View Full Version : Any department of correction officers here?

03-01-10, 21:23
I'm thinking about taking my civil service test, state and federal, and getting out the health insurance industry. My company has been preparing for the hard times ahead between the economy and what may or may not come down the pike in way of health care reform, 800-1,000 permanent layoffs in the next month or two, who knows what the future may hold in the next year or two.

After working at Camp Bucca in 2004 over in the sandbox, I'm not completely in the dark on day to day operations on the job. I don't see any reason not to in my current situation and between the state of PA and Federal, there are around 15 within 100 miles of home, so I wouldn't be moving far and I do want to get out of the city. My current commute time is 30 mintues and I'm only going 3 miles into downtown Pgh :mad:

Just wondering how you guys: like it, hate it, whatever it's a job, etc. if there are any of you here.

03-01-10, 23:04
You may want to go to law enforcement forums and see what they have to say. I've never been a CO but I come in contact with both Federal and Local COs on a daily basis.

It's like any other job. Some love it, some hate it, some say, "it pays the bills." You may like it, you may hate it.

If you're planning for a job in Law Enforcement all I can say is good luck. Agencies are flooded with applicants. In an all ready competitive field the economy has made it super competitive. So if you are even remotely considering applying I would say get your application in now so you get the process rolling. It's always better to be taking in a paycheck while you're looking for another job. Good luck.