View Full Version : What a horrible way to die. *graphic*

03-05-10, 14:34

Sorry, I see no need for this animal to be in the public light anymore. Release it and stop making money off of it.

O.K., This may not be the video of the latest Sea World death. It's still a horrible way to die, even if the person in this video didn't die.

03-05-10, 14:46
Not as bad as cancer, IMO.

03-05-10, 14:51
I'm not so sure about that. It looked like she made it to safety, only to be drug back down. With some forms of cancer you are pretty certain the end will come.

This was a case of an animal playing with its prey.

03-05-10, 14:52

03-05-10, 15:11
Which is exactly what they do in the wild..... Why would expect a wild animal to be anything but a wild animal?

The only thing that pisses me off is Sea World making money off of her death. I live in San Antonio, And I will never give them a dime of my money. We should be outraged that we place profit over life. I'm tired of the value of a life being compared to that of a dollar.

03-05-10, 15:13

I wonder why they are called a KILLER Whale ?

03-05-10, 15:16
The only thing that pisses me off is Sea World making money off of her death. I live in San Antonio, And I will never give them a dime of my money. We should be outraged that we place profit over life. I'm tired of the value of a life being compared to that of a dollar.

So are they not getting rid of the animal that has now been involved in 3 deaths? If so, they wont be getting any more of my money. I have been to the one in San Antonio and surprisingly, thoroughly enjoyed it.

03-05-10, 15:18

I wonder why they are called a KILLER Whale ?
Yeah, you really do have to wonder, since it's not Really a whale but member of the dolphin family.

03-05-10, 15:23
I just can't get behind of nonchalant this guy is. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvJ850CIE8A&feature=player_embedded

You can tell this is one heartless motherf*cker. He's all about the dollar sign.

03-05-10, 15:27

when they're smart enough to do this, you gotta wonder how reasonable it is to put them in a fish bowl


03-05-10, 15:32
If that was my daughter, let's just say this director's lack of compassion coupled with the decision to allow the whale to continue to live, would stir very violent emotions.

03-05-10, 15:35

03-05-10, 15:37

03-05-10, 15:43
How are they profiting from her death? Are they selling t-shirts promoting their KILLER whale or something? Promoting the orca show by telling potential attendees that there might be excitement of people being eaten? I don't see it.

This was a terrible incident, but nobody seems to be trying to make a buck from this trainer's death. She knowingly worked in a job that had these risks. No different than any other handler of wild animals - venomous snakes, lions, bears, etc. Animal trainers getting mauled is not breaking any new ground just because it's an orca instead of a tiger or a bear.

Yea, but they usually shoot the lions, elephants or what have you. I dont know, it just seems wrong since this is now the third person this whale has killed. Would you take your kids to a show to see the whale that has killed three people?

03-05-10, 15:45
Unless you've actually witnessed death, I guess it's hard to see what the loss of a life does to you. I just don't write off death the way I used to, unless it's a dirt bag that is on the receiving end.

In fact they do sell Orca killer whale t-shirts. I don't look at war movies the same as some people. Some of them get to me.

Some people have no compassion.

03-05-10, 15:46

03-05-10, 15:51

03-05-10, 15:56
They reported that whale was worth $20 million and purchased for breeding reasons. He was not originally meant to be used for shows.

I'm guessing the trainers knew of his previous attacks....an ugly way to die for sure but why would they get in the water with a critter that had already killed 2 people.

03-05-10, 15:56
I am against putting this animal down, but not against retirement. No one should profit from it anymore. They made their money, it's time to draw the curtain on Tilikum.

03-05-10, 15:56
"That tiger didn't go crazy; that tiger went tiger! You know when he was really crazy? When he was riding around on a unicycle with a Hitler helmet on!"
- Chris Rock

03-05-10, 15:58
They are taking a wild animal which kills other animals for food (sometimes just because they can, too), attempting to train it to do circus tricks, and then stuff it in a tiny pen its whole life.......then they wonder why they do animal like things.

Sorry but anyone who chooses to take this on as a profession should be well aware of the risks and what they are working with.

The whale did whats its been bred to do for maybe millions of years.

03-05-10, 15:58
I saw the show in Orlando and I will go again when in that area; with my kids. The people that run SeaWorld and similar things are the SMEs in this field and I trust them to do the right thing until it can be proven otherwise by other SMEs in the field.

03-05-10, 16:00

03-05-10, 16:05
No, they don't "usually" shoot the animal, nor should they unless the animal's behavior was due to some incurable animal illness or psychosis. Remember the tiger that nearly killed Roy Horn of Sigfried & Roy? Still alive and kicking, at Roy's request. Animals do animal things. Animals that eat other animals for a living sometimes eat us by mistake.

Im not saying to kill it either because I'm aware they are still animals and have instincts. Just retire the thing. Roy's tiger may be alive and kicking but I doubt he is still performing. (I know sigfried and roy are retired.) I mean, what are the statistics of animals still performing after they attack and kill their trainers? You seem to know. (not a smartass comment).

