illegal immigrants in this country work a hell of a lot harder than most Americans do and legal immigrants know a hell of a lot more about this country than most natural Americans do.

03-01-10, 02:17
Also, illegal immigrants in this country work a hell of a lot harder than most Americans do and legal immigrants know a hell of a lot more about this country than most natural Americans do.

It is clear you do not live somewhere that has a problem with illegal immigrants.

03-01-10, 02:28
So does this mean you all want more of those sanctuary cities, like San Fransico, where they like the smell of their own farts?

My farts smell awesome, like cinnamon rolls on a sunday morning with a hint of apple.

There's enforcing the law, and than there's totalitarianism (I'm being a dram queen using the word totalitarianism but it's a bad ass sounding word)

LE should enforce the law, but at the same time you need to respect privacy of the individual. Innocent until proven guilty, it really does mean, you're innocent UNTIL proven otherwise by the justice system.

I don't like the illegals one bit, I've been stabbed by one :p ( Luckily he wasn't very proficient )

But you don't end illegal immigration by going after the immigrants, you end it by going after the people who hire them, take down companies like Tyson and others and you'd see a huge drop in immigration.

03-01-10, 02:28
It is clear you do not live somewhere that has a problem with illegal immigrants.

No ****ing doubt.


03-01-10, 02:32
My farts smell awesome, like cinnamon rolls on a sunday morning with a hint of apple.

There's enforcing the law, and than there's totalitarianism (I'm being a dram queen using the word totalitarianism but it's a bad ass sounding word)

LE should enforce the law, but at the same time you need to respect privacy of the individual. Innocent until proven guilty, it really does mean, you're innocent UNTIL proven otherwise by the justice system.

I don't like the illegals one bit, I've been stabbed by one :p ( Luckily he wasn't very proficient )

But you don't end illegal immigration by going after the immigrants, you end it by going after the people who hire them, take down companies like Tyson and others and you'd see a huge drop in immigration.

Horseshit. They are here already. The prosper more from doing nothing in Las Vegas than doing nothing in Juarez. They aren't going anywhere.


03-01-10, 02:46
Horseshit. They are here already. The prosper more from doing nothing in Las Vegas than doing nothing in Juarez. They aren't going anywhere.


How would they prosper with out welfare and jobs? Mexico would look great. And this goes for all immigrants who enter illegally, even those from european countries, hell even Canada. If you hire an illegal to cut your grass you should get a ticket, if he washes your car... ticket time. You can round up all the illegals you want and send them over the border, but guess what... They hop right back over! :D

And a dumb ass fence isn't going to do anything, it's good for those getting the contracts to build it, but for security, it's crap. They'll dig tunnels if needed. Hell you could mine the whole damn border and they would find a way over, but if prosperity doesn't exist over that border they have no reason to come to begin with.

Enforce the employment laws and fix immigration.

03-01-10, 02:55
But you don't end illegal immigration by going after the immigrants, you end it by going after the people who hire them, take down companies like Tyson and others and you'd see a huge drop in immigration.


You go after the illegals. And the people who hire them. Go after EVERYONE who is breaking the law.

03-01-10, 02:55
quote from Volucris

"Also, Afghanistan has spectacular drugs. I've got some friends who'll visit the region JUST to buy quality hookahs and bring them back to the states."
link to quote

Volupuss you POS
We have soldiers and police dying in Afghanistan to stop the drugs and then we have POS like you getting them killed because you and your friends buy the drugs and drug paraphernalia. You are a criminal dirtbag and now you are polluting this fine site further with your slander of a man who has dedicated his life to protecting the innocent and you then defend your fellow criminals for being treated to bad wardrobe as a reason to imprison a fine sheriff. I hope you and your ilk get caught with you hashish and heroin in Maricopa and you get to find true love while wearing your pink jumpers and smoking some illegal alien gangsta's shower-hookah in C Block!

03-01-10, 03:02

You go after the illegals. And the people who hire them. Go after EVERYONE who is breaking the law.

