View Full Version : Why don't we just divide the country?

03-02-10, 17:30
Everyone that wants socialism and stupid windmills go one direction and everyone that wants capitalism and oil wells will go another. Then we'll redraw the borders and see who is still solvent in 5 years.

Whaddya think? :cool:



03-02-10, 17:42
The country was split once before and I'm not sure that turned out so well. How about we just take the whole thing over and throw out all the socialists, communists and other progressives!

03-02-10, 17:45
No. I don't want to cede ground to the progressives.

03-02-10, 17:48
Ask the South how well that worked out ;)
Although, I do think we'd be neighbors if the time ever came.

03-02-10, 17:54
Hell, what do we do with Wyoming then? It's chock full of oil and gas, and there's more windmills than you could shake a stick at in a week! Not too many progressives though. Oh, did I mention that Wyoming has been running a surplus for years? Let 'em have California and New York. I don't like being that close to people anyways.:D

03-02-10, 17:59
The country was split once before and I'm not sure that turned out so well.

As they say on the mutual fund ads, past performance should not be taken as an indicator of future success!

Just imagine California with no liberals. It would be an amazing place.


03-02-10, 18:32
I am all about it. Especially considering when you look at what states actually contribute large amounts to the GDP.

03-02-10, 18:36
Hell, what do we do with Wyoming then? It's chock full of oil and gas, and there's more windmills than you could shake a stick at in a week! Not too many progressives though. Oh, did I mention that Wyoming has been running a surplus for years? Let 'em have California and New York. I don't like being that close to people anyways.:D

No offense but as a Wyoming native I feel the state is one of the most "progressive" in the nation. It's just that word has been turned into something bad by people that don't understand what it actually means. Wyoming is the best state in this nation, and while it has its problems they are miniscule in comparison to the rest of the country.

I think your point about the windmills and oil wells is proof too of how idiotic the media imposed dullard supported left vs. right argument in this country actually is. And to answer your first question WY will continue doing what it does, and stay relatively the same if the rest of the country attempted to split down idiological lines.

03-02-10, 18:37

03-02-10, 18:40
No offense but as a Wyoming native I feel the state is one of the most "progressive" in the nation. It's just that word has been turned into something bad by people that don't understand what it actually means. Wyoming is the best state in this nation, and while it has its problems they are miniscule in comparison to the rest of the country.

I think your point about the windmills and oil wells is proof too of how idiotic the media imposed dullard supported left vs. right argument in this country actually is. And to answer your first question WY will continue doing what it does, and stay relatively the same if the rest of the country attempted to split down idiological lines.

i have no problem with progress- i just cant figure out how it's become inextricably linked to the loss of civil liberties.

03-02-10, 18:44
The country was split once before and I'm not sure that turned out so well.

But...this time WE'RE the ones with the guns! They can stage a sit-in at the border if they want.

In all seriousness, though, as much as I despise this left vs right BS bickering- I'm glad I live in a place where both sides are allowed to believe as they do and discuss it (even if one side tends to sound like a screeching record that nobody wants to take off the turntable)

03-02-10, 18:45
i have no problem with progress- i just cant figure out how it's become inextricably linked to the loss of civil liberties.


Anyone can take a good idea and twist it into representing something entirely different, all you need is enough people and enough money to "reeducate" them.

03-02-10, 18:47
i have no problem with progress- i just cant figure out how it's become inextricably linked to the loss of civil liberties.

I don't think it has. I think that this nation both left and right have walked a path down the road of taking away our civil liberties, and they have been doing so for years. Our political neglect as citizens is responsible for that, and more then anything our obsession with our "side" blinds us from seeing that both "sides" destroy civil liberties equally.

To me progress means moving forward in a way that means you don't repeat the mistakes of past generations. Wyoming is very much doing this, and in many ways has always been doing it.

03-02-10, 19:20
Ask the South how well that worked out ;)
Although, I do think we'd be neighbors if the time ever came.

south would win this time, liberals dont have any guns remember

03-02-10, 21:49
Just imagine California with no liberals. It would be an amazing place.


My buddies and I were just discussing this at work today. California really is a nice place once you remove the progressives and socialists. We said "You could give them New Mexico, just lead them there in their Priuses and tell them there's free granola waiting for them at the end of their trip.":p

03-03-10, 09:50
not a new idea I did not invent the title of Jesusland so forgive me advance. I neither promote nor deny the idea I am only reporting


and btw the real problem is that we are polarized rather then having a healthy discourse and taking the best ideas from both sides. There is a lot of I would rather see t he country fail instead of letting the (insert the political party of choice) win. Personaly I think they are Dumb f&*ks on both sides. There is to many special intersts instead of statesmen on both the left and the right. Theocracys do not work look at Iran or in history Isreal(not the modern day country) What we lack is balance and a clear vision. You know what it is collectivly all our fault. We are the ones who are electing them off rant

03-03-10, 10:00
south would win this time, liberals dont have any guns remember

Depends who controls the military individual arms do not count. Last I heard they swore an oath to protect the constitution. The military guys I know take that seriously

03-03-10, 10:01

Mexico has government subsidized health care.

