View Full Version : The Oscars

03-06-10, 00:52
I very rarely pay attention to award ceremonies but I am intrigued by the Oscars this year. 5 of the films up for Best Picture were fantastic (Avatar, The Hurt Locker, Inglourious Basterds, District 9, and A Serious Man) and Up In The Air looked good as well.

It sounds like the race is down to Avatar and The Hurt Locker. I can't say I'd be disappointed if either won.


03-06-10, 01:09
Hurt Locker is one of the dumbest movies Ive ever seen.

Just another reason I pay no attention to award shows...:cool:

03-06-10, 01:27
Avatar sucked.

For me, its between Inglorious Basterds and District 9.

But Avatar WILL win, because it paints the military in a bad light.

03-06-10, 01:53
Inglorious Bastards was retarded, the preview's made it out to be some bad ass movie, I usually like brad pitts movies (Button, Troy, Seven etc etc) but his wannabe bad ass southern boy crap sucked. And the movie took way to long to tell a plot that could have taken 10 minutes.

It was comic book style fictional BS. :D

03-06-10, 01:58
Oh COME on...the basement scene was freakin amazing, and later on, they blew Hitler's face in before blowing him up!!!

03-06-10, 02:14
The basement scene went on way to long and was retarded lol. I mean come on it was kill bill meets ww2 is was retarded :D

03-06-10, 02:19
To be honest, I couldn't care care less. I have seen none of the movies and don't plan on making an effort to see them. The Pitt I.B. (since I cannot spell it) movie could be interesting once it hits the bargain DVD bin. Same with Avatar. I just can't get worked up by Hollywood any more. Very few real good flicks any more. And the masturbatory Oscars is even less of a draw to me than the movies themselves.

03-06-10, 03:06
Our job is killin' nazzies, and boy let me tell you something... Buisness is a boomin'

I thought that was a pretty good movie. I own it on dvd, but only because somebody got it for me as a random gift idea.

03-07-10, 20:11
Hurt Locker is one of the dumbest movies Ive ever seen.

Just another reason I pay no attention to award shows...:cool:

Yep Hurt Locker sucked, I am unfortunately unable look past horribly inaccurate depictions of war stories, especially one I was in...

Jarhead... also sucked HUGELY and I was there for that one too...

Avatar sucked.

For me, its between Inglorious Basterds and District 9.

But Avatar WILL win, because it paints the military in a bad light.

I will lay money on the above for exactly that reason...


03-07-10, 20:17
Avatar sucked.

For me, its between Inglorious Basterds and District 9.

But Avatar WILL win, because it paints the military in a bad light.

And because its pro-environment.

ETA: IB basement scene was fantastic. Tense and superb acting.

03-07-10, 20:32
The Academy Awards = gathering of libtard idiots.

03-07-10, 20:41
ETA: IB basement scene was fantastic. Tense and superb acting.

I just watched this, and I'll tell you, this is what I hate about a Tarantino movie. It was tense, and it was good acting. And it was nearly useless to the overall story and did nearly nothing to advance the actual plot of the movie.

Tarantino is a great director, but his work is so self-indulgent that it borders on awful. Had this movie been tighter with a better finale that wasn't such a ripoff (oh, I'm sorry, an homage) of the Dirty Dozen's climax, it would have been tolerable. But it wasn't.

I still think his best work is Kill Bill. IB wasn't even in the same ballpark. IB was as self indulgent and craptastic as a Kevin Smith movie, and I say that as a Kevin Smith fan.

03-07-10, 23:07
Whether The Hurt Locker was unrealistic or whatever, it was a great no politics drama about our troops and I've never known anyone who saw it who wasn't inspired by this depiction of our troops. Thus, I am watching the first Academy awards in about 40 years to hopefully see it win.


03-08-10, 01:29
I fell asleep during Hurt Locker and saw Avatar 3 times. I guess I'm not Academy Award material. :)

03-08-10, 02:08
Christopher Waltz who won "best supporting actor" for Inglourious Basterds made that movie!

Inglourious Basterds, District 9 & Up are the only movies nominated that I have seen. I have no intention to see any of the others except for Hurt Locker when it hits cable. I don't trust the Academy anymore.

Alex V
03-08-10, 08:05
Im glad Avatar did not win. I loved the movie, but honestly, its porn. Fun visuals with no great plot or acting.

I liked The Hurt Locker. I did not think it was as good as some of the other movies that have won for "Best Movie" but it was probobly the best this year. Or maybe tied with Tnglourious Basterds.

Tarantino is Tarantino, if you dont like his style, you will never like his movies. Aside for Kill Bill, I love pretty much everything he made. He is very quirkey, but it was a great movie in my oppinion. I think he should have won for Best Original Screen Play.

Avatar won what it should have won, it was a wonderful visual movie, and deserved to win for Effects and so on. But the story was simple and has been seen in countless movies before. Cameron did not direct something fantastic, sure he came up with a vision and brought it to life, made up a language, but so did Lucas with Star Wars, and he did not win for best director either.

Over all, aside for best original screen play, I think this was the most agreable Oscars in a long time for me.

03-08-10, 08:26
but so did Lucas with Star Wars, and he did not win for best director either.

Haven't seen Avatar, but I gotta disagree :P Star wars was incredible for it's time and should have won an oscar, I can't recall a single great sci-fi movie that has won an oscar, heck 2001 didn't matrix didn't and amazingly not even blade runner. Just saying sci-fi usually get a friendly nomination but not a win, even if they're ground breaking and like nothing before it.

03-08-10, 10:44
Ohhh GROAN ! ! !

District 9 was a much better film than the "Hurt Locker." Better story line, better acting, Good Grief. Well now the Motion Picture Academy has started down the drain like soooo many other institutions.

*Cough* Nobel Prizes *COUGH*

Oh well


03-08-10, 13:05
District 9 was my fav. movie of last year.


Alex V
03-08-10, 13:25
Haven't seen Avatar, but I gotta disagree :P Star wars was incredible for it's time and should have won an oscar, I can't recall a single great sci-fi movie that has won an oscar, heck 2001 didn't matrix didn't and amazingly not even blade runner. Just saying sci-fi usually get a friendly nomination but not a win, even if they're ground breaking and like nothing before it.

Great Movie, but not sure Lucas should have gotten best director for it. Best writer? Sure.

There was no way Matrix was going to win an Oscar... come on...

As far as 2001, maybe. It was a pretty awesome movie.

Either way, its all opinion and we don't get to vote. So who cares lol

03-08-10, 15:38
I like the movies as much or more than the next person, but these award shows make we want to puke. All the self-aggrandizing, mutual admiration society crap gets on my nerves. And then there's the liberal BS, ala Sean Penn, that takes it over the top.

We need an award show for people who really deserve to be recognized and awarded - Not overpaid and untalented idiots.