View Full Version : John Albert Gardner III, sex offender

Bill Bryant
03-02-10, 18:14
My wife was abducted, raped, knifed, and left to die by one of these guys, and survived only because she was discovered in a field still alive by kids on a Halloween hayride.

The perp was caught, confessed, did twelve or thirteen years (sorry, memory fails here) and is out on the street again. (Yes, I know where he lives.)

Every night I caress multiple scars from the knife wounds.

When are we going to do the thing that we all know needs to be done to put an end to these horrors?



03-02-10, 18:23
He served only five years in prison for molesting a girl a decade ago after prosecutors rejected a psychiatrist's advice to seek a stiffer punishment, court documents state.
WTF?!?! If proven guilty they should be castrated, there is no other cure.

03-02-10, 18:32

03-02-10, 18:46
i'm opposed to the death penalty.. but REAL sex offenders ALWAYS re-offend. i'd like to see the prosecutor prosecuted for criminal negligence, and the perp done quietly in an alley.

03-02-10, 18:55
If you want something done right.....

03-02-10, 19:00
If you want something done right.....

A very quiet "amen" to that.

Justice is not a process. Justice is an outcome. Just my .02.

Bill Bryant
03-02-10, 19:01
One good sentence, on the first offense, would be an hour alone with the girl's father, uncles, and brothers, all of whom would be free to take any action whatsoever with impunity.

03-02-10, 19:19
Repeat offenders keep the justice system in the money.

If we executed violent offenders like we should then there would be a whole lot of people in the justice system out of work. Whats the return rate on people in prison? 65-70%? Yeah its a revolving door so people serve little time for ruining peoples lives or killing them....get out, do it again, and go back for another lite punishment.

But they got plenty of time and room for pot smokers and people who sell guns to someone with a license that says CA instead of AZ.

03-02-10, 19:20
Bill, you are a better man than me. I am not so sure that I would have any interest in listening to the better angels of my nature if I was in your shoes.

Rest in peace Chelsea.

03-02-10, 19:28
WTF?!?! If proven guilty they should be castrated, there is no other cure.

I'm kinda ruff around the edges on this as I have a young daughter...castration and amputate the arms. They don't deserve to even touch themselves anymore.

Hard to rape someone with no limbs.

They could always take hormones...just sayin.

03-02-10, 19:42
I'm kinda ruff around the edges on this as I have a young daughter...castration and amputate the arms. They don't deserve to even touch themselves anymore.

Hard to rape someone with no limbs.

They could always take hormones...just sayin.

Honestly, as a father to be, if a person were to touch my wife or child there would be no reason for a court date. Watch the movie Law Abiding Citizen.

03-02-10, 20:00
i will sign that petition; "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

03-02-10, 20:45
If that's not worth killing for, what is?

03-02-10, 21:01
To the OP I'm sorry to hear of your tragedy, and I apologize that this POS is out on the street already after that. These predators need to be put away forever. Its horrible that these crimes happen, but to allow these criminals to offend again is a crime in and of itself!

03-02-10, 21:16
i'm a sole-provider of a family of soon-to-be 6... but if i were to "lose everything," i'm sure Vigilante would be on the list of possible career changes (said as diplomatically as i can).

knowing this, and knowing how many men, just statistically speaking, HAVE "lost everything," i'm extremely surprised we don't have more vigilante-ism. out of 300,000,000 in this country, nobody has the lifestyle and the disregard for self appropriate for rambling the country hunting down POSs like those mentioned in this thread? i have to wonder if we just dont hear about it.

03-02-10, 21:22
i'm a sole-provider of a family of soon-to-be 6... but if i were to "lose everything," i'm sure Vigilante would be on the list of possible career changes (said as diplomatically as i can).

knowing this, and knowing how many men, just statistically speaking, HAVE "lost everything," i'm extremely surprised we don't have more vigilante-ism. out of 300,000,000 in this country, nobody has the lifestyle and the disregard for self appropriate for rambling the country hunting down POSs like those mentioned in this thread? i have to wonder if we just dont hear about it.

A year ago, I would have gladly done it. I lost everything and didn't give a damn anymore about anything. Guys in that situation would require a motivation they couldn't get on their own. (hint hint)

03-02-10, 21:27
What a wasteful tragedy. Where is Dexter when we ned him. RIP to the victim My prayers go to the victim's family as well as theop and his family.

