View Full Version : Good Times! Best WWII Documentary EVER!!!

Gutshot John
03-03-10, 18:29
If you haven't been catching it the rebroadcast BBC documentary "The World at War" is by far the most comprehensive treatment on the subject to have ever appeared on screen. Coupled with interviews from actual players (Louis Mountbatten makes an appearance or two) and narrate by Lawrence Olivier and you have something pretty unique and epic in scope. ALL parts of the war are covered even the most obscure, I guarantee you you'll learn something.

It's over 30 years old, ca. mid 1970s but is simply the most fun a history nerd is ever going to have.

The DVD set is a great investment.

03-03-10, 19:15
I agree. Very entertaining.

I was amazed at how loyal Hitler's inner circle was at the end. His secretary and servants all agreed to stay with him till the end even when told to flee for their lives.

03-03-10, 22:22
I have been checking them out from the library.

03-03-10, 23:37
Good series. I remember trying hard not to miss episodes of it when it originally aired way back when. Part of what made the series so good was that it was still close enough in time to the events discussed that many of the the original participants were available to be interviewed.

My local library HAD it on VHS until recently. I noticed that it was missing recently and was told that they had withdrawn it from the stacks and discarded it. As far as I know they haven't bothered to replace it with DVD.

No wonder no one knows anything anymore.

I suppose I ought to get my own copy after 30 some years.

03-03-10, 23:49
I remember my dad and I watching that together on PBS in the mid 70's.

I've caught a couple of the reruns that you mention.

I really dislike most of the "reinactments" and computer generated BS that the History and Military Channels usually run when dealing with WWII, Korea, etc.

Bubba FAL
03-04-10, 01:23
I really dislike most of the "reinactments" and computer generated BS that the History and Military Channels usually run when dealing with WWII, Korea, etc.

Amen to that! There's plenty of real footage available to make the cheesy CGI, etc. unnecessary. Nothing compares to the real deal - and yes, a lot of it is tough to see, but it makes you appreciate what folks went thru back then.

I don't recall the name of the movie, but back in 1980 we were shown a documentary on the Holocaust in HS History class that was REALLY graphic. Actual footage from the various camps. Taught this kid what true evil really is. No horror movie can compare to the kind of shit that went on. NEVER give up your ability to defend yourself...