LMAO, that's fine and dandy, but it does nothing. You're not arresting some one who can be detained for a long period of time (and why would you want to spend the tax dollars on detaining an illegal? ) You go after the source of the problem, and that's simply employment. Going after illegals is a costly and worthless endeavor, principals are dandy but so is practicality.

03-01-10, 03:04
LMAO, that's fine and dandy, but it does nothing. You're not arresting some one who can be detained for a long period of time (and why would you want to spend the tax dollars on detaining an illegal? ) You go after the source of the problem, and that's simply employment. Going after illegals is a costly and worthless endeavor, principals are dandy but so is practicality.

Now it is my turn. LMOA at your naivete. There is more then employment here and arresting them and sending them back is a strong deterrent. I have friends in ICE who can vouch for that.

yes, you must enforce the employment laws. And the immigration laws. Both need to be enforced.

03-01-10, 03:08
Now it is my turn. LMOA at your naivete. There is more then employment here and arresting them and sending them back is a strong deterrent. I have friends in ICE who can vouch for that.

yes, you must enforce the employment laws. And the immigration laws. Both need to be enforced.

So whats the rate of previously deported illegals reentering the country?

03-01-10, 03:11
So whats the rate of previously deported illegals reentering the country?

You tell me? And what your point is? Be careful with your logic and the difference between correlation and causation and coincidence.

03-01-10, 03:18
Targeting people because of what they look like it discrimination. He was going after people that 'looked' like illegals.

You said he was racist. Targeting illegals is not discrimination. Do you have data on how many non-illegals get harassed by the actions of his Deputies (as a percentage)?

03-01-10, 03:19
... And DHS didn't bitch slap him ...

That is probably a sign that he was doing a good job given who runs DHS these days

03-01-10, 03:21
That is probably a sign that he was doing a good job given who runs DHS these days


03-01-10, 03:21
You tell me? And what your point is? Be careful with your logic and the difference between correlation and causation and coincidence.

I brought it up because it goes into tax dollars ( sentencing with illegal reentry) So I won't go there lol, that will take this in another direction.

I'll agree that we both agree that there's a problem with illegal immigration and have different views on how it needs to be enforced :P It's late and I need my beauty sleep.

03-01-10, 03:25
I brought it up because it goes into tax dollars ( sentencing with illegal reentry) So I won't go there lol, that will take this in another direction.

I'll agree that we both agree that there's a problem with illegal immigration and have different views on how it needs to be enforced :P It's late and I need my beauty sleep.

I do agree that we need to go after the scumbags who exploit these people for work as well. (And the ones who treat them right but hire illegals anyway). Where we differ is that I know it is also a necessary component to go after the illegals themselves.

03-01-10, 03:27
Targeting people because of what they look like it discrimination.

I fail to see how it is discrimination. They have a lot of mexican illegal immigrants, who else are they supposed to target? I dont not think targeting white/black/asian people would work when you are looking for mexicans.

03-01-10, 04:20
I fail to see how it is discrimination. They have a lot of mexican illegal immigrants, who else are they supposed to target? I dont not think targeting white/black/asian people would work when you are looking for mexicans.

See, this is the way your brain naturally works to solve a problem. However, in order to not hurt feelings, it is no longer an acceptable method of problem solving. Less effective methods are then advocated.

03-01-10, 05:55
The same DHS run by Janet Napolitano who used to be our governor and did nothing to stop illegals? The same one who has a beef with him? I could give a crap less. Yes, he does play to the media and in relaity he has become a celebrity.

But, I want a sheriff who is tough on crime and that's what he is. I don't care if people cry about him racist. Here are the facts. if we had lrage groups of blacks hanging out at Home Depot dealing drugs and those arrested were predominately black then people would scream racism as well. It all has to do with the make up of the population in the area that is being targeted.

Like I said previously. He has been elected time and again by the people of the county. We don't want Phoenix turning into Los Angeles, New York or some other crap hole and I surely don't want anyone like the Sheriff of LA County, The Chiefs of Police like LA, New York or DC as my local CLEO.

So he's not a media whore? And DHS didn't bitch slap him and he's not known for using his office to intimidate others?