03-02-10, 22:40
You cannot castrate the mind by cutting off a mans testicles. For people like this, there's either the death penalty or a full frontal lobotomy. I'm not sure what would be a more fitting punishment, sending him to hell or imprisoning him in his own mind, left a drooling idiot for the rest of his natural life.

RIP to the victim and payers for peace to the family. Personally, I wouldn't rest till he was dead. :(

Bubba FAL
03-03-10, 00:33
Return these pieces of human excrement to their maker as terminally defective. Lobotomization is an appealing alternative, but I wouldn't want to foot the bill for their care & feeding for the remainder of their miserable life.

As a Christian, I am taught to forgive, but unfortunately, I am an imperfect being and would have an extremely difficult time resisting my human impulse for vengeance if it were my wife or daughter.

03-03-10, 00:52
If I commit a crime with a gun, I can't own a gun, so if someone commits a rape, then they should not be able to own a "TOOL" to repeat again. Like the one who used a gun, the rapist should not own a dick or set of balls, or arms, or anything used to rape with. And this went beyound rape, to intent to kill.

03-03-10, 01:52
Death Penalty cases should be priority over all others. If there is actual evidence and/or eyewitnesses, child rapists should be executed. This was SOP for most of this nations history.

03-03-10, 07:18
The recidivism rate among sex offenders, especially violent ones, is so high I can't fathom why we ever let any of them out in the first place.

If we're going to let violent sex offenders out of jail it should be because we have permits and a bag limit for them.

03-03-10, 08:04
The recidivism rate among sex offenders, especially violent ones, is so high I can't fathom why we ever let any of them out in the first place.

If we're going to let violent sex offenders out of jail it should be because we have permits and a bag limit for them.

From what I have read it is 100% after 10 years. What that means is that given how strong their will power or desire to be reformed, sometime within 10 years every one of them will recommit the their crime to one degree or another. That means that there is only one thing that can be done to effectively stop them........
Now that does not include the cases where the 18 year old is with the 16 year old and the parents don't like it.

03-03-10, 08:16
Return these pieces of human excrement to their maker as terminally defective. Lobotomization is an appealing alternative, but I wouldn't want to foot the bill for their care & feeding for the remainder of their miserable life.

As a Christian, I am taught to forgive, but unfortunately, I am an imperfect being and would have an extremely difficult time resisting my human impulse for vengeance if it were my wife or daughter.

transorbital lobotomies are a cheap alternative, and an orbitoclast is easy to come by; i bet a your run of the mill AR cleaning rod will get the job done. ;)

03-03-10, 08:34
Proof of a flawed criminal justice system.

As liberal as he was, George Carlin had a perfect plan for dealing with people of this sort - cover them in brown gravy and lock them in a room with a wolverine on angel dust.

Justice is not a process. Justice is an outcome.

That's the way it should be. Absolutely.

03-03-10, 08:36
As liberal as he was, George Carlin had a perfect plan for dealing with people of this sort - cover them in brown gravy and lock them in a room with a wolverine on angel dust.

That is a wonderful idea

03-03-10, 09:08
An eye for an eye?

Well we could see if they can take as well as they can give. Rub some "Female Ape In Heat Scent" on their ASS, then put them in a cage with a Horny BIG ASS Guerrilla, and then when their ass just about gets healed, rub some more on each time. 1st time offenders get to spend the first two day's watching, then they get their own personal male Guerrilla treatment.

03-03-10, 09:22
Death Penalty cases should be priority over all others. If there is actual evidence and/or eyewitnesses, child rapists should be executed. This was SOP for most of this nations history.

Couldn't agree more! And if appeals are still deemed necessary then you have 1 week, again priority over all others. Still guilty? March them into the next room and close that file with a single shot to the head. Cost would be one 25 cent bullet and let the fu**ers die on an empty stomach. There is not enough frontier justice left in the world.

03-03-10, 09:58
I agree in general. Sex offenders are scum.
However I also have a very close friend who is now on the Sex offender Registry because of 4 people (including a Judge and Sheriff) with an ax to grind against him.
His life is ruined because of petty people who wanted to get back at him.

While I agree that I would like a 5 minutes alone with a baseball bat and the Person in the OP, just remember there is often more to it than we see.

03-03-10, 10:12
A good point. You can make the sex offender list in some places for indecent exposure which you might have gotten charged with from pulling over to pee along the side of a roadway. Who hasn't done that?

03-03-10, 10:47
Holy **** man. Stronger than me.

+1. I can't fathom that these scum are ever let back out into society.

Bill Bryant
03-03-10, 10:54
just remember there is often more to it than we see.

Yes, this is important to remember. But these days it seems somewhat like running around with a fire hose during a flood.

03-03-10, 10:57
Yes, this is important to remember. But these days it seems somewhat like running around with a fire hose during a flood.

LOL A good analogy. The problem is that laws have become so messed up it is hard to tell the bad guys from the people who got screwed.

03-03-10, 12:11
Honestly, as a father to be, if a person were to touch my wife or child there would be no reason for a court date. Watch the movie Law Abiding Citizen.

I love that movie, for all the wrong reasons. Leave it to Hollywood to make a movie where a guy like Buttler's character is the bad guy.

Might also wanna check out the mid nineties flick "Eye for an Eye" as well. Features Sally Fields and a slightly younger Jack Bauer.

03-03-10, 12:12
A very quiet "amen" to that.

Justice is not a process. Justice is an outcome. Just my .02.

Quoted for truth. Mind if I steal this one?

03-03-10, 12:20
The recidivism rate among sex offenders, especially violent ones, is so high I can't fathom why we ever let any of them out in the first place.

If we're going to let violent sex offenders out of jail it should be because we have permits and a bag limit for them.

I heard a good one a while back. The recidivism rate for a freshly perforated sex offender is zero.

03-03-10, 12:32
He should first be castrated, then executed. That's all I have to say.

03-03-10, 15:59
If you want something done right.....

..you make sure you've got multiple airtight alibis.

03-03-10, 16:22
Holy **** man. Stronger than me.

No kidding.

Sadly we have a legal system and not a justice system.

You still have a wife to take care of so the obvious solution simply may not be available to you. You won't make her life any better by doing time. And you will surely do more time than he did.

This is just another one of life's little outrages that people are forced to endure.

03-03-10, 18:13
Our legal system sucks , We need to reinstate and carry out capital punishment.

I would not have the self restraint of the op.

03-03-10, 21:52
If we're going to let violent sex offenders out of jail it should be because we have permits and a bag limit for them.

Hope and Change we can all believe in!


03-03-10, 22:10
I didn't see anything in the constitution about taking peoples rights away forever or putting people on registered lists forever. It's BS, especially for genuine predators who are 100% recidivist. All you see is the tip on the iceberg. No different than any other thief, they've committed hundreds of crimes, but are found guilty of one or two every few years.

If a person is too dangerous to be walking the streets, they need to keep them in prison or execute them. Way back in the day, some states didn't even have jails, they had fines or executions. Warehousing until "cured" is a stupid progressive idea, along with branding people for life who serve their time. Eugenicist retread crap. Drug users don't need jail or rehab, they need to abuse until they OD, this is where they're heading anyway.

Having these people out on the streets inevitably deprives many more people of life and liberty. It's not about deterrence, it's about maintenance. The same people who cry about the cost, made it impossible to do quickly and efficiently. Shoot 'em and pardon the shooter. See how the courts like that. Up in Nevada cops can shoot fleeing felons free and clear.

03-04-10, 00:00
I'd give serious thought to pulling a Jack Ruby if anything like this ever happened to one of my loved ones.

03-04-10, 00:18
Bill, I'm speechless, brother. I read your post and just walked away; refusing to contemplate what you typed. My heartfelt condolences really isn't enough.

This is a test of tests. Some say all challenges are the same. Maybe. But since we're all different we all have our weaknesses. And I think I'd fail if I were in your circumstances but for one thing: the woman you love.

I've had two family members murdered both first cousins; one who was on the 'wrong side of things' and the other an upstanding hardcore Marine. I am embarassed to state that the thought of a 'visit' did, in fact, quietly (and thankfully, quickly) crossed my mind. I'm not sure that even if I didn't get caught my conscience would not crack at inopportune times and haunt me for doing something I KNEW was wrong.

I'm not a "fan" of the Death Penalty at all. However, I'd not cringe much (if any at all) if it applied to Politicians, Murderers and Molester/Rapists.

03-04-10, 04:12
If we're going to let violent sex offenders out of jail it should be because we have permits and a bag limit for them.


I'd be fine with a general, ground-game, no limit, year-long season here. I'd hate for them to over-populate and eat each other out of existence or something...

I'm almost ashamed of our judicial system in regards to these types of situations. Nothing against LEO's at all, but I hate the amount of Politics wrapped up in our so-called "justice system" thesedays...


03-04-10, 08:16
i'm a sole-provider of a family of soon-to-be 6... but if i were to "lose everything," i'm sure Vigilante would be on the list of possible career changes (said as diplomatically as i can).

knowing this, and knowing how many men, just statistically speaking, HAVE "lost everything," i'm extremely surprised we don't have more vigilante-ism. out of 300,000,000 in this country, nobody has the lifestyle and the disregard for self appropriate for rambling the country hunting down POSs like those mentioned in this thread? i have to wonder if we just dont hear about it.

Maybe because something like this hasn't happened to an individual with the skillset of a Vickers, Costa, or Haley.

03-04-10, 11:43
I am very touched by what you say, Sir. My heart goes out to your family and especially your wife. I am deeply sorry for what happened.

That being said, I say let the law eliminate such violent scum. From the little forensic knowledge I have, sexual predators are repeat candidates.

Best Wishes,
Dave from Berlin.

So, hows that been working out?

Bill Bryant
03-04-10, 11:48
Maybe because something like this hasn't happened to an individual with the skillset of a Vickers, Costa, or Haley.When my wife was attacked she had two brothers living in the same town. One was ex-Marine, the other, ex-Navy. They had skills. The police didn't catch the perp; my brothers in law did.

I think it was right that they turned him in to local LE. I think personal retribution without the buffering of a societal system of laws and law enforcement would quickly turn to barbarism. That being said, though, I do fervently wish I lived in the day when a public hanging in the town square was the best a rapist could hope for.

03-04-10, 13:15
If I commit a crime with a gun, I can't own a gun, so if someone commits a rape, then they should not be able to own a "TOOL" to repeat again. Like the one who used a gun, the rapist should not own a dick or set of balls, or arms, or anything used to rape with. And this went beyound rape, to intent to kill.

I like it.

Mauser KAR98K
03-04-10, 13:56
Just goes to show that we haven't learned anything in this country after John Couey, like we haven't learned anything after 9/11.

03-04-10, 14:17
I think it was right that they turned him in to local LE. I think personal retribution without the buffering of a societal system of laws and law enforcement would quickly turn to barbarism. That being said, though, I do fervently wish I lived in the day when a public hanging in the town square was the best a rapist could hope for.

As has been said brother, you are a stronger man than I would be in your situation. I also agree with your post here for as much as there could be more frontier justice, there is a reason that there are laws and courts. We don't all define justice the same way and barbarism would leave very little room for discussion as to what is just. Hope that you and yours are at peace my friend.

This thread also reinforces the amazing weight on the shoulders of the law enforcement community. Hard to imagine staying "neutral" when you see this kind of crap all of the time.

Bill Bryant
03-05-10, 15:30
As has been said brother, you are a stronger man than I would be in your situation. I don't think I'm very strong. After the perp got paroled, I moved my family to a distant state. Sure, it was partly to ease my wife's anxiety, but it was also to prevent me from ever running into the guy at the 7-Eleven. If by some horrific coincidence I should still cross paths with him, I don't think I'll be "strong" at all.

03-07-10, 15:36
Public executions. Every town square or park should have a gallows or guillotine. Pussyfooting around with criminals and predators has brought us to a spineless Injustice System that fails time and time again to deal with these problems adequately.

After sentencing you should have 6 months for all appeals to be completed. After that 180 days the dirtbag is hanged or beheaded in the public park for all to see. Charge on Pay Per View for people to watch that cannot attend and donate any monies made to the victim's family as restitution.

It's called "takin care of business" and standing up for the rights and safety of the victims and society, not the criminal.

03-07-10, 19:41
Death is too good for people like this guy. Castration, remove the ring and bird fingers off both hands, and remove an eye. Which eye? Dealer's choice.

03-07-10, 23:20
The news just said they found the second teenager that went missing last year. No other details were given, it appears the cops do not want to lose this guy to a small mistake. She was found around Pala, it's north of Escondido and is within the range of the killer in the first murder.

It would be nice if the guy would tell the cops where everyone of his victims are to save all the families the heartache that comes back every time he is on tv, but from what I have seen he doesn't show any emotion at all, other than his drive to satisfy himself.

03-07-10, 23:24
Death is too good for people like this guy. Castration, remove the ring and bird fingers off both hands, and remove an eye. Which eye? Dealer's choice.

I find myself unable to make decisions easily, so I'd have to vote for both eyes.

03-08-10, 00:23
I'd shoot 400rds through my AR to get the barrel nice and hot and rape him with it.