View Full Version : So I had to make a video and post it on youtube today.

03-09-10, 22:36
Stupid idiots that do not know how to drive their cars.

How the hell do people not know how to drive a dam Toyota Prius. OK, I have one, right along side my dodge diesel. How the heck can you not know how to turn your car off if it starts accelerating by itself? I mean dam, I asked my 13 year old and she said put it in neutral. So I made a video, is it over the top you bet, will some tree hugging ###### make comments about it, probably, but I wanted to share it. If you think it is over the top, let me know, if you think it is funny as hell, let me know. Not all Prius drivers are idiots, some of us love God, guns, and country. And yes this is me, and my video. Face hidden to protect the innocent.



03-09-10, 23:05
Your a member of NWBombers? I used to live up in Oak harbor and knew one of your buddies named Dave, but he wasn't as angry as you.

03-09-10, 23:19
Haha, nice. It's amazing how stupid people are that they can simply avoid the problem by putting the car in neutral, or shutting the car off and dealing with no power steering...........or flying off the road and ****ing dying. Not a hard choice you'd think. Amazing. :D

03-09-10, 23:29
Your a member of NWBombers? I used to live up in Oak harbor and knew one of your buddies named Dave, but he wasn't as angry as you.

I am not angry at all, I am just having some fun, and besides I am originally from NY, so the f-bomb is taught in 2nd grade. :D All my friends are laughing at this, they think it is hilarious, if you knew me, you would be surprised I put that out, way out of my character. Are you referring to NWDAVE?

This is a joke, the entire thing about this acceleration crap. I mean a LEO in CA crashed his rental car and killed his entire family. How can you not put the car in neutral? It turns it self off, I mean really, some people are just to dumb to be on the road. Plain and simple.

03-09-10, 23:31
LMAO!!! Damn MALL NINJA!!! I used to live around Seattle area, and I saw more stupid ass things around there and relocated to the center of the state, then they came over there for the weekend and screwed every thing up and went home. Then I moved here, and some of the bastards fallowed me here. I was back there a year ago to the UW Hospital, (what another joke) and I couldn't go to Auburn at 9 pm with out stopping part way and having a good Captain adjustment.
A good friend has a store in Central WA, and we were standing there one day and he said, "Oh shit, here come some damn "Coasties", I almost spewed my drink. He said you can spot them before they get in the door.

I liked your vid, you had the BALLS to do what a lot of us don't have some to do, but want to.

03-09-10, 23:32
why do you feel compelled to be the biggest asshole you think you can be about it? do you think you can't make a strong point without the blow-hard switch on full blast?

03-09-10, 23:37
why do you feel compelled to be the biggest asshole you think you can be about it? do you think you can't make a strong point without the blow-hard switch on full blast?

No, because apparently people do not listen to reason, they need to hear stuff like this to wake up. As I said, yes it is about being funny, don't get your panties in a bunch, that is the problem with society, everyone gets offended, everyone pisses and moans about stuff. Lighten up, laugh, and live life to the fullest. :)

03-09-10, 23:51
Video removed by user, probably for being made fun of for driving a prius.

03-09-10, 23:55
Video removed by user, probably for being made fun of for driving a prius.

It is not removed by me, I will post a different link once it uploads. I did not remove it, not sure what is going on.

03-10-10, 06:07
How many f-bombs do you get per mile?

Robb Jensen
03-10-10, 06:20
Funny video, funny because it's so true.

03-10-10, 07:34
too funny.

03-10-10, 10:41
Are you referring to NWDAVE?

Well, I knew him as Chief since he was my boss, but maybe. We thought it would be cool to do something nice for him once, so we moved his office out to some fresh air...

http://img532.imageshack.us/img532/522/picture013ns.jpg (http://img532.imageshack.us/i/picture013ns.jpg/)

http://img169.imageshack.us/img169/4126/picture014e.jpg (http://img169.imageshack.us/i/picture014e.jpg/)

D. Christopher
03-10-10, 12:28

Thanks for saying what many of us have been thinking for a long time now. This latest genius in a Prius near San Diego was actually asked by a reporter if he tried to put the car in neutral. His response was "No I didn't because I'm not as familiar with this kind of cars transmission and I wasn't sure that if I put it in neutral, it might flip."

