View Full Version : North Korean worker executed for passing on news

03-05-10, 04:41

03-05-10, 19:48
Surprised no one has responded to this. But perhaps that place is truly the forgotten hell that that most of the lucky escapees describe it to be. Strangely enough I think of what life there must be like often. I don't know why, other than that I sympathize with hardship.

We and South Korea should gut the political system there and free those poor bastards. I bet 1,000 to 1 they fall like a house of cards. Too robotic and complacent.

But it would take a decade to "de-brief" them, too. Sad no matter what.

03-06-10, 05:51
Par for the course in the Democratic Peoples Republic of the Kim Dynasty.
Sooner or later the place will implode . But , right now , with the social structure intact --- an invading force better expect a series of fights that will seem like a hundred repetitions of Iwo Jima and Okinawa before it's over.

03-06-10, 08:23
and we enable them with loads of rice so they don't make nukes, no surprises here, stop propping him up, enough people starve they will fall apart, I know it sounds heartless, but giving them free rice is not helping.

Outlander Systems
03-06-10, 10:06
My ONLY issue with our wars in the ME revolve around the fact that we allow NK to freely oppress their own people.

Aren't we the good guys? What happened to the whole WWII strategy of taking on tyrants?

If ever there was a place that needed to get it's act together or we'll bring Democracy, it's NK. That's a war I'd sign up for in a heartbeat.

De oppresso liber...

03-06-10, 10:07
From the title, I thought he was executed for farting on air.