03-01-10, 05:56
You are 100% correct.


You go after the illegals. And the people who hire them. Go after EVERYONE who is breaking the law.

03-01-10, 09:10
Napolitano is pro amnesty, thats why AZ has a gigantic immigration problem. Now she is the DHS lead, amazing. Sounds like Sheriff Joe is doing the job Napolitano didnt do.

03-01-10, 09:36
and treat prisoners like Jews in concentration camps.

that's a friggin retarded statement!!

Please show proof of torture!!

03-01-10, 09:48

03-01-10, 10:06
Illegal immigration is a serious problem nationwide. We as a nation need to decide whether or not we want these people in this country. Until we make up our minds, we need to enforce the law of the land, and from what I can see sheriff Joe is doing his job ,Sure he catches some flak for it because it is a hot button topic, but he is enforcing the law, which ICE is not able to do because of having their hands tied by politics ""eeew" I hate that word"" but until the fed decides to be a government that listens to, and complies with, the voters that put them in office he is the best thing for Maricopa Co. and the voters in the Phoenix area think so too, or he wouldn't keep being reelected. Just my personal opinion BTW . I live in the SW so I do have some knowledge of the problem.

03-01-10, 10:09
Are you trying to make a point or just rambling?

Joe Arpaio is a racist, an asshole, and is of the simpleton mind that believes the justice system should be serving physical and mental torture to those who are incarcerated rather than rehabilitating them. He has had thousands of lawsuits filed against him for civil rights violations and has displayed tactics time after time characteristic of concentration camp guards. He is a tyrant and should be relieved of his command.

What do you base this on? I have seen no evidence to support this. This is one of those claims that gets made on a regular basis that is usally completely unfounded. Most of the time when people make this claim what they mean is bigoted, not racist. Yes semantics is important just ask any lawyer. Either way I have seen no evidence to support this claim

This is a pointless criticism, it has nothing to do with how well he does his job. Why don't you just call him a big stupid doo doo head:rolleyes: it amounts to the same thing

Two points here. One, again where are you getting this? If you are going to make the claim, then you hold the burden of proof. Second, have you ever looked at the rates of rehabilitation or done any serious studying of what happens to people that are released from prison? Have you ever even spent time talking to people from prison? I have, in fact I have a member of my family that did 12 years in federal prison, and I have talked to others and even worked with a few felons. Since you seem to like generalities, generally speaking felons fall into two categories, those who are sorry and those who are sorry they got caught. Trust me when I say that the ones that were "rehabilitated", were because they were not bad to start with, made some bad choices and was genuinely sorry for what happened. The others come out thinking that the next time they wont get caught, and are on their way back before they are even released.

Just because someone has many lawsuits against them is meaningless. Many of the criminals and their families, have nothing better to do than think of ways to get back at people that they feel are the cause of their life woes. If you spent any real amount of time around many of these people, of any color, you would see the sense of entitlement which also translate over to, "it is not my fault it is those mean cops:mad:". As the saying goes " if you are not getting flack then you are not over the target". Don't get me wrong, there are crooked , evil , lousy, and even lazy cops out there that do need to be relived of their positions, but not as many as it seems to be made out to be these days and a smart person would want real proof before condemnation. When I say proof I mean more than media hearsay. Oh and no I am not nor have I ever been law enforcement.

03-01-10, 10:19
quote from Volucris

"Also, Afghanistan has spectacular drugs. I've got some friends who'll visit the region JUST to buy quality hookahs and bring them back to the states."
link to quote

Volupuss you POS
We have soldiers and police dying in Afghanistan to stop the drugs and then we have POS like you getting them killed because you and your friends buy the drugs and drug paraphernalia. You are a criminal dirtbag and now you are polluting this fine site further with your slander of a man who has dedicated his life to protecting the innocent and you then defend your fellow criminals for being treated to bad wardrobe as a reason to imprison a fine sheriff. I hope you and your ilk get caught with you hashish and heroin in Maricopa and you get to find true love while wearing your pink jumpers and smoking some illegal alien gangsta's shower-hookah in C Block!