Something about it just doesn't sit right with me. YMMV.

03-05-10, 16:08
If you are insinuating that I have never first hand witnessed death..... You couldn't be more wrong.…. I have a great capacity for compassion. However, I don't let it override my reason.

I guess we just have to agree to disagree.

03-05-10, 16:13

03-05-10, 16:20
They reported that whale was worth $20 million and purchased for breeding reasons. He was not originally meant to be used for shows.

I'm guessing the trainers knew of his previous attacks....an ugly way to die for sure but why would they get in the water with a critter that had already killed 2 people.

That is the point and why this whale should not be killed- the trainers were not allowed in the water with him. She was not in the water. She was too close to the edge and he came out of the water and grabbed her by the hair and pulled her in.

03-05-10, 16:24
What would've happened if a person with a CC permit had intervened and shot the whale? I wonder what the repercurssions would have been and how they would've been slandered by the media? I would've called it a good shoot.

03-05-10, 16:31
What would've happened if a person with a CC permit had intervened and shot the whale? I wonder what the repercurssions would have been and how they would've been slandered by the media? I would've called it a good shoot.
I can't tell if you are joking or serious.

Pistol rounds are anemic enough against people, I can't imagine they'd have much effect on an animal that weighs over 6 tons.

03-05-10, 16:34
I can't tell if you are joking or serious.

Pistol rounds are anemic enough against people, I can't imagine they'd have much effect on an animal that weighs over 6 tons.

I was being serious, hypothetically speaking, but still serious. If the animal wasn't killed it would possibly be distracted and that might make all the difference. In my mind it's better than standing around with your thumb up your ass like the rest of the people standing on the side of the pool.

03-05-10, 16:35
That is the point and why this whale should not be killed- the trainers were not allowed in the water with him. She was not in the water. She was too close to the edge and he came out of the water and grabbed her by the hair and pulled her in.

But he was trained and putting on the shows...again, hearsay but there was a warning about him and his training. He was only supposed to be a sperm donor, not in public where an incident could get filmed.

I don't think he should be killed either...my feeling is the trainers knew he could snap & should not have been in striking distance as well as the water. I'm sure they had knowledge of killers going up on shore to strike and flop back when hunting, plus he was probably trained to come up on the deck.

I sure as hell wouldn't get close.

03-05-10, 16:48
I was being serious, hypothetically speaking, but still serious. If the animal wasn't killed it would possibly be distracted and that might make all the difference. In my mind it's better than standing around with your thumb up your ass like the rest of the people standing on the side of the pool.

Go here for more fun:http://www.ar15.com/forums/topic.html?b=1&f=5&t=1008627

03-05-10, 16:50
The so-called killer whale, Orcinus orca more commonly called simply Orca, is the largest species of the dolphin family. I have been privileged to be underwater on scuba with them in the wild. I knew what I was doing and that I was risking my life.

I have seen film, part of the old Cousteau series, where the divers met 2 Orcas who acted curious about the divers. Both Orcas made a deep dive totally out of sight and a few moments later returned, each with a hammerhead shark in its mouth offered to the divers like a cat offers a mouse to its owner.

I have also seen film of Orcas killing and playing with a penguin just for the sport of it, again, very similar to a cat with a bird or mouse.

And I have been underwater with large pods of regular sized dolphins with babies where I witnessed several of the big males darn near kill a shark by continuously ramming it at high speed because it got too close to a baby. The shark barely got away with its life. Yet the adults would routinely let the babies swim close to us. The water is their world - we were the zoo attraction.

These animals are incredibly smart and social, but they are aggressive meat eaters, usually tolerant of humans.

03-05-10, 17:10
What would've happened if a person with a CC permit had intervened and shot the whale? I wonder what the repercurssions would have been and how they would've been slandered by the media? I would've called it a good shoot.

I'd wager that there are multi-page threads on the bubblegum boards on the very topic of caliber selection for whales, and other zoo animals out of control. :D

I also wouldn't bet against a future gunzine cover bearing something like, "Zoo animal on the loose: Your best CCW options for Aviaries to Zebras!"

03-05-10, 17:16
I was being serious, hypothetically speaking, but still serious. If the animal wasn't killed it would possibly be distracted and that might make all the difference. In my mind it's better than standing around with your thumb up your ass like the rest of the people standing on the side of the pool.
I'd plant my thumb securely up my butt. I respect that you are a man of action and want to help, I just think this is a situation in which drawing and firing a weapon stands to do far more harm than good.

I don't think the whale would even notice you shot it, much less be distracted.

230 grain bullet vs 6 ton whale.... rounding the math... it would be like shooting a 200 pound man with a 4 grain bullet.

Now consider the possibility of hitting the trainer, skipping the round off the water, or any other number of scenarios which really don't turn out well for you.

