View Full Version : IN - 8 Teens shot at skating rink.

03-07-10, 20:07

(CNN) -- Eight teenagers were wounded in a shooting Friday night at a skating rink in Gary, Indiana, police said Saturday.

Gary Police Department spokeswoman Cpl. Gabrielle King said that a fight broke out during or after the concert at the World of Skates roller rink on Friday, prompting the rink's manager to close up for the night.

"The manager asked everybody to leave, and when they went outside somebody just decided they would open fire and eight young people were shot," she said.

She said those wounded range in age from age 14 to 18. They were taken to local hospitals, although King said none has life-threatening injuries.

She was not certain if any remained hospitalized Saturday. No arrests have been made, she said.

A phone call to World of Skates was not immediately returned.

03-07-10, 20:34
Key words: "Gary, IN."

03-07-10, 20:36
More fuel for the anti gun crowd.

Of course, I wonder if these "kids" might be gang members.

03-07-10, 20:42
More fuel for the anti gun crowd.

Of course, I wonder if these "kids" might be gang members.

i think that's almost a given.

wouldn't America be boring without gangs? man.. i'm sure thankful for little blessings. think about it... the "30,000 Americans killed by guns every year" statistic would be closer to 15,000 (the approximate number of suicides by gun every year).. the antis would have basically absolutely zero ammo against 2A rights.

03-07-10, 20:43
Key words: "Gary, IN."

Is it a bad place? :confused:

Don Robison
03-07-10, 20:53
Is it a bad place? :confused:

For the most part yes. It might as well be part of Chicago.

03-07-10, 21:01
Gary usually makes the news in January of each year if it is NOT the murder capital of the US the preceding year. It's murder rate is tremendously high.


03-07-10, 21:49
Happened in Gary? I am shocked I tell you. Shocked!;)

03-07-10, 22:01
Is it a bad place? :confused:

I thought you were being sarcastic for a sec.

I'd say its easily among the nations top 10 for highest crime rate. Probably even top 5.

03-07-10, 22:05
Saw this last night. Played around in the comments section a bit. Last night someone posted up the names of the vics . . . looks like CNN has "moderated" that post. It was evident from the names . . ..

03-07-10, 22:32
Uhm, people still skate? Like with the wheels side-by-side?

Is Carter president again???

03-07-10, 22:36
It is crazy but here is the generic "cost of a free society" comment. But if the "progressives" have their way about all amendments, including the 2nd...Well what can you say.

Oh, and yes, PROGRESSIVES are the bad guys, not Democrats.

03-07-10, 22:56
Gary is a blight upon my fine state that we try to forget whenever possible.

03-07-10, 23:02
sweet.. too bad we cant just put a wall around these places and let them sort themselves out for a decade or so.

03-07-10, 23:56
Uhm, people still skate? Like with the wheels side-by-side?

Is Carter president again???

The reports I've seen indicate that it was a "concert" at a skating venue . . . read as defunct skating rink hosting the local rap artists for an evening of peaceful singing and social conciousness.

03-07-10, 23:57
I thought you were being sarcastic for a sec.

I'd say its easily among the nations top 10 for highest crime rate. Probably even top 5.

Nah, I just didn't know it was that bad.

03-07-10, 23:59
sweet.. too bad we cant just put a wall around these places and let them sort themselves out for a decade or so.

better yet, a glass dome with stadium seats around it :cool:

03-08-10, 01:46
For the most part yes. It might as well be part of Chicago.

HEY! What the hell! Chicago's not that ba......OK, you got a point. Haha!

Lee Indy
03-08-10, 02:00
Key words: "Gary, IN."

thats a bad place to be. i dont even drive threw gary

03-09-10, 08:36
For the most part yes. It might as well be part of Chicago.

Why the rip on Chicago? It's a beautiful city.

Don Robison
03-09-10, 09:08
Why the rip on Chicago? It's a beautiful city.

While it has some beautiful areas; it's still a crime ridden, corrupt shit hole.
Islamabad has some very beautiful areas as well, but it's still a crime ridden, corrupt shit hole.

03-09-10, 09:35
Why the rip on Chicago? It's a beautiful city.


03-09-10, 09:56
While it has some beautiful areas; it's still a crime ridden, corrupt shit hole.
Islamabad has some very beautiful areas as well, but it's still a crime ridden, corrupt shit hole.

Wrong. It is not a "crime ridden shithole". While it's true that some areas may be accurately described that way, the vast majority of it is very nice. I can guarantee you that if you, as a tourist, were to go to Chicago, you would have a very enjoyable stay. I can also guarantee you that that the chances of you becoming a crime victim are almost remote. That is unless you decide to visit the west or southsides where most of the crime occurs, where the vast majority of the homicides have occured.

Don Robison
03-09-10, 10:03
Wrong. It is not a "crime ridden shithole". While it's true that some areas may be accurately described that way, the vast majority of it is very nice. I can guarantee you that if you, as a tourist, were to go to Chicago, you would have a very enjoyable stay. I can also guarantee you that that the chances of you becoming a crime victim are almost remote. That is unless you decide to visit the west or southsides where most of the crime occurs, where the vast majority of the homicides have occured.

I grew up a little over an hour drive away from there. I've been there plenty, I used to visit my sister who lived there for 6-7 years. My assessment stands. You don't get to re-write numbers because they happen in the "bad part of town". I wouldn't live there, I won't even visit there anymore now that my sister has moved.

03-09-10, 11:55
The key phrase is "used to". Used to when? Chicago is a world class,beautiful city. It has a lot to offer. I assure you, you're the one missing out, not the City of Chicago.

03-09-10, 12:17
The key phrase is "used to". Used to when? Chicago is a world class,beautiful city. It has a lot to offer. I assure you, you're the one missing out, not the City of Chicago.

I have been there many times, and had a great time. Having said that, I would never live there for a multitude of reasons. The first being the gun laws but that includes the rest of the state.

Don Robison
03-09-10, 12:42
The key phrase is "used to". Used to when? Chicago is a world class,beautiful city. It has a lot to offer. I assure you, you're the one missing out, not the City of Chicago.

The last time I was there was three years ago. It's nothing special. It could be, but until it gets rid of Daley and his agenda it will still be nothing more that what it currently is; the scourge of the rest IL.

03-09-10, 12:53
The last time I was there was three years ago. It's nothing special. It could be, but until it gets rid of Daley and his agenda it will still be nothing more that what it currently is; the scourge of the rest IL.

Nothing special? If and when you ever visit Chicago I suggest you open your eyes and take a look around. I repeat, it is a world class city that rivals anything found anywhere else in the world. I suggest you not let your distaste for Daley cloud your opinion or prevent you from enjoying what could be a truly memorable visit. And as far as Chicago being the "scourge of the rest of the state", chew on this. Like it or not, believe it or not, without Chicago, Illinois would be nothing more than a wasteland. There is nothing else there. Chicago is what drives the State of Illinois. Without Chicago, Illinois is just another midwest state. Big, flat and nothing else going on. In other words, BORING. But then again, maybe that's your kind of place. No offense, just sayin.

Don Robison
03-09-10, 13:23
Nothing special? If and when you ever visit Chicago I suggest you open your eyes and take a look around. I repeat, it is a world class city that rivals anything found anywhere else in the world. I suggest you not let your distaste for Daley cloud your opinion or prevent you from enjoying what could be a truly memorable visit. And as far as Chicago being the "scourge of the rest of the state", chew on this. Like it or not, believe it or not, without Chicago, Illinois would be nothing more than a wasteland. There is nothing else there. Chicago is what drives the State of Illinois. Without Chicago, Illinois is just another Nebraska. Big, flat and nothing else going on. In other words, BORING. But then again, maybe that's your kind of place. No offense, just sayin.

Dude, you've been reading the tourist brochures too much. I've been to many of the "World Class" cities in the U.S., Europe, and Asia and Chicago isn't anything special when compared to say Vienna or London.
I didn't think you would get the scourge reference and you didn't. I'll help you out. My context was in the standard webster dictionary meaning. What I believe you understood it to mean was the urban dictionary meaning.
BTW: I never said I didn't have a good time there. I just said It's nothing special; but you're right about me not caring for big city living.


Main Entry: 1scourge
Pronunciation: \ˈskərj also ˈskōrj, ˈskȯrj, ˈsku̇rj\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French escorge, from escorger to whip, from Vulgar Latin *excorrigiare, from Latin ex- + corrigia thong, whip
Date: 13th century

1 : whip; especially : one used to inflict pain or punishment
2 : an instrument of punishment or criticism
3 : a cause of wide or great affliction



scurge is like being the scum of the earth. it is when there is nothing worse than you. you are as low as low can get.
you are a disgrace to the world.
you are nothing to anyone or anything. you are just flat out gross.
" the scurge of the earth "

03-09-10, 14:00
Your demeaning and unwarranted attempt at explaining the English language to me was uncalled for. I didn't need when I read your post nor do I need it now. But it was a nice try. Has your self esteem been bolstered now? I hope so. Because what could have been an enjoyable and intelligent conversation is now over. Have a nice day, DUDE.

Don Robison
03-09-10, 14:06
Your demeaning and unwarranted attempt at explaining the English language to me was uncalled for. I didn't need when I read your post nor do I need it now. But it was a nice try. Has your self esteem been bolstered now? I hope so. Because what could have been an enjoyable and intelligent conversation is now over. Have a nice day, DUDE.

My apologies if I hurt your feelings.

03-09-10, 15:10

In my best Ahnold, the Terminator, accent:

"You shall give up your guns!"

03-09-10, 19:13
heres another one that happened close to my ao http://www.nwitimes.com/news/local/porter/article_83f80667-dfaa-5082-baea-af44547e1e0b.html

Indiana has passed a bill that's called the parking lot bill.It just needs the governors signature.It allows workers to legally carry guns locked in there vehicles while on company property. If there is a rule against it and the employer decide to not follow this law then the employees can sue the employer for this. It all stems from your vehicle being an extension of your private property.

03-09-10, 19:15
Is it a bad place? :confused:
for a few years running it was the murder capitol of the country. Now it takes second place to detriot but not by much. I live 2 miles from Gary, believe me it aint a place for the faint of hearts. The place is packed with gang violence and the further north you go the worse it gets.

03-09-10, 19:16
Wrong. It is not a "crime ridden shithole". While it's true that some areas may be accurately described that way, the vast majority of it is very nice. I can guarantee you that if you, as a tourist, were to go to Chicago, you would have a very enjoyable stay. I can also guarantee you that that the chances of you becoming a crime victim are almost remote. That is unless you decide to visit the west or southsides where most of the crime occurs, where the vast majority of the homicides have occured.

Dude, Chicago sucks ass. One of my best friends lives in Barrington, I get up there fairly frequently (like monthly). Chicago is ridiculously expensive, home to the filthiest police and politicians outside of NYC or New Orleans, and manages to have even shittier gun laws than the rest of Illinois.

03-09-10, 20:41
Anyone that won't or can't admit that Chicago is a world class city, easily in the top 20 world wide is ignorant foolish or too hard headed to teach. Additionally it also must be admitted that it is home to some world class shit hole neighborhoods and corruption is ingrained in the very DNA that is Chicago. I visit almost annually and have since the early 1980s. Not being allowed to exercise my 2ND amendment rights is a major check in the minus category, and insane taxes suck life out of you while there but that tends to be most every major city.

Don Robison
03-09-10, 21:00
Anyone that won't or can't admit that Chicago is a world class city, easily in the top 20 world wide is ignorant foolish or too hard headed to teach. Additionally it also must be admitted that it is home to some world class shit hole neighborhoods and corruption is ingrained in the very DNA that is Chicago. I visit almost annually and have since the early 1980s. Not being allowed to exercise my 2ND amendment rights is a major check in the minus category, and insane taxes suck life out of you while there but that tends to be most every major city.

I googled top 20 world class cities and here are two of the lists Chicago made.:eek:


Top Fattest Cities

1. Miami, FL
2. Oklahoma City, OK
3. San Antonio, TX
4. Las Vegas, NV
5. New York, NY
6. Houston, TX
7. El Paso, TX
8. Jacksonville, FL
9. Charlotte, NC
10. Louisville-Jefferson, KY
11. Memphis, TN
12. Detroit, MI
13. Chicago, IL
14. Dallas-Fort Worth, TX
15. San Jose, CA
16. Tulsa, OK
17. Baltimore, MD
18. Columbus, OH
19. Raleigh, NC
20. Philadelphia, PA
21. L.A.-Long Beach, CA
22. Phoenix-Mesa, AZ
23. Indianapolis, IN
24. San Diego, CA
25. Kansas City, MO


Tied for 44th place in 2009.

=44 =44 Chicago USA

03-10-10, 07:59
Dude, Chicago sucks ass. One of my best friends lives in Barrington, I get up there fairly frequently (like monthly). Chicago is ridiculously expensive, home to the filthiest police and politicians outside of NYC or New Orleans, and manages to have even shittier gun laws than the rest of Illinois.
Ha! The worst police (for major cities) is probably New Orleans. But why quibble? :D

03-10-10, 09:00
Wrong. It is not a "crime ridden shithole". While it's true that some areas may be accurately described that way, the vast majority of it is very nice. I can guarantee you that if you, as a tourist, were to go to Chicago, you would have a very enjoyable stay. I can also guarantee you that that the chances of you becoming a crime victim are almost remote. That is unless you decide to visit the west or southsides where most of the crime occurs, where the vast majority of the homicides have occured.

It is historically one of the most corrupt, and crime ridden cities in the history of America, you can not change facts no matter how many parks you build in the rich areas. Now the corruption from Chicago, is being added to the Federal Government's corruption, look at some of the POS that have been appointed to high positions. Oh my buddy had his shoes stolen at gunpoint on the subway, guess he was in one of your " bad area's ".

03-10-10, 09:06
I have been there many times, and had a great time. Having said that, I would never live there for a multitude of reasons. The first being the gun laws but that includes the rest of the state.

All those laws, that keep guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens. Just don't ever seem to stop the criminals from having them, common sense has left the building.

03-10-10, 09:20
Saw this last night. Played around in the comments section a bit. Last night someone posted up the names of the vics . . . looks like CNN has "moderated" that post. It was evident from the names . . ..

What that they were minority scumbags ruining this country call it like it is, they probably buy there bullets with crack money, and food, with there babies mama's food stamps. All the while we house them in government subsidized housing. It's almost like we support crime in this country, they keep breeding and we keep feeding.

03-10-10, 12:58
It is historically one of the most corrupt, and crime ridden cities in the history of America, you can not change facts no matter how many parks you build in the rich areas. Now the corruption from Chicago, is being added to the Federal Government's corruption, look at some of the POS that have been appointed to high positions. Oh my buddy had his shoes stolen at gunpoint on the subway, guess he was in one of your " bad area's ".

Sorry to hear about your buddy but what does that mean? Is crime exclusive to Chicago? A robbery could not happen in Florida, C'mon.