View Full Version : Detention

03-01-10, 22:36
Came across this somehow:

Made me think of a similar incident back at good ole Harwood Junion High in Bedford, TX. I was sent home one day with a detention notice for, and I quote, kissing Shelly Dorman in the F-pod area. My mother read the note, looked at me angrily, and asked, "Where exactly is Shelly's f-pod?"

03-01-10, 23:54
I wish I had all the ones I got in HS, the descriptions of the incidence were very entertaining. Although if the same things happened today Im sure the police would have been involved and I would have been expelled. I feel bad for kids today.

03-02-10, 02:04
Made me think of a similar incident back at good ole Harwood Junion High in Bedford, TX. I was sent home one day with a detention notice for, and I quote, kissing Shelly Dorman in the F-pod area. My mother read the note, looked at me angrily, and asked, "Where exactly is Shelly's f-pod?"

You were a youngin in my neck of the woods? Interesting.

I had my fair share of stupid ones in high school. My favorite was getting detention for sitting at the same table at which someone had put pudding on the seat of another student. It was my first lesson in true civic responsibility, or, if you see someone doing something stupid, stop them.

I came away with, if I see someone doing something stupid, get the hell away.

The worst part was I got detention, it made me late for practice, and I had to run my ass off for being late to practice. Not a fun time.

03-02-10, 03:12
So according to the slip, the student is white and the teacher is asian? lol jk

03-02-10, 05:40
I remember when I was in junior high I received a 2 day in-school suspension for, and I quote, "possession of pornography with intent to distribute". One of the teachers knew something was up when she saw a big group of us huddled around a computer in the library. We must have had the look of kids that weren't there to further our own education. Anyways, she caught us. Well actually she caught me, everybody else booked it. My favorite part of the whole thing was as I was sitting in the principals office he was giving me the whole "this is degrading to women speech" while folding up the pictures I had printed out and putting them in his pocket. I'm sure he needed them for evidence, right?

03-02-10, 09:35
Came across this somehow:

Made me think of a similar incident back at good ole Harwood Junion High in Bedford, TX. I was sent home one day with a detention notice for, and I quote, kissing Shelly Dorman in the F-pod area. My mother read the note, looked at me angrily, and asked, "Where exactly is Shelly's f-pod?"

Did you tell her "in detention with the rest of her"?

I just think back to all the stuff I got caught doing... and then all the stuff I didn't get caught doing...... if only they knew....

03-02-10, 13:02
Did you tell her "in detention with the rest of her"?

I just think back to all the stuff I got caught doing... and then all the stuff I didn't get caught doing...... if only they knew....

Yeah, glad that I was never caught, and that the statute of limitations has run out. As some of the shit I pulled would get a kid arrested nowadays.

03-02-10, 15:23
never mind, I got it now

03-02-10, 15:40

03-02-10, 16:32
So what exactly IS Shelly's f-pod...?

03-03-10, 08:36
I got a "green slip" (very bad) sent home with me in the 5th or 6th grade for laughing at a kids sentence.
The sentence was, "The squirrel ate his nuts".
I still laugh now.
Those nuns had no sense of humor.

03-04-10, 22:25
So what exactly IS Shelly's f-pod...?

Glad you asked Jonny but I want to know too.

03-04-10, 22:53
Is it bad laughing @ that?.. Being i have no kids
I can laugh at these things not having to worry about
keeping a straight face when my kid gets busted for doing the same if not less.

I do remember ::Robert was seen in the library standing on a chair giving
"the finger" to another student in an adjoining classroom.::

If that's all he says wrong then he's either the best kid ever, or needs to
get out and play with some others kids.

03-05-10, 00:03
The F-pod was the math/history wing of the school. We were there after school mugging in what we thought was privacy when a nosey (single, never married, old, female) teacher insisted on ruining the mood.

03-05-10, 03:00
I spent a good deal of time after school for many minor violations of the rules. Mostly being a smart mouth and for not being very punctual.

I still remember one detention on of my friends got for tightening a zip tie around another kids neck. The kid got all red and said he couldn't breathe. We were all standing there laughing our asses off and the shop teacher calmly walked up and snipped the zip tie, told the kid to quit being a pussy, and drug my friend into his office. A few minutes later my friend came out of the office with a slight grin on his face and he showed me the detention slip. In the reason section it read, Attempted Murder. I about pissed myself at that one.

I think back to some of the dumb shit my friends and I did back in the 80's, would get a kid sent to jail these days.

03-05-10, 09:46

When I was a sophomore in high school (80's) I brought a gun to school. Not a real gun, it was a Marushin Colt Commander blowback pistol that I purchased as a kit and put together. One of my buddies wanted to see it so I put it in my gym bag and brought it. Thinking back I should have just invited him over to the house but I didn't.

My buddy and I went into the locker area to view my cool new acquisition and thought we were all by ourselves when the gym teacher walked in. :eek:

He asked what it was, I told him, and he said that I shouldn't bring stuff like that to school. End of story. :cool:

03-05-10, 21:16
Back when I when in high school, a friend of mine was a big Soldier of Fortune reader and bought himself a Gerber Mk II. He rigged the sheath upside-down on his belt and fastened the tie-down to his arm somehow. He wore the knife to school under his warm-up jacket. I don't know how often he carried it, but he never got caught. My guess is just a few days until the novelty wore off. I'm pretty sure that's expulsion today and it probably would have been a long suspension at the minimum back then (early '80's).

03-05-10, 21:20

03-05-10, 21:38
Came across this somehow:

Made me think of a similar incident back at good ole Harwood Junion High in Bedford, TX. I was sent home one day with a detention notice for, and I quote, kissing Shelly Dorman in the F-pod area. My mother read the note, looked at me angrily, and asked, "Where exactly is Shelly's f-pod?"

Bahahaha. Excellent.

03-05-10, 21:39

When I was a sophomore in high school (80's) I brought a gun to school. Not a real gun, it was a Marushin Colt Commander blowback pistol that I purchased as a kit and put together. One of my buddies wanted to see it so I put it in my gym bag and brought it. Thinking back I should have just invited him over to the house but I didn't.

My buddy and I went into the locker area to view my cool new acquisition and thought we were all by ourselves when the gym teacher walked in. :eek:

He asked what it was, I told him, and he said that I shouldn't bring stuff like that to school. End of story. :cool:

These days a kid would be expelled. Sad times all around.

03-05-10, 21:40
I used to bring all of my hunting gear to school with me, including my rifle. I would leave it in the car and go to my friend's land and hunt after school. No one ever gave it any thought. That would be almost news worthy now a days!