What do you say to an adult with a drivers license after a statement like that?

Thanks for the laughs.

03-10-10, 12:56
Your voice sounds like Hurley from Lost lol

And yeah....people are MORONS lol

03-10-10, 13:22
......ROTFLMAO! That was great!:D

03-10-10, 13:41

Thanks for saying what many of us have been thinking for a long time now. This latest genius in a Prius near San Diego was actually asked by a reporter if he tried to put the car in neutral. His response was "No I didn't because I'm not as familiar with this kind of cars transmission and I wasn't sure that if I put it in neutral, it might flip."

What do you say to an adult with a drivers license after a statement like that?

Thanks for the laughs.


03-10-10, 14:00
You, Sir, owe me a new keyboard! Hilarious!

03-10-10, 14:21

Thanks for saying what many of us have been thinking for a long time now. This latest genius in a Prius near San Diego was actually asked by a reporter if he tried to put the car in neutral. His response was "No I didn't because I'm not as familiar with this kind of cars transmission and I wasn't sure that if I put it in neutral, it might flip."

What do you say to an adult with a drivers license after a statement like that?

Thanks for the laughs.


When the accelerator stuck, he said he weighed all his options. He feared turning the car off in the middle of traffic, expecting the steering wheel to lock. If he shifted into neutral, he worried that it would slip into reverse. The floor mat, he said, wasn't interfering with the gas pedal. Goes to show the driver is the weakest link in the machine even if that machine is filled with the best technology.

"It was accelerating out of control. Period," Sikes said.

:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: yea smooth move removing 2 out of 3 of the primary safety manuevers becuase "I was scared to. The three being: shift to neutral, hit the brakes hard, and turning off the ignition.

03-10-10, 14:46
You, Sir, owe me a new keyboard! Hilarious!

You forgot to put it in "NEUTRAL"! :D (smart ass, I know)

03-10-10, 15:19
I noticed the Sykart headsock right away !!. C'mon down to Grand Prix Raceway in Lakewood.

Video was so funny, I'll buy you a race !!

03-10-10, 16:02
congrats man, someone finally said it. I said the same thing after i read about the first one happening.I loved it. Just an fyi, you probable made a tree hugger cry after hearing that.

03-10-10, 16:11
I like it! Glad I don't own a Prius though. Your resale probably sucks. I mean not only does this stupid pencil neck geek risk a CHP life, global warming is finally being shown to be a fallacy. Love your gratuitous use of the F-bomb. You must be a Fireman!:D

On another subject: I find it unfortunate that the main story here is the Toyota recall fiasco, and not how a brave LEO put his life on the line to save this Asshole!

I for one salute the CHP officer! Nice piece of driving! :cool:

03-10-10, 17:47
Way too much emphasis on ridiculing unprepared people in a totally unexpected, extremely tense and dangerous situation.

Juvenile horseshit better suited for TOS.

03-10-10, 17:54

03-10-10, 17:58
i chuckled. Great job

03-10-10, 19:00
Me and my wife saw this, and honestly... she swears to God above that I have a long lost brother.... and you are him! I can be a brutally honest... and rude MF'er when I forget to force the political correctness filter into play.

You are a honest man, and if you hurt anyones feelings.... they deserve it!

03-10-10, 19:08
Me and my wife saw this, and honestly... she swears to God above that I have a long lost brother.... and you are him! I can be a brutally honest... and rude MF'er when I forget to force the political correctness filter into play.

You are a honest man, and if you anyones feelings.... they deserve!


i say the same shit everyday driving with the dumbasses on the I-64 autobahn here in WV...i'm getting ready to show my wife, she'll lose it!!!

03-10-10, 19:23
Haha great video!

03-10-10, 19:50
Me and my wife saw this, and honestly... she swears to God above that I have a long lost brother.... and you are him! I can be a brutally honest... and rude MF'er when I forget to force the political correctness filter into play.

You are a honest man, and if you hurt anyones feelings.... they deserve it!

Thanks man, I am glad most everyone gets it. I posted the link on the grizzly forum, and some dick reported it and it got pulled, unreal. :rolleyes:

350 hits in less than 12 hours, I hope it makes the rounds. Like I said, it is over the top, but I wanted it to be, to get my point across and make sure people do not forget. I read on MSN some old lady crashed today. I think these people are just doing it to make the news, I bet there is nothing wrong with their cars.

D. Christopher
03-10-10, 19:58
If juvenile horseshit keeps even one single person from getting in their car and killing a member of YOUR family, I'm all for it.

Anyone want to venture a guess on what percentage of these recent "Toyota victims" bothered to even take a cursory glance at their owner's manuals? Much less actually read and understand it? I know I'm expecting too much, but cars can be deadlier than a new gun in untrained hands. Guns rarely kill more than one person per accident, you have to intentionally make that happen. Cars kill multiple persons per accident every single day, and almost none of those people were actually trying to hurt anybody.

We need to start reminding people in this country that there are some heavy resonsibilities that go with operating a motor vehicle. I've noticed that several of these "victims" managed to successfully make a phone call during their "terrifying ordeal." If you can do that we can train you to stop a "runaway" car.

These Toyota problems are being lumped together by the media as if it's just one problem, when there are at least 3 or 4 different causes for these UAs. No matter which cause we are talking about, they can all be stopped by the same basic procedures that everyone with a U.S. drivers license should know before they get behind the wheel of ANY vehicle.

Sorry for the rant, but this is personal.

Be safe. Be smart.

03-10-10, 20:10
I posted the link on the grizzly forum, and some dick reported it and it got pulled, unreal. :rolleyes:

No buddy, the only thing unreal here is your inability to discern your extremely poor communication tactics. There is a better way, but you haven't learned it yet. And at your age you seem a bit behind the curve.

Also, if I recall a police officer who also specialized in high-speed driving was the one in that well known 911 call who lost his life along with 3 innocent others in his family when his Toyota locked up.

D. Christopher
03-10-10, 20:52
Wow. How ironic that someone with the word "safety" in their screen name is more concerned with manners than something that could actually save a few lives. Sure the language is rough, sure it's over the top, but it will make a few people think and maybe somebody will be better prepared if it happens to them. Not looking for a fight, just desperate to reach as many people as possible to keep them from going through this if possible.

Thanks again Gasitman.

03-10-10, 20:59
No buddy, the only thing unreal here is your inability to discern your extremely poor communication tactics. There is a better way, but you haven't learned it yet. And at your age you seem a bit behind the curve.

Also, if I recall a police officer who also specialized in high-speed driving was the one in that well known 911 call who lost his life along with 3 innocent others in his family when his Toyota locked up.

Well, most disagree with you. I know I can not make everyone laugh. And lets talk about the CHP officer, I did not mention him in the video out of respect, but a LEO should know how to handle a situation like that. Not to mention he could of, not that he did, but could of thought to himself about making some money off the situation and it went horribly wrong. Just like people that burn their house down for insurance money, then find out their kid skipped school and died in the fire.

Again, not saying that is the case, but if you do not know how to put your car in neutral, or turn it off, you do not belong on the road. As far as the f-bombs, I did it purposely. Watch the last 5 seconds of the clip, I even joke about it.

You do not know me, and I am not like that. As someone mentioned, we think a drivers licence is a normal everyday thing, but it is something that poses a huge threat on others in the community. I have 3 family members that have been killed by idiots on the road, 2 drunks and one teenage girl texting. So do not even think for one second that driving a car is not a responsible act.

Besides, if I actually put it out and acted like some people that raise their kids, like sitting them down and discussing what they did with them, etc. "F" that, beat their ass, it is what my parents did, and I have managed to stay out of prison, jail, and away from drugs. I have 2 girls, both scholars in school, one even passed up to another grade, and not for one second would not not beat their ass if they started to smoke, do drugs or have sex at 13 and 15. Sometimes you have to get in peoples faces to make them understand.

03-11-10, 08:18
Wow. How ironic that someone with the word "safety" in their screen name is more concerned with manners than something that could actually save a few lives. Sure the language is rough, sure it's over the top, but it will make a few people think and maybe somebody will be better prepared if it happens to them. Not looking for a fight, just desperate to reach as many people as possible to keep them from going through this if possible.

You post and communicate well. Our friend could learn from you, at least on a verbal basis.

Regardless, the Toyota's in question are stated to have an all electronic acceleration system, not the type normally used where there is some sort of physical connection involved when pushing the pedal down. I am not a mechanic, but I think I understand the physics referred to.

If this is the case (and I am not 100% positive it is), there is no way to know the state of the cars newly expanded electronic system when such a potential electronic error/errors occur. And I also find it extremely difficult to believe that the police officer did not attempt all of the OP's actions, bit it is possible of course.

All I am saying is that there may be more to meets the eye here. Until all the facts are in, viscously lam-blasting the folks who have been unfortunate enough to have to deal with this seems a bit premature. And a few less f-bombs would have helped me make it through more than the first 45 seconds as well.

No hard feelings.

03-11-10, 08:27
... but a LEO should know how to handle a situation like that. Not to mention he could of, not that he did, but could of thought to himself about making some money off the situation and it went horribly wrong. Just like people that burn their house down for insurance money, then find out their kid skipped school and died in the fire.

Sometimes if you give someone enough rope...

Now this just flat out pisses me off, and I am not an LEO. I will be banned if I go on so **** it.

03-11-10, 08:39

Just so ya know, most cars use (as in all recently that I am aware of) an electronic throttle. What confuses some folks into thinking that a cable is doing something is because some vehicles like my Dodge Cummins use a (TPS) Throttle Position Sensor mounted on the throttle peddle pivot itself and some like my Civic have a cable that goes to a TPS on top of the engine. On most gas cars there is a TPS under hood because a cable is still required to actuate a "throttle Body", or a butterfly valve to open and close the air path prior to the intake manifold. But really, the use of "Drive by wire" has been in effect for years since the majority off all car and light truck engines use the muti point injection. Your foot has not been physically connected to a fuel supply (carb) since around 1988 when the TBI hit the streets.

It is not new to drive by wire when talking about fuel injection systems, but I am sure that each company has its unique way to modulate fuel delivery based on operator foot-peddle positioning.

An interesting thing to realize is that gas engines are throttled by air, if you limit or stop the air flow to the engine the computer will fuel accordingly... or cut fuel. In a diesel engine, they are a 180 degree opposite beast. They throttle on fuel. A car adds air supply and the fuel supply comes in to match the air qauntity, so by giving you a throttle body (butterfly valve after the air filter and before the intake plenum) you basically are controlling airflow and the CPU in the car reacts to your air supply inputs.

In a Diesel engine you apply fuel and this in turn demands more air, the air flow is increased after the fuel supply is increased. This makes a diesel dangerous in some conditions because a volitile atmosphere can cause a diesel engine to injest a source of fuel in the air and do what they call "run away" where you left the fuel peddle and cut what you thought was the fuel supply... only the engine is still accelerating with the combined fuel/air coming in from the engines intake system. Remember that unlike a car with a gas fired engine, a diesel requires no power to combust, no spark plugs needed! So if your diesel starts sucking any sort of fuel source, things get out of control real fast.

Many industrial diesels have a safety device installed similar to a throttle body to allow the operator to hit a switch and a trap door slams shut cutting off atmosphere from the intake side.

For a long while these were crude devices made by the equipment owners, but recently BD Diesel has begun to manufacture and market these safety systems for users. Imagine your Common Rail Dodge or your 6.4L ford getting a fuel or oil leak under the hood that is spraying near vaporized fuel or oil and filling the engine compartment. Your about to go on one hell of a thrill ride with nearly 1,000 FT/LBs of torque pushing you onward!

Take a look at this:

Sorry for interjecting my crap, I just thought maybe one or two of you would find it interesting or enlightening to know :D

03-11-10, 08:50
Well, most disagree with you. I know I can not make everyone laugh. And lets talk about the CHP officer, I did not mention him in the video out of respect, but a LEO should know how to handle a situation like that. Not to mention he could of, not that he did, but could of thought to himself about making some money off the situation and it went horribly wrong. Just like people that burn their house down for insurance money, then find out their kid skipped school and died in the fire.

what was found in the CHP officers case was the dealer installed the incorrect floor mat of an RX400h into the ES350 loaner. Word on the street was the previous driver of that same loaner had an SUA, shifted to neutral, discovered it was the mat, fixed it, then told the dealer about it, but apparently it wasn't done. Big no no on the dealer. Now combine this with a lack of training and you have a tragic situation. If the previous driver story is true then it was completely avoidable. Just a bad