Go here for more fun:http://www.ar15.com/forums/topic.html?b=1&f=5&t=1008627
Ha, awesome

03-05-10, 17:56
I think any thread that has in its title "Which round is best for killer whales?", is idiotic at best. I am glad that the members of this site don't do that.

Great story Austin, I would love to see that as well, but I'd likely crap myself if they tried to feed me a shark.

03-05-10, 18:25
An eye for an eye, let the dead trainer's family harpoon that killer. I bet they would set a record for ticket sales.

Just sayin ;)

03-05-10, 19:01

Sorry, I see no need for this animal to be in the public light anymore. Release it and stop making money off of it.
You can't release it. It was born in captivity and has not had to hunt for it's prey. It would die. Now I have no idea what to do with it as it would take a foolhardy person to interact with it.

You're correct, what a horrid way to die. The PSYCHOLOGICAL trauma had to be immense.

03-05-10, 19:04
The so-called killer whale, Orcinus orca more commonly called simply Orca, is the largest species of the dolphin family. I have been privileged to be underwater on scuba with them in the wild. I knew what I was doing and that I was risking my life.

I have seen film, part of the old Cousteau series, where the divers met 2 Orcas who acted curious about the divers. Both Orcas made a deep dive totally out of sight and a few moments later returned, each with a hammerhead shark in its mouth offered to the divers like a cat offers a mouse to its owner.

I have also seen film of Orcas killing and playing with a penguin just for the sport of it, again, very similar to a cat with a bird or mouse.

And I have been underwater with large pods of regular sized dolphins with babies where I witnessed several of the big males darn near kill a shark by continuously ramming it at high speed because it got too close to a baby. The shark barely got away with its life. Yet the adults would routinely let the babies swim close to us. The water is their world - we were the zoo attraction.

These animals are incredibly smart and social, but they are aggressive meat eaters, usually tolerant of humans.
Awesome. I, too, have a fascination with nature - particularly orcas. You are very much correct in that they are UNUSUALLY tolerant of us. Just recently a young boy was "attacked" off the coast of WA State. It charged him and grabbed him - but did not break the skin - and promptly let him go. A threat display, obviously.

I would have loved to have seen the video (or better yet been in the water) to watch them retrieve sharks. That's utterly astonishing.

Iraq Ninja
03-05-10, 19:04

That is not the video of this recent attack. It is of an attack in Texas...


03-05-10, 19:14
Nothin 50 bmg wont take care of. How much to mount a whale? :D

Heavy Metal
03-05-10, 19:42
Mabey they need somebody standing by with a Barret M-82A2 at all times. That would have stopped this in a hurry.

03-05-10, 20:08
If that was my daughter, let's just say this director's lack of compassion coupled with the decision to allow the whale to continue to live, would stir very violent emotions.

WTF do you expect? That is a WILD Animal no matter how much they train it. Why should the Killer Whale be killed for doing what it naturally does? When are people going to learn that you can not take instincts out of a wild animal. Its like people who are surprised when they see a zookeeper attacked by a Lion or Bear, Really?

03-05-10, 20:58
I'd wager that there are multi-page threads on the bubblegum boards on the very topic of caliber selection for whales, and other zoo animals out of control. :D

I also wouldn't bet against a future gunzine cover bearing something like, "Zoo animal on the loose: Your best CCW options for Aviaries to Zebras!"

Oh man ... I about blew a hernia laughing at that. Sadly, however, you are absolutely correct.

03-05-10, 21:36
What was she doing in the water....sad....

03-05-10, 22:06
Here's the actual film of the Orlando one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EiT-FQVyoe8&feature=fvw

03-05-10, 22:41
Why don't they keep an 870 loaded with slugs on hand for just such an occasion?

03-06-10, 11:37
Who was the commedian that did the bit about a human being trained by and forced to perform shows for perfect, hot, jucy cheesburgers day in and day out? After a while you would grab one and take a bite. After all, we are only human...

Iraq Ninja
03-06-10, 12:10
What was she doing in the water....sad....

She was not in the water because that video is not her. It is a guy in Texas. The OT needs to remove the original link to stop the confusion before this goes viral.

50 BMG at Sea World? Never will happen for obvious reasons. There are some professions in life that you just have to accept the risks because you want to do it.

Outlander Systems
03-06-10, 12:59
Just issue this to all trainers:


Thomas M-4
03-06-10, 15:37
"That tiger didn't go crazy; that tiger went tiger! You know when he was really crazy? When he was riding around on a unicycle with a Hitler helmet on!"
- Chris Rock

Pretty much says it all.

As long as sea-world can make money off this nothing will change.
There will be plenty of tree huggers to step in to take the place when one of them gets killed :rolleyes:.

Side note it would be :cool: to see a Barret M-82A2 Loaded with a magazine full of Raufoss Mk 211 go off on a attacking killer whale :D:D But that will never happen:mad: