View Full Version : How the Media Views the AR-15

Outlander Systems
03-04-10, 10:34
Found this, thought it was pretty cute:



03-04-10, 10:47
Looks like something from NBC or CNBC! :D

Outlander Systems
03-04-10, 10:53
Yeah, next people will be carrying guns at Starbucks. [shitspants]


03-04-10, 11:06
They forgot the bayonet lug

03-04-10, 11:08
I think that this guide is given out in journalism school as well:


03-04-10, 11:19
please make more of these. i enjoys them

JBecker 72
03-04-10, 11:19
you forgot the shoulder thingy that goes up.... I believe its called a barrel shroud :confused:

03-04-10, 11:21
dont forget heat seeking bullets

03-04-10, 11:28
Yeah, next people will be carrying guns at Starbucks. [shitspants]


SEATTLE — Coffee chain Starbucks Corp. is sticking to its policy of letting customers carry guns where it's legal and said it does not want to be put in the middle of a larger gun-control debate.

The company's statement, issued Wednesday, stems from recent campaign by some gun owners, who have walked into Starbucks and other businesses to test state laws that allow gun owners to carry weapons openly in public places. Gun control advocates have protested.

The fight began heating up in January in Northern California and has since spread to other states and other companies, bolstered by the pro-gun group OpenCarry.org.

Some of the events were spontaneous, with just one or two gun owners walking into a store. Others were organized parades of dozens of gun owners walking into restaurants with their firearms proudly at their sides.

Now, gun control advocates are protesting the policy. The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, launched a petition drive demanding that the company "offer espresso shots, not gunshots" and declare its coffeehouses "gun-free zones." And Wednesday, that group planned to deliver 28,000 signatures to the coffee giant's headquarters in Seattle.

The group also held a press conference near Seattle's Pike Place Market, just a few yards away from where the first Starbucks cafe opened. Gun rights advocates showed up as well, some carrying handguns in holsters around their waists.

Brian Malte of the Brady Campaign said carrying guns intimidates and frightens people, and said the group thinks Starbucks will "do the right thing" and change its policy.

"They're putting their workers in harm's way by allowing people to carry guns into their stores, especially open carry," Malte said.

More than a dozen pro-gun supporters, some with Starbucks coffee cups in hand, chanted during the press conference, at points interrupting speakers.

"I think the (Brady campaign is) trying to strong-arm private businesses into banning the rights of the people," said Bev Carman of Everett, Wash. Carman held a sign that said: "Criminal Control not Gun Control."

Businesses can choose to ban guns from their premises. And Starbucks said Wednesday that it complies with local laws in the 43 states that have open-carry weapon laws.

"Were we to adopt a policy different from local laws allowing open carry, we would be forced to require our partners to ask law abiding customers to leave our stores, putting our partners in an unfair and potentially unsafe position," the company said in its statement.

It said security measures are in place for any "threatening situation" that might occur in stores.

Starbucks asked both gun enthusiasts and gun-control advocates "to refrain from putting Starbucks or our partners into the middle of this divisive issue."

Time to shit your pants :D

03-04-10, 14:15
Not a "BLACK GUN" I'll have to rattle can mine so as not to freek anyone out, now what color goes with a tall Starbucks moca BS? Hows HOT PINK sound?

JBecker 72
03-04-10, 14:27
pink is played out, maybe go with lavender? :)

03-04-10, 14:47
Think I'll go to Starbucks... :)

03-04-10, 17:21
Tan............ it goes nicely with house blend and half and half.

03-04-10, 18:20
light on the cream for a true coyote tan.

03-04-10, 20:37
Not a "BLACK GUN" I'll have to rattle can mine so as not to freek anyone out, now what color goes with a tall Starbucks moca BS? Hows HOT PINK sound?

I think Recycled compost decaying plant and fiber material green goes well with the 100% organic tables/coffee cups:D

03-05-10, 10:03
but for the life of me coudnt deside that hog leg the hang on my hip, hell maybe one of them kiler airsoft that ATF is going crazy about.

Be safe all

03-05-10, 10:26
This is one of my favorites as of late : http://www.news-sentinel.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20090511/NEWS/905110328

The first paragraph is amazing:
They can kill from more than four football fields away, shred police officers' vests, fire up to 75 bullets at a time - and they're increasingly showing up in criminals' hands.

Even the ED-209 can't fire 75 bullets at a time!

http://img257.imageshack.us/img257/187/dsc02145vy7.jpg (http://img257.imageshack.us/i/dsc02145vy7.jpg/)

I'm curious if the ATF can turn this vinyl toy into a full sized killing machine...

03-05-10, 16:13
" 50 rounds in 30 seconds" "WOW" he said with a wishfull look in his eye, I wish I had one of those, maybe then the chicks would dig me. ::rolleyes: