View Full Version : The ultimate gear setup

03-06-10, 08:40
First let me thank you for a great forum

I used to work as a contractor about 3 years ago, and I'm planning to get back in the game.

I am planning to set up my equipment, since I gave away everything to a guy on my team when I left the buisness.

I was hoping that some of you guys could help me out with some inputs....

This is what i was planning to set up:

1 eagle Ciras land or maritime
1 Hydration pouch or a eagle modular assault pack on my back
1 radio pouch on back/left
3 Eagle FB pouch for my M4 on front/left
2 double m4 mag pouches on front/right
1 medical pouch on thigh or vest
2 smoke grenade pouches on back/right
3 pistol mag pouches on belt
1 dump pouch on belt
1 handcuff pouch on belt
1 admin pouch on front

Here is my questions:
Did I forget anything on my vest setup?
Why doesnt more people run medical pouches on there thigh if they have to release or is not wearing there M4/vest?
which color is the best for PMC setup? Ranger green, OD, Black, Tan or multicam? I live in a cold climate, not desert.
Which is better of running a pistol belt or a padded molle belt?
Hydration pouch or the eagle modular assault pack? getting in/out of vehicles, carrying a backpack?
Does enyone run with a rapell harness as belt? I use helicopters to get in/out on a regular basis?

I have spent hundreds of hours looking thru every setup i could find, and I'm not getting any vicer...

Sorry for my crappy english by the way

03-14-10, 23:18
I have moved away from anything on my legs except my holster which is as high as possible. One of the new IFAK's that are removable is the way to go. Try www.blackstonetactical.com . I wear a Hydrastorm on the back of my Body armor. Of course in a very permissive environment you may want a small back pack with extras of everything like Batteries, Mags, water, food, meds. Never know when you may get caught away from your transportation.

03-14-10, 23:31
look at the new london bridge carrier with kangaroo pouch, easy way to carry 6 mags and still be pretty streamlined, and has internal comms pouches. i use a single point sling for my m4, also use a paddle for sidearm, i got away from stuff on my legs a long time ago other then my med kit which is in my left cargo pocket. other then that its all personal preference, tag makes a really nice single point, if you want a good retention system pm me and i'll walk you through making one with bungee and a fast tech been using it for three years now and i love it.

03-15-10, 00:41
Where is your contract destination, what will be your most common method of travel/transport, and what will your position be?
I ask these questions because the needs of someone manning a gate in Serbia will be different than someone doing PSD in Baghdad.

By the way, the Ciras has been eclipsed by much better armor solutions, and heavy vests have been superceded by better combinations of armor, mission dependant of course.

03-15-10, 00:55
Mission drives gear and in many cases is determined by what is policy commanded. Depending on what is provided your options might be limited. I'm required to wear issued panels/plates or risk invalidating my insurance policy. The issued soft panels are extremely similar to BALCS cut, so my rig of choice is driven by that requirement. I initially went with a MAR-CIRAS, but as previously mentioned (and IMHO) the BAE Eclipse RBAV-SF is far superior; mainly in that is uses 500d in construction. After running the RBAV for about a month now, if the MAR-CIRAS was available in 500d it would be a tougher decision as to which one I chose. I carry my main fighting load on my centerline and I liked that the MAR-CIRAS (large) had 8 columns, whereas the RBAV has 6 on the front flap.

Based on what's currently available I'd recommend the RBAV if supply BALCS cut armor. If you have more options are leeway I'd also look at some PC's like LBT 6094m, SKDTAC PIC (new version), Mayflower Low-pro or Assault Carrier.

Here is my new load out. Used primarily for mounted and dismounted patrols; as well as range use with the ANP. For the past 7 months I was running an Eagle MAR-CIRAS (L) in Coyote and purchased the ammo shingles specifically for that rig – 8 columns on the front torso vs. 6 columns on the RBAV flap. My intention was to run two double shingles side by side with two Ten-Speed pouches atop, so that I could go as low as 4 mags on body for vehicle ops and 8 for foot patrols. I was also in another billet at the time that required a lot of vehicle movements in the city and I adopted the chest carry for my sidearm in a Serpa. Since I conduct more foot movements now I’ve dropped the chest carry and returned to strong side hip carry (or not carrying a sidearm at all).