Mexico does not allow civilians to own guns.

Clearly we should round up the Liberals and begin a forced march, sending them across the Southern Border. Mexico has given us many citizens, we should return the favor & then close ourt border. .. . tight! It'd be like the reverse of "brain drain" & they'd probably be happier where their agenda is already in place and working so well;)

03-03-10, 10:06
In before Dave_A.......ooops wrong forum! ;)

03-03-10, 10:07

Mexico has government subsidized health care.

Mexico does not allow civilians to own guns.

Clearly we should round up the Liberals and begin a forced march, sending them across the Southern Border. Mexico has given us many citizens, we should return the favor & then close ourt border. .. . tight! It'd be like the reverse of "brain drain" & they'd probably be happier where their agenda is already in place and working so well;)

This I like! You, your good you!

03-03-10, 10:41
In before Dave_A.......ooops wrong forum! ;)



03-03-10, 10:58
Glenn Beck said this at least once.

Divide the country into two. Let the progressives divide it any way they want. Then see who is still around in 5, 10, 20 years... He said it does not matter how it physically is divided, the chances of the progressives still being around and having a healthy country is not very high. It was not the land and resources, but the ideas behind it all that made the difference.

03-03-10, 11:32
The entire government needs to be torn down and rebuilt from scratch based on the original constitution.

03-03-10, 11:34
I don't think I'd fit in with many of you because I'd want the Socio-Fascists, CommunNazis and Globalists OFF OF THE CONTINENT.


03-03-10, 11:36
I don't think I'd fit in with many of you because I'd want the Socio-Fascists, CommunNazis and Globalists OFF OF THE CONTINENT.


and i'd want them tried for treason beneath a gallows.

03-03-10, 11:46
I don't think I'd fit in with many of you because I'd want the Socio-Fascists, CommunNazis and Globalists OFF OF THE CONTINENT.


Agreed. I am thinking the middle of the Atlantic.

03-03-10, 12:00
This map gets me everytime I see it:


Neal Boortz has advocated only allowing people that pay taxes to vote, as well as requiring a basic test (i.e. name a senator and at least one representative from your state). Not sold exclusively on the taxpayer thing (though I lean towards it) but I like the idea of the quiz.

03-03-10, 12:07
and i'd want them tried for treason beneath a gallows.

No quarrels from me, bro.

But I'd also like to see their adherents booted from the continent as they'd be "too late wise."

What are we to do with the land of Canada? Their gov't would most certainly have to go - as would Mexico's... This problem is larger than just our own demented populace...

03-03-10, 12:55
How about we simply remain a Constitutionally protected Democratic Republic and anyone who doesn't like it can go live in socialist nirvana in Canada.

03-03-10, 13:11
Because most people on this site don't know what the definition of Democracy and true Liberalism is (though they think they do), much less a "Democratic Republic".

Once again though, we agree.

03-03-10, 13:19
How about we simply remain a Constitutionally protected Democratic Republic and anyone who doesn't like it can go live in socialist nirvana in Canada.
"Democratic Republic"? What is that?

Since most Canadians live near our expansive border I'd like to "annex" Canada, too. Or at least the liberty-loving segment of Canada can send the Tories back to England and The Crown and let those who wish to live with Liberty do as they please there. Then (and only then) would we have a friendly gov't to our north.

I fear our Southern Border will be a lot, say, "grittier"...

03-03-10, 16:14
Because most people on this site don't know what the definition of Democracy and true Liberalism is (though they think they do), much less a "Democratic Republic".

Once again though, we agree.

Just so we are clear, I wasn't saying we are a democracy. We have a democratic process within the confines of a Republic. Thus even if we had a 100% vote we couldn't vote away Constitutional protections.

03-03-10, 18:20
My buddies and I were just discussing this at work today. California really is a nice place once you remove the progressives and socialists. We said "You could give them New Mexico, just lead them there in their Priuses and tell them there's free granola waiting for them at the end of their trip.":p

Man don't give them NM I live here' and other than a crooked Governor it's not so bad.

Good fishin and hunting and I can go out and shoot, almost anywhere and anytime

without any problems.

baffle Stack
03-03-10, 19:19
Yeah NM is nice. Santa Fe is really liberal though.

03-03-10, 19:31
The 10th amendment. Give the states back that right FULLY and I'll be more than happy. People in Alabama and people in California Do Not share the same beliefs and moral standards. Therefore the 10th amendment works perfectly! People need to start thinking of the states as 50 little countries. Not one big one. Basically the UNITED states is a union between the states. That is what the Founder's intended and as a side note that keeps the power away from a central /federal government.

03-03-10, 19:50

03-03-10, 20:49
Just so we are clear, I wasn't saying we are a democracy. We have a democratic process within the confines of a Republic. Thus even if we had a 100% vote we couldn't vote away Constitutional protections.

Thank you, but we were clear to begin with. I know what the difference between a democracy and a democratic republic is.

03-03-10, 20:54
No. I don't want to cede ground to the progressives.

Yeah, the California countryside is too nice to leave to them.

03-03-10, 20:55
I hate to tell you this, but...that is exactly what has happened. States rights died in 1865, regardless of what the Constitution says.

"You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave."

03-03-10, 21:28
People need to start thinking of the states as 50 little countries. Not one big one. Basically the UNITED states is a union between the states. That is what the Founder's intended and as a side note that keeps the power away from a central /federal government.

Even though I already know this, the way you described this, for some reason, just made it so abundantly clear how much power the federal government really has nowadays. They have dipped themselves in so many things they have absolutely no buisness fooling with like education, health care, etc. States should have more rights and if you don't like your state's laws, move.

Sometimes its necessary to go back and just review the basics.

03-04-10, 00:22
The 10th amendment. Give the states back that right FULLY and I'll be more than happy. People in Alabama and people in California Do Not share the same beliefs and moral standards. Therefore the 10th amendment works perfectly! People need to start thinking of the states as 50 little countries. Not one big one. Basically the UNITED states is a union between the states. That is what the Founder's intended and as a side note that keeps the power away from a central /federal government.

This is how we must COLLECTIVELY (i.e., each Nation State) approach this!

03-04-10, 00:35

03-04-10, 01:00
I've always been a big fan of the movie Mad Max. :D

03-04-10, 07:08
I don't know if you've forgotten or not, but a little over 150 years ago there was a little war that took the lives of over 620,000 Americans because we had become a divided land. The idea that some of you would have them die in vain because you disagree with the opinions of some of your fellow countrymen is utterly insane and could spell complete disaster.

Does our republic have flaws? Yes. Do our people have some mistaken belief systems? Yes. But is that valid grounds for one to advocate the destruction of our union? Where do individual rights, something that we should all cherish as gun owners, play into your plans for ideological cleansing?

There are many left-wingers in my family, and I disagree with them on almost everything politically. But never would I advocate destroying this country or punishing them for holding the beliefs that they do. Just because they are leftist in political orientation does not make them traitors - they are extremely loyal to this country and would not betray it. And that's true of the vast majority of leftists in this nation.

I do, however, wish them utter ruin in elections.

Alex V
03-04-10, 08:17
Pirate for Prez! Give PRK, PRNJ, PRNY and Massachusetts to the progs.

hey... I don't really want to move... why cant we just liberate NJ?

Agreed. I am thinking the middle of the Atlantic.

Pacific is deeper...

03-04-10, 09:13
I don't know if you've forgotten or not, but a little over 150 years ago there was a little war that took the lives of over 620,000 Americans because we had become a divided land. The idea that some of you would have them die in vain because you disagree with the opinions of some of your fellow countrymen is utterly insane and could spell complete disaster.

Does our republic have flaws? Yes. Do our people have some mistaken belief systems? Yes. But is that valid grounds for one to advocate the destruction of our union? Where do individual rights, something that we should all cherish as gun owners, play into your plans for ideological cleansing?

There are many left-wingers in my family, and I disagree with them on almost everything politically. But never would I advocate destroying this country or punishing them for holding the beliefs that they do. Just because they are leftist in political orientation does not make them traitors - they are extremely loyal to this country and would not betray it. And that's true of the vast majority of leftists in this nation.

I do, however, wish them utter ruin in elections.

No one would have died in vain...............during the war President Lincoln said that whoever wins, the nation would have to remain. In other words, the North would have had to join the Confederate to maintain a union if it had gone that way. He was very adamant about keeping the United States whole however the outcome.;)

03-04-10, 14:00
I doubt any of them would be solvent within 12 months after separation. How can they maintain an entitlement state when there's no taxable income coming in?

03-04-10, 14:14
I pledge alliegance to the flag
of the United States of America
and to the Republic for which it stands,
One nation, under God
with Liberty and Justice for All.

03-04-10, 14:25
I pledge alliegance to the flag
of the United States of America
and to the Republic for which it stands,
One nation, under God
with Liberty and Justice for All.

amen.. we can joke all we want, but we've all sworn this oath.

Preferred User
03-04-10, 17:28
Just to follow on the OP regarding socialism, just found the following as I was reading an article about our local school board:

Socialism Viewed Positively by 36% of Americans (http://www.gallup.com/poll/125645/socialism-viewed-positively-americans.aspx)

PRINCETON, NJ -- More than one-third of Americans (36%) have a positive image of "socialism," while 58% have a negative image. Views differ by party and ideology, with a majority of Democrats and liberals saying they have a positive view of socialism, compared to a minority of Republicans and conservatives.

03-04-10, 17:44

03-04-10, 17:46
More Americans should watch this video with an open mind and really THINK about the different forms of Government... It's long (10+ minutes) but a good watch and time well spent:
