View Full Version : Starbucks poll

03-09-10, 12:00
Lets hit this one up


03-09-10, 12:13
63% YES as of right now.

03-09-10, 12:59
Do you believe customers should be allowed to bring guns into Starbucks?



I don't know

Votes Cast: 1061

One Comment:

James L. [Moderator] 15 hours ago
There are numerous examples of the unhinged comiing into a restaurant of some type, such as the McDonald's already mentioned and the infamous Luby's in Texas, where 20 were murdered and another 23 wounded. These perpetrators DEPEND on not encountering a potentially armed victim. They chose their venues specifically because they KNEW they would have defenseless victims. Not once has a perpetrator been a person lawfully posessing and carrying a concealed firearm. It has always been a person unlawfully posessing and carrying a firearm. So much for the bans. They simply guarantee to a criminal that a venue will contain defenseless victims.

As for the OK Corral and 1863 comment, the OK Corall was a shootout between law enforcement and criminals, a type of event that still occurs every day in this country and far, far more frequently than a private citized ever shooting at a criminal. If you wanted to stop the stray bullets from those shootouts, you'd have to take the guns from the police and that's not a good idea, is it? 38 states MUST issue a concealed firearm license to any person at least 21 yrs old and not prohibited from owning or posessing a firearm. Florida has issued over 1.6 million licenses and has over 600,000 currently active. With the millions (yes millions) of concealed weapons license holders carrying concealed firearms, where are alll the shootouts that are supposed to be the consequence? There aren't any. But, there are citizens who are no longer defenseless and who are stopping crimes without having to actually shoot anyone. The mere presence of the firearm by a potential victim both deters would be criminals and promptly ends crimes in progress without a shooting. The number of crimes ended with a firearm that is not fired, but only drawn on a criminal is one of those statistics that the firearm ban crowd conveniently overlook.

We are not paranoid, we just recognize what others are in denial about. Depending on who you believe, somewhere between 800,000 and 2.5 nillion times a year, a private citizen uses a firearm to stop a crime in their own or another person's defense. In 1996, according to the FBI, only 195 of these incidents resulted in a shooting death, all of which were lawful homicides.

The world has some very evil, nasty and merciless persons in it and you are the only person responsible for your own defense. The police and the government are NOT there to defend you or prevent you from becoming a vicitm. It's not their job. They will tell you it's not their job. It's yours.

Thank you, Starbucks, for recognizing the reality.


03-09-10, 12:59
Double Tap

03-09-10, 13:09
Thats what the vote was after I voted too. Then I made the mistake of reading the comments. Some very articulate reponses for the 2nd amendment, but then there was CindyU who basically said she wil go wherever the business does not allow guns to buy her coffee. I suppose I should be happy that there will be one less bleating sheeple in the way if something does happen in a Starbucks when armed citizens are there.:rolleyes: