View Full Version : Georgia Parents Trade Sex With Daughter For Used-Car Payments

03-07-10, 03:34
Darwin Nominees for the Clorox Gene Pool

A new low...


You read that right: A central Georgia couple bought a minivan, couldn't make the payments, and kept the car by making their daughter perform sex acts on the dealer. The worst part? The girl was only 14.

From the America Has Devolved Even Further And Now We Want To Go Live In A Cave Department: The two parents in the case, both 36 years old, had a history of drug use and abuse. They bought the car, a 1998 Dodge minivan, in March of 2008, proceeded to not make a single payment, and then forced their daughter to have sex with their dealership's 66-year-old manager.

All three adults were recently arrested and are currently in custody and are awaiting a bond hearing. The parents have been charged with child molestation and pandering; the manager was charged with child molestation and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. The girl, who is now 15, is in foster care.

Oh, one more thing — the payment amount? The dollar figure that two people sold their only daughter's innocence for? Two hundred and eighty-one dollars.


Another linked story:


03-07-10, 08:33
Some people deserve to be shot.

03-07-10, 09:28
That is more than just disturbing, sick and demented.

Agreed, all 3 adults should be lined up and shot.

Outlander Systems
03-07-10, 10:27
The three amigos need to be hanged, drawn and quartered.

03-07-10, 12:45
Some things defy belief.

03-07-10, 12:50

03-07-10, 12:53
There's a special place in hell...

03-07-10, 13:56
That is disgusting; America really should bring back public sentencing. Public hangings, whippings, etc. Maybe some of these idiots would think twice. You know, it's one thing to ruin your own life but to ruin a child's life!? Absolutely sick.

03-07-10, 15:51
There's a special place in hell...

Prison will be a good warm-up. Knowing what happens in prison to sex offenders, what will happen to the dad, let alone the mom, in prison. Car dealer salesman was a felon, why am I not surprised.

03-07-10, 16:16
The only just punishment that comes to my mind is: Death. To all three.

03-07-10, 16:26
The three amigos need to be hanged, drawn and quartered.

I like your idea the best.

For $200 some odd dollars? Come on people...

03-07-10, 16:48
The dealership manager, 66-year-old Robert Wayne Bearden, who goes by his middle name, was charged with child molestation and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.

It all makes sense now.

03-07-10, 18:30
It happens more than people realize. I personally know of multiple instances where a child was used as barter. In one case the mother "gave" her daughter to a scumbag boyfriend just to keep him around.

Motel Bravo
03-07-10, 21:12
I used to work at youth facility and we had a kid there who did not know where his little brother was because his mother sold him for crack.

We were like WTF?:confused:

03-07-10, 22:08
My wife runs a residential group home for young girls who have gone through things just as sick. I know my wife needs a sounding-board and a person she can trust to vent to but sometimes it screws me up listening to the stories of what these kids have gone through.

03-07-10, 22:24
Some people aren't even worth the bullet it would take to kill them.
These people should die a slow and excruciating painful death.

Cold Zero
03-08-10, 05:51
Unfortunately, the little girl now will always know that she is worth $281 dollars, monthly.

Alex V
03-08-10, 07:49
i don't even know what to say...

thats ****ed f*cked up...

"He worked every day, went to church on Sunday," Bearden [dealer's brother] said. - Well isn't that nice... sick f*ck...

03-08-10, 12:54
:eek: :(

03-08-10, 14:50
Some people aren't even worth the bullet it would take to kill them.
These people should die a slow and excruciating painful death.


Words can't even describe what I'm feeling right now.

03-08-10, 15:08
As a parent, it always amazes me that these humans can have children and not have the same feelings that most of us "normal" folks do, where we would gladly give our lives to protect our babies. I think this feeling is a natural thing that is pre-programmed into not just a human, but all animals (remember, we are just highly evolved animals). Maybe some humans are just so drugged out that they can ignore the instinc to protect thier young, or maybe the drug shorts out the wiring and erases that instinct.... but no matter the excuse provided by any doctor... it truely baffles me. If my child is being faced with serious threat, I do not honestly think that for even a fraction of an instant that there would be doubt over me throwing myself in the way of harm to the point of death for my baby girl or my sons.

How does this happen? How in the world can a person raise a baby, love and care for thier baby and not feel this? And really... if your so screwed up that this can happen... how dangerous are you to the rest of our society? I mean.... your willing to whore out your baby girl.... what are you willing to do to me or my family?


I hope that on the day that they meet the lord, he is standing sternly at the gates of heaven with veins thumping in his forehead and itching for the chance to explaine why they will never get past the gates and into our eternal home as he turns them away for eternity for the injustice that they have perpetrated.

Don Robison
03-08-10, 16:12
That headline should read "Three scumbags found mutilated."

03-08-10, 17:13
As a parent, it always amazes me that these humans can have children and not have the same feelings that most of us "normal" folks do, where we would gladly give our lives to protect our babies. I think this feeling is a natural thing that is pre-programmed into not just a human, but all animals (remember, we are just highly evolved animals). Maybe some humans are just so drugged out that they can ignore the instinc to protect thier young, or maybe the drug shorts out the wiring and erases that instinct.... but no matter the excuse provided by any doctor... it truely baffles me. If my child is being faced with serious threat, I do not honestly think that for even a fraction of an instant that there would be doubt over me throwing myself in the way of harm to the point of death for my baby girl or my sons.

How does this happen? How in the world can a person raise a baby, love and care for thier baby and not feel this? And really... if your so screwed up that this can happen... how dangerous are you to the rest of our society? I mean.... your willing to whore out your baby girl.... what are you willing to do to me or my family?


I hope that on the day that they meet the lord, he is standing sternly at the gates of heaven with veins thumping in his forehead and itching for the chance to explaine why they will never get past the gates and into our eternal home as he turns them away for eternity for the injustice that they have perpetrated.


03-08-10, 18:56
That headline should read "Three scumbags found mutilated."

It would be nice to see justice done every now and then.