View Full Version : Rapper's White House Photo Op

03-05-10, 20:13
Oh how this POS needs to expedite his exit from our government. The office is being desecrated.


Given his status as an industry leader and company CEO, it's no surprise to see Jay-Z looking so down right comfortable at the head of the table. But this boardroom is unlike any the rapper has ever lorded over before -- this one was within the walls of The White House.

Jay-Z -- along with wife Beyonce, mother-in-law Tina and rapper Trey Songz -- took time out of his Blueprint 3 tour on Wednesday to swing by Pennsylvania Avenue for a chat with the commander in chief. While by no means besties, the Knowles/Carters do share a friendship with the Obamas. Not only did Beyonce perform "At Last" during the inauguration, but Jay raps in "On to the Next One" that he texts with Barack.

Earlier this year Jay-Z expressed his disbelief to Interview Magazine that a kid from Brooklyn can now break bread with leaders of the free world. "For me, being with [President] Obama or having dinner with Bill Clinton… It’s crazy. It's mind-blowing, because where I come from is just another world. We were just ignored by politicians—by America in general.”


Anyone cares to make this a racial issue will be refuted and possibly embarrassed. However anyone who might care to comment constructively, let's keep it in perspective. This is about the state of the Union.

03-05-10, 20:33
Rock stars, and Entertainers in the White House. Is this something new? Don't athletes go to the White House every year?

03-05-10, 20:44
How about get the **** out of that chair?

03-05-10, 20:46
Rock stars, and Entertainers in the White House. Is this something new? Don't athletes go to the White House every year?

And I don't even have to read further. You just made the most constructive comment possible.

03-05-10, 20:50
Rock stars, and Entertainers in the White House. Is this something new? Don't athletes go to the White House every year?

Yes, I suspected such a logical reply might manifest here. Not a problem. I should have addressed it, but since it is a rather one, maybe two dimensional viewpoint I passed and I think you might know why.

He is a rapper. They have no honor, no civil value. In fact they are the direct opposite, a scourge of our society.

Not the White House type.

03-05-10, 20:57
Dont pass it off so easy. Think Jay dosent have enfluence over young voters? He does.

In other news, Beyonce is bangin:D

03-05-10, 21:00
Yes, I suspected such a logical reply might manifest here. Not a problem. I should have addressed it, but since it is a rather one, maybe two dimensional viewpoint I passed and I think you might know why.

He is a rapper. They have no honor, no civil value. In fact they are the direct opposite, a scourge of our society.

Not the White House type.

So every single rapper is a low life? You must not listen.

03-05-10, 21:07
He is a rapper. They have no honor, no civil value. In fact they are the direct opposite, a scourge of our society.

Not the White House type.

Yeah, I miss the honorable types like Clinton getting blowjobs in the oval office and Bush making up false intel for the country.

I'm sure you'll get the reaction you're looking for if you post this on the other site.

03-05-10, 21:14
How about get the **** out of that chair?


I really don't give a flying **** that they were given a tour of the House, I do care that he is sitting in the CINC's chair in the Sit Room!

Have a little respect for the Office for crying out loud, regardless of who is occupying it at the moment.

03-05-10, 21:22
So every single rapper is a low life? You must not listen.

There are two reasons why my ears always ring...too many unprotected gunshots and countless hours of listening to music in earbuds while lifting. Much of it was rap back in the late 80's and 90's, when it was new and had great rhythm and even meaning. At 40 I still lift and I still listen to my old school CD's sometimes. I don't hate the stuff in general, in fact I still like all of those songs.

But today's version is horrid slop, completely unfathomable. Nothing of any social worth. An embarrassment.

03-05-10, 21:25
I'm sure you'll get the reaction you're looking for if you post this on the other site.

I am not looking for any reaction, genius. As long as I help a voter see for themselves what is going on that means I've done my job.

03-05-10, 21:34
How about get the **** out of that chair?

He has more leadership experience than the guy who is usually in the chair...

03-05-10, 21:36
He has more leadership experience than the guy who is usually in the chair...

True Story.

03-05-10, 21:48
Jay-Z pleads guilty to stabbing producer... (http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1450090/20011017/jay_z.jhtml)

Jay-Z arrested in gun charge... (http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1442774/20010413/jay_z.jhtml)

03-05-10, 22:07
He is a rapper. They have no honor, no civil value. In fact they are the direct opposite, a scourge of our society.

Not the White House type.

What value does an athlete have? Really other than to entertain. They're entertainers not gods. They're not a public servant but instead a leach on society that people idolize.

People post posters of the favorite idolized figure such as kobe bryan, when they should idolize people who have actual human worth such as Andrei Sakharov or Norman Borlaug a man who saves millions if not billions even after his death.

Oscar 319
03-05-10, 22:12
Jay-Z claims to have been a former crack dealer and shot his own brother for stealing from him.

Sorry, I work in "the 'Hood" and see how the kids idolize these shit heads. They try to mimic the whole "rough up-bringing", even when there is no need to. Their words are gospel to them.

Yes, there are decent rappers, but the youth could give two shits less about them.

Just because he is a "former" thug with a "positive" message does not give him a pass in my book.

MTV made "thug life" cool and "ganstas" heroes and MTV put this president in office.

No, I am not a rap hater. Yes, I am glad Tupac is dead. Sorry if you are a Tupac fan. You reap what you sow....

03-06-10, 02:48
Jay-Z claims to have been a former crack dealer and shot his own brother for stealing from him.

Sorry, I work in "the 'Hood" and see how the kids idolize these shit heads. They try to mimic the whole "rough up-bringing", even when there is no need to. Their words are gospel to them.

Yes, there are decent rappers, but the youth could give two shits less about them.

Just because he is a "former" thug with a "positive" message does not give him a pass in my book.

MTV made "thug life" cool and "ganstas" heroes and MTV put this president in office.

No, I am not a rap hater. Yes, I am glad Tupac is dead. Sorry if you are a Tupac fan. You reap what you sow....

Thank you. Couldn't have said it better myself.

Also, you have shows like 'gangland' that pretty much glorify being in a gang (it doesn't seem glorifying to people like us, but to idiots it does) and give other groups of morons around the country something to compete for, all so that they can be recognized for being the biggest POS in whatever area they hail from. This whole culture or sub-culture, whatever you wanna call it, is freaking ridiculous. I mean what's gonna happen when these idiots offspring "mature" and we have a country full of 'gangstas'?

03-06-10, 02:53
At least they wore suits.

03-06-10, 03:07
Yeah, I miss the honorable types like Clinton getting blowjobs in the oval office and Bush making up false intel for the country.

Bush made up false info? Care to start a different thread on why you think that and maybe show me some proof while your at it.

Our current president has played "homey hook up" since he got into office, no doubt if you helped him get there he'll hand you the keys to air force one. He simply bought the presidency and the scary part is all that money came from somewhere... so who's really pulling the strings? Obama's just a puppet.

03-06-10, 07:44
He is a rapper. They have no honor, no civil value. In fact they are the direct opposite, a scourge of our society.

Listen to the mans music. Or at least hear his message. A little background, if you don't know.

Jay-Z (Sean Carter to his mother) grew up in the Marcy Projects of NY. Yes, he was a drug dealer, by his own admission. And then he grew the **** up, got out of the ghetto, and started rapping about NOT selling drugs. He gives money to kids and families in need, and tries to keep them off the path he himself followed. (Owner of the 40/40 sports club in NY, part-owner of a sports franchise, clothing, record company, not to mention his amazing skills on and off the mic)

A "scourge of our society" pointing to all rappers, is a little much. Do you KNOW "all rappers?" Beatie Boys: Started out as party rap, moved on to become hugely influential players in helping some very worthy causes. The list really does go on.

What we see on T.V (Lil' Wayne, Lil' Jon, all those idiots) are the "bad" rappers. They promote an image. Hey, this is America, do as you will, but I turn that shit off. Writing off a whole group of people just because you don't like the music/message makes you look both ignorant and bigoted. I hate country music, but I can stand behind Cash, and Jennings, and Strait.

Of course, you are entitled to your opinion, but those are strong words indeed.

Outlander Systems
03-06-10, 08:15
My dream jobs as a kid were:

FBI Special Agent
Police Officer

My parents only supported the FBI SA one. They begged me to never get into Law Enforcement, as they said I'd get a bad view of humanity...

I love 'em, but it's too late. I already think we're awash in a sea of bad guys, and I'm too tatted up to get a LE job. If I wasn't "scary tattoo man" I'd do a career change and have my ass enrolled in POST training ASAP.

FWIW, and I sincerely mean this, right-or-wrong, I feel as though gangs are a bigger, more pervasive, and more entrenched threat to civil stability than any terrorist organisation.

If I were to make an analogy, I would compare terrorists to a broken-leg, and gangs/thug culture to be terminal cancer.

03-06-10, 08:32
Rock stars, and Entertainers in the White House. Is this something new? Don't athletes go to the White House every year?

he is right they all whore the house out

03-06-10, 08:35
Yes, I suspected such a logical reply might manifest here. Not a problem. I should have addressed it, but since it is a rather one, maybe two dimensional viewpoint I passed and I think you might know why.

He is a rapper. They have no honor, no civil value. In fact they are the direct opposite, a scourge of our society.

Not the White House type.

lets just wait and see who he pardons on the way out, Clinton, and Bush did it hell they all do, JFK was one of the worst, goverment is for sale get used to it.

03-06-10, 09:00
There are two reasons why my ears always ring...too many unprotected gunshots and countless hours of listening to music in earbuds while lifting. Much of it was rap back in the late 80's and 90's, when it was new and had great rhythm and even meaning. At 40 I still lift and I still listen to my old school CD's sometimes. I don't hate the stuff in general, in fact I still like all of those songs.

But today's version is horrid slop, completely unfathomable. Nothing of any social worth. An embarrassment.

Absolutely right. I was going to disagree with you until I read this post. I don't think rappers in all rappers are these undesirable types like aforementioned above, but most, especially today are. As far as the music goes, today's rap is GARBAGE, and although there's most likely a number of people on here that don't like it period, there really is a difference between guys like Mos Def, Talib Kwali, and the whores who pass off today as "musicians/artist"

I don't care for JayZ, he's overrated, and yes he does have a huge influence on kids.

Outlander Systems
03-06-10, 09:21
Absolutely right. I was going to disagree with you until I read this post. I don't think rappers in all rappers are these undesirable types like aforementioned above, but most, especially today are. As far as the music goes, today's rap is GARBAGE, and although there's most likely a number of people on here that don't like it period, there really is a difference between guys like Mos Def, Talib Kwali, and the whores who pass off today as "musicians/artist"

I don't care for JayZ, he's overrated, and yes he does have a huge influence on kids.

That and he looks exactly like Joe Camel.




Then there's the Tin-Foil-connections that Jay-Z is into the occult:


03-06-10, 09:52
But today's version is horrid slop, completely unfathomable. Nothing of any social worth. An embarrassment.

This. I haven't heard a good new rap song in about 3-5 years.

Outlander Systems
03-06-10, 10:01
80's rap, and today's rap are totally different birds.

Today's rap is a unsavoury mix of the most deplorable traits of misogynistic, self-aggrandising, contemptuous, vile, semi-sociopathic venom I could possibly imagine.

Whereas modern rap, speaking in generalisations embodies most of the worst in human behaviour, country is typically it's opposite.

Rap is the audio version of pornography, ie. no literary or artistic value, and possessing vulgar displays of human behaviour.

03-06-10, 11:36
. As far as the music goes, today's rap is GARBAGE, and although there's most likely a number of people on here that don't like it period, there really is a difference between guys like Mos Def, Talib Kwali, and the whores who pass off today as "musicians/artist"

I don't care for JayZ, he's overrated, and yes he does have a huge influence on kids.

Those guys are exactly who I was talking about. Major labels arnt really going to push them and youll never see Bill Oreily doing a story about Talib having a socially centric CD.

Most people dont want Talib Kweli. They want the Ghetto Fairy tale of a hustler turned rapping rising up out of the old hood.

03-06-10, 13:24
...pornography, ie. no literary or artistic value, and possessing vulgar displays of human behaviour.

Any specific recommendations?

I'm getting ready to download some stuff on itunes.:cool:

Seriously though...

The same can be said for the majority of "entertainment" these days.

03-06-10, 13:42
Seriously though...

The same can be said for the majority of "entertainment" these days.

Which does not mean we need to glorify and condone and accept it.

"Everyone is doing it" is no excuse

If there are some rappers out there who rap about good things, good for them. I am not going to criticize them. Does not mean I have to like it.

03-06-10, 15:35
the white house is sadly to me the new hollywood

when you have the same family coming back in for president or high positions

in recent years Bush and Clinton both having high positions so this is not a democrat Republican thing its politicians are choosing from within in a sense

just like hollywood when you find out this new actor is so and so's kid then you go AHHH thats how he got the job

so to have hollywood types rub elbows and do things in the white house is just a extension of we are better smarter than the general public and to it within our own

its sadly in need of a makeover

take reality shows they moved the focus away from actors so actors then do their own reality shows to keep the limelight ??
politicians are doing the same thing

the world is coming apart

03-06-10, 16:02
...and Bush making up false intel for the country.


03-06-10, 16:14
Which does not mean we need to glorify and condone and accept it.

"Everyone is doing it" is no excuse


..."Glorify" or "condone" that is.The first amendment does require that we on some level accept it.Regardless if we like it.

For example...

I'd personally love to see "Jersey Shore" and its ilk gone forever.That doesn't mean I'd support it being banned.

I just find it disingenuous to single out rap as a scourge on humanity.Every single negative theme can be found in abundance elsewhere.

I get the impression it's the "presentation" that offends some and not others depending on the genre.

Good ole pure country/western aside of course.

03-06-10, 17:28
For example...

I'd personally love to see "Jersey Shore" and its ilk gone forever.That doesn't mean I'd support it being banned.

As an Italian from NJ, I surely would. Never watched a second on of it on TV other than the news clips, but I can imagine.

I just find it disingenuous to single out rap as a scourge on humanity.Every single negative theme can be found in abundance elsewhere.

Really? Like what, neo-nazi heavy metal?

Face it, rap is more than just music. It bolsters the way of life that leads to immense amounts of pain and suffering. Anyone, and I mean anyone who states otherwise is a naive fool.

03-06-10, 18:07
I surely would.

I'd rather live in a free country full of "degenerates" than one ran by fascists who told people what to wear,listen to,watch,etc...

Different strokes I suppose? :mad:

Really? Like what, neo-nazi heavy metal?

Face it, rap is more than just music. It bolsters the way of life that leads to immense amounts of pain and suffering. Anyone, and I mean anyone who states otherwise is a naive fool.

You purpose it's banned?:rolleyes:

How is typical rap any different from say...The Sopranos(personal taste aside)?

Criminal activities among the "artist" in real life?-Check
Explicit violence?-Check
Vulgar languange?-Check
Drugs and various other depictions of criminal activity?-Check
Popular among criminals?-Check
Glorification of all of the above?-Check

It could be argued that the Sopranos(and other popular shows/movies past/present) are worse.It's not just being heard but acted out in realistic and explicit ways for your consumption.

So yes,it is "just music".I think you're confusing correlation with causation.

There are countless good,successful,and law abiding folks that indulge in "gangsta rap"...No different than the Sopranos.

That's probably my naivety talking though.I know,It's silly to think that people can actually separate fictional entertainment from real life...And that those who cannot have much bigger problems than what's in their CD player/Ipod/etc.

03-06-10, 18:11
He has more leadership experience than the guy who is usually in the chair...


But self-admitted drug dealers?

His music sucks, and so does beyonce's. And she dances like a spastic.

03-06-10, 18:17
lets just wait and see who he pardons on the way out, Clinton, and Bush did it hell they all do, JFK was one of the worst, goverment is for sale get used to it.

Bush pardoned people for money? bush pardoned a fugitive? Bush pardoned terrorists?

03-06-10, 18:38
I'd rather live in a free country full of "degenerates"...

Forget the rest of what you wrote, is this really what you would want? Under any circumstance?

Let me answer for you. Nope.

03-06-10, 18:41

But self-admitted drug dealers?

His music sucks, and so does beyonce's. And she dances like a spastic.

She's had some bad songs( Videophone w L Gaga), but she CAN sing.

03-06-10, 18:47
Jay-Z pleads guilty to stabbing producer... (http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1450090/20011017/jay_z.jhtml)

Jay-Z arrested in gun charge... (http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1442774/20010413/jay_z.jhtml)

As you likely do, I find those that find things like this to be irrelevant overall either heavily slanted or outright ignorant. Even offensively so.

Where is the common sense today?

03-06-10, 19:03
Forget the rest of what you wrote, is this really what you would want? Under any circumstance?

Let me answer for you. Nope.

I can answer for myself,thanks.


Under the circumstances given in the second half of the sentence you quoted.

I would much rather live in a world full of Jay-Zs than one where people like you had the authority to dictate how people live their lives.I find very disturbing anyone who would presume to dictate such things through authoritarian means.

03-06-10, 19:13
Under the circumstances given in the second half of the sentence you quoted.

I would much rather live in a world full of Jay-Zs than one where people like you had the authority to dictate how people live their lives.I find very disturbing anyone who would presume to dictate such things through authoritarian means.

I don't think SafetyHit is claiming any authoritarian means to make people live the way he wants you to live.

03-06-10, 19:27
I don't think SafetyHit is claiming any authoritarian means to make people live the way he wants you to live.

Just recently(off the top of my head) he's advocated banning TV shows he doesn't like and certain types of headwear he doesn't like.

...I'm only assuming he'd also like to ban certain music as well.

A "ban" can only be enforced through authoritarian means no?...Otherwise it's a suggestion?

03-06-10, 19:40
I think we've passed the point of absurdity here.

Personally I'm not too upset about a rapper in the whitehouse. Rappers with a record are a considerable upgrade from the people Obama used to hang out with...