View Full Version : Chelsea Clinton is getting married to a Jewish guy.

Dragon Slayer
03-04-10, 18:26
I can't believe it but she is engaged to a Jewish guy and the wedding is going to be in the Summer. On top of that it seems that Bill Clinton loves his future son in law G-D help him with a mother in law like the hildebeast.;):eek:

Her fiancé Mark Mezvinsky is a conservative (relating to religion) Jew and Chelsea has been seen attending Yom Kippur services in his Synagogue.

Well Bill Clinton was called the first Black president and now his daughter will be the first "first daughter" that is married to a Jew and maybe even converts to Judaism.:D

Of course when she runs for President in twenty years or so she might be the first Jewish woman president.:rolleyes:

Jay Cunningham
03-04-10, 18:32
Nothing / nothing good.