1. RBAV-SF (L) in Khaki
a. Compared to the MAR-CIRAS the RBAV “feels” lighter, isn’t as stiff, and much more comfortable on the shoulders. The shoulder pad system is a huge improvement of the MAR-CIRAS. Not that the MAR-CIRAS was bad, based on my limited experience with the two vests I’d give the MAR-CIRAS a 7/10 and the RBAV a 9.5/10. I don’t currently have side plates, but the option of them in the RBAV is a huge improvement over the MAR-CIRAS. The RBAV cummerbund also appears to accept soft armor inserts, which is an additional benefit to cover any gap between front and rear panel.
b. I bought the RBAV second hand and unsure of how hard it was used, but it shows no signs of wear.

On front flap:
2. Esstac Double Shingle in Coyote
a. Construction and quality are excellent. The shingle is constructed with an inner Velcro lined sleeved so that depth of magazine insertion can be adjusted. Only drawback I see to the pouch is that the bottom of the shingle is open, which could enable dirt and grime to enter the magazine – at least more so than a closed design. I wouldn’t imagine any need for the magazine depth to protrude from for the bottom of the shingle, so a closed design would limit undo exposure to elements and still retain the ability to adjust the magazine depth.
b. I’ve ordered a single shingle, so when it arrived I’ll have 3 – M4 mags on the front flap.

3. Ten-Speed Double M4 Pouch in Ranger Green
a. Been discussed on here before, they are great and truly multifunctional
b. I’ve ordered the Ten-Speed Pistol Pouch that I’ll run affixed to the single shingle. That way I can still plus up by 2 – M4 mags and 2 pistol mags, but my intention now is to use the pistol pouch as a small utility pocket.

4. CAT in Tourniquet Now Strap
a. Very simple and effective way to carry your CAT. I’d previously used a 215 Gear Tourniquet/GP holder on the MAR-CIRAS. I like the 215 holder and had more room for it on the torso of the MAR-CIRAS. Due to it orientating the CAT horizontal I haven’t found a spot I’m completely satisfied with. It’s currently used to carry additional CAT on my patrol pack.

On Torso:

5. ATS Combat Leader Pouch
a. It’s HUGE and carries all my admin related items.

Left side cummerbund:

6. EGL Monkey Stomper
a. I purchased this on whim, not knowing if I’d incorporate it, but I’m REALLY liking it. It can carry up to 4 – M4 and 4 pistol mags. The top flap provides an additional level of security, but is removable if so desired. The bungee retention works extremely well and compresses it nicely when running less than a full load.

Right side cummerbund:

7. Blue Force Gear Trauma Kit Now in Coyote w/CAT in Tourniquet now strap affixed to top
a. This item has been discussed. It’s perfect IMO.

8. Esstac Large Utility/GP Pouch
a. Again, great construction and quality. Used mostly to carry odd and ends.

On Back
9. Camelbak Armor Bak
a. Really liking this product. Stays extremely flat when not full and almost unnoticed while riding or under a pack.

On Color: There is a noticeable difference between the Coyoate Pouches and the RBAV in Khaki; however, not so much so that I feel I stand out. I’m sure those serving on AD would catch the eye of superiors, but no here has mentioned it.

Iraq Ninja
03-15-10, 01:49
Comments in Red...

First let me thank you for a great forum

1 eagle Ciras land or maritime

Old school vest, much better options today.

1 Hydration pouch or a eagle modular assault pack on my back

Not needed for PSD ops. Only good for static.

1 radio pouch on back/left

Pouch should never be on the back. You need to be able to get hands on it quickly. Keep your back clear of pouches for medical evac reasons.

1 medical pouch on thigh or vest

thigh rigs generally suck. Put it on your vest in the center with two CATS mounted outside the pouch.

2 smoke grenade pouches on back/right

In Iraq, you are not allowed to carry smoke outside the wire now.

1 dump pouch on belt

Never seen one over here except on the range...lol

1 handcuff pouch on belt

Not needed. Use flexcuffs routed through your molle

Here is my questions:
Did I forget anything on my vest setup?
Why doesnt more people run medical pouches on there thigh if they have to release or is not wearing there M4/vest?

Because legs tend to get blown off or damaged. Also it may be difficult to get to if you are trapped in a vehicle. Needs to be on your vest where both hands can get to it.

which color is the best for PMC setup? Ranger green, OD, Black, Tan or multicam?
Which is better of running a pistol belt or a padded molle belt?

In Iraq, Tan. Some companies will not allow you to wear multicam. Black sucks for all purposes. Padded molle belt.

A lot of things have changed in three years. Threat, pay, gear, etc.