I don't have a dog in this fight and don't intend to but I'm just curious where the mods are when a member calls another member a "piece of shit" and suggests they need to spend some time sucking cock?

I've been bitch-slapped by the mods and had posted comments deleted for far less. What's up with the double standards?

03-01-10, 10:25
Being elected does not make you right (Bush, Obama, etc) and I don't have to speak to someone personally to find out whether or not they discriminate against Hispanics and treat prisoners like Jews in concentration camps.

How long were you in the Maricopa Co. jail? What were you arrested for? By what methods did they discriminate against hispanics while you were incarcerated there? Which torture methods did they use on you? How long did you have to go without food?

03-01-10, 10:26
Being elected does not make you right (Bush, Obama, etc) and I don't have to speak to someone personally to find out whether or not they discriminate against Hispanics and treat prisoners like Jews in concentration camps.


True about having to speak to someone, but again what are you basing this accusation on? Illegal immigrants are by definition law breakers, and I am guessing that in his area most are hispanic. Doubtful that he has many from eastern Europe

Would you please stop with all of the emotional mellow drama:rolleyes:. I have not heard of any gassing, or ovens, and his food supply has not been cut off so he has not started any starvation of the prisoners. Keep in mind it is a jail and there really are some crooks and bad people in there. No not all of them are but there are at least a few. Would you prefer that he not make them stay, just make them promise to stay, then put them up in a hotel with HBO and room service?

03-01-10, 10:33
Also, illegal immigrants in this country work a hell of a lot harder than most Americans do and legal immigrants know a hell of a lot more about this country than most natural Americans do.

Please check your facts. Only 13% of illegals work hard doing jobs that need to get done, the rest work the system and at other criminal enterprises. Keep in mind that number includes all illegals, even those from Asia, Africa and Europe.

While this is true, what does that have to do with the topic at hand? I have never heard a complaint about the legal immigrants.

the Bamster
03-01-10, 10:37
I am tired of being branded a racist. In 1988 I flew to London, I remember being shocked by the sea of muslims that had moved into the country. I said to my friend "this is not going to be good in twenty years". I had forgotten it till the friend reminded me after the subway attacks. The Britts are now debating radical islams right to operate openly in there society while they watch the muslims openly debate the Britts right to live. Insanity, openly debating if you and your family have the right to exist as if it,s just an academic exercise. Hate our history, our ancestors, our country, our wealth, and ourselves the rule that is not to be broken.

CommentsMexico's Immigration Law: Let's Try It Here at Home
by J. Michael Waller


Mexico has a radical idea for a rational immigration policy that most Americans would love. However, Mexican officials haven’t been sharing that idea with us as they press for our Congress to adopt the McCain-Kennedy immigration reform bill.

That's too bad, because Mexico, which annually deports more illegal aliens than the United States does, has much to teach us about how it handles the immigration issue. Under Mexican law, it is a felony to be an illegal alien in Mexico.

At a time when the Supreme Court and many politicians seek to bring American law in line with foreign legal norms, it’s noteworthy that nobody has argued that the U.S. look at how Mexico deals with immigration and what it might teach us about how best to solve

our illegal immigration problem. Mexico has a single, streamlined law that ensures that foreign visitors and immigrants are:

in the country legally;
have the means to sustain themselves economically;
not destined to be burdens on society;
of economic and social benefit to society;
of good character and have no criminal records; and
contributors to the general well-being of the nation.
The law also ensures that:

immigration authorities have a record of each foreign visitor;
foreign visitors do not violate their visa status;
foreign visitors are banned from interfering in the country’s internal politics;
foreign visitors who enter under false pretenses are imprisoned or deported;
foreign visitors violating the terms of their entry are imprisoned or deported;
those who aid in illegal immigration will be sent to prison.
Who could disagree with such a law? It makes perfect sense. The Mexican constitution strictly defines the rights of citizens -- and the denial of many fundamental rights to non-citizens, illegal and illegal. Under the constitution, the Ley General de Población, or
General Law on Population, spells out specifically the country's immigration policy.

It is an interesting law -- and one that should cause us all to ask, Why is our great southern neighbor pushing us to water down our own immigration laws and policies, when its own immigration restrictions are the toughest on the continent? If a felony is a
crime punishable by more than one year in prison, then Mexican law makes it a felony to be an illegal alien in Mexico.

If the United States adopted such statutes, Mexico no doubt would denounce it as a manifestation of American racism and bigotry.

We looked at the immigration provisions of the Mexican constitution. [1] Now let's look at Mexico's main immigration law.

Mexico welcomes only foreigners who will be useful to Mexican society:

Foreigners are admitted into Mexico "according to their possibilities of contributing to national progress." (Article 32)
Immigration officials must "ensure" that "immigrants will be useful elements for the country and that they have the necessary funds for their sustenance" and for their dependents. (Article 34)
Foreigners may be barred from the country if their presence upsets "the equilibrium of the national demographics," when foreigners are deemed detrimental to "economic or national interests," when they do not behave like good citizens in their own country, when they have broken Mexican laws, and when "they are not found to be physically or mentally healthy." (Article 37)
The Secretary of Governance may "suspend or prohibit the admission of foreigners when he determines it to be in the national interest." (Article 38)
Mexican authorities must keep track of every single person in the country:

Federal, local and municipal police must cooperate with federal immigration authorities upon request, i.e., to assist in the arrests of illegal immigrants. (Article 73)
A National Population Registry keeps track of "every single individual who comprises the population of the country," and verifies each individual's identity. (Articles 85 and 86)

A national Catalog of Foreigners tracks foreign tourists and immigrants (Article 87), and assigns each individual with a unique tracking number (Article 91).

Foreigners with fake papers, or who enter the country under false pretenses, may be imprisoned:

Foreigners with fake immigration papers may be fined or imprisoned. (Article 116)
Foreigners who sign government documents "with a signature that is false or different from that which he normally uses" are subject to fine and imprisonment. (Article 116)
Foreigners who fail to obey the rules will be fined, deported, and/or imprisoned as felons:

Foreigners who fail to obey a deportation order are to be punished. (Article 117)
Foreigners who are deported from Mexico and attempt to re-enter the country without authorization can be imprisoned for up to 10 years. (Article 118)
Foreigners who violate the terms of their visa may be sentenced to up to six years in prison (Articles 119, 120 and 121). Foreigners who misrepresent the terms of their visa while in Mexico -- such as working with out a permit -- can also be imprisoned.

Under Mexican law, illegal immigration is a felony. The General Law on Population says,

"A penalty of up to two years in prison and a fine of three hundred to five thousand pesos will be imposed on the foreigner who enters the country illegally." (Article 123)
Foreigners with legal immigration problems may be deported from Mexico instead of being imprisoned. (Article 125)
Foreigners who "attempt against national sovereignty or security" will be deported. (Article 126)
Mexicans who help illegal aliens enter the country are themselves considered criminals under the law:

A Mexican who marries a foreigner with the sole objective of helping the foreigner live in the country is subject to up to five years in prison. (Article 127)
Shipping and airline companies that bring undocumented foreigners into Mexico will be fined. (Article 132)
All of the above runs contrary to what Mexican leaders are demanding of the United States. The stark contrast between Mexico's immigration practices versus its American
immigration preachings is telling. It gives a clear picture of the Mexican government's agenda: to have a one-way immigration relationship with the United States.

Let's call Mexico's bluff on its unwarranted interference in U.S. immigration policy. Let's propose, just to make a point, that the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) member nations standardize their immigration laws by using Mexico's own law as a model.

This article was first posted at CenterforSecurityPolicy.org.


1. "Mexico's Glass House," Center for Security Policy Occasional Paper, April 3, 2006.

03-01-10, 10:40
That is probably a sign that he was doing a good job given who runs DHS these days

My thoughts exactly

03-01-10, 13:05
...Targeting people because of what they look like it discrimination. He was going after people that 'looked' like illegals.

What does an illegal look like?

They look like me. I'm an immigrant (Naturalized in 1987) but I entered these United States LEGALLY. If you cannot do so, then you are nothing more than a common criminal and should be treated as such. There are about a half-dozen ways anyone from outside the US can cross into our borders without violating any laws.

Also, illegal immigrants in this country work a hell of a lot harder than most Americans do and legal immigrants know a hell of a lot more about this country than most natural Americans do.

As someone who:
(a) Legally entered into the United States.
(b) Filed the appropriate paperwork and waited for my status to be changed to that of a Resident Alien (Green card Holder).
(c) Immediately enlisted into the US Army and received an Honorable Discharge after 4-years of Active Duty Service.
(d) Filed for Naturalization when I could legally do so.
(e) Patiently waited for the paperwork to go through and went through the whole interview process before receiving approval.
(f) Put myself through College (Graduate and Undergraduate) by working up to 3 jobs at a time.
(g) Have a total of 26-years of combined Active, National Guard, and Reserve Service.
(h) Served my community as a Volunteer (as in no pay) LEO and a member of the SAR unit.

My heart does not bleed for anyone who has chosen to enter into the US illegally. I had to go through the whole process of applying for Residency and then Naturalization. It may be time consuming but it's not that expensive.

If they want to live here, they need to abide by our laws and by our rules. I grew up in a very different culture with different values. But just because I grew up as such, it doesn't mean I should be allowed to apply the values and practices that go against our established and written laws. Just because they "know a hell of a lot more about this country than most natural Americans do" id doesn't mean they should not earn their right to stay in this country as I and 4 of my 5 my siblings have (the 5th one lives in Canada).

Don't play the race card on me - an ELECTED SHERIFF who enforces the ESTABLISHED LAWS against illegal immigration is not necessarily a racist. IMHO, those who who thinks that he is probably are.

03-01-10, 13:18
Well said Carlos. My family immigrated to this country legally as well. My father worked himself half to death in order to provide us the opportunity of a brighter future so I have no love for those that will cut corners and try to get something for nothing.

03-01-10, 13:42
To the OP, you're much better off posting a link to the article you're mentioning and quoting it rather than throwing up your opinion of something you haven't referenced. It would definitely help keep this thread more on topic than branching out 15 different ways.
I have lived in AZ, Tempe, and although I do reside in Vegas now I travel to AZ on a consistent basis for work. I do know people who've been incarcerated in the Maricopa County jails and I think some of Arpaio's tactics are BS.
One shower a week, 2 meals a day and chain gangs for people who have NOT been proven guilty is a little extreme to me. I care less about pink underwear and illegal immigration issues with Arpaio, I have no love for the illegals. Mostly I see the guy as a media whore who travels around with his security goons everywhere seeking nothing but publicity for himself.

From Wikipedia FWIW...

From 2004 through November 2007, Arpaio was the target of 2,150 lawsuits in U.S. District Court and hundreds more in Maricopa County courts, with more than $50 million in claims being filed,[35] 50 times as many prison-conditions lawsuits as the New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Houston jail systems combined.[36] Allegations of cruel treatment of inmates as well as living conditions have been cited by Amnesty International in a report issued on the treatment of inmates in Maricopa County facilities.[37]

In her book on prison policy The Use of Force by Detention Officers, Arizona State University criminal justice professor Marie L. Griffin reported on a 1998 study commissioned by Arpaio to examine recidivism rates based on conditions of confinement. Comparing recidivism rates under Arpaio to those under his predecessor, the study found "there was no significant difference in recidivism observed between those offenders released in 1989-1990 and those released in 1994-1995."[38]

03-01-10, 15:49
M4Fundi - I don't think you should drag your PM back & forth into a public forum unless it somehow benefits the discussion. The only thing that posting this is going to do is start a mud slinging competition and ruin any chance of this thread remaining open.

03-01-10, 16:29
chain gangs for people who have NOT been proven guilty is a little extreme to me.

The chain gangs are voluntary.

03-01-10, 16:36
The chain gangs are voluntary.

Don't believe everything you read on the internet.

03-01-10, 17:31
Enough guys.