View Full Version : Spyderco P'Kal, who has one?

03-05-10, 01:16
Just wondering who here carries one of these.

I picked one up because

A. They are really cool
2. I saw Southnarc's videos on YouTube and thought the SD potential was appealing
D. The blade profile, while not ideal for a multi-purpose knife, would actually be useful for the tasks I would use it for.

Do you have one? Do you like it? Do you use it for tasks other than shanking criminals?


03-08-10, 00:45
I have one and love it! Fit and finish are fantastic as with most spyderco's and the design is very well executed if you understand its purpose. I carry it for its intended purpose only. Ideally, I prefer to carry multiple small fixed blades such as the disciple/clinch pick/ or TDI for urban/concealed self defense but when those aren't viable for whatever reason the Pikal rides in the front pocket. It takes some practice to become proficient but is no more difficult than training the proper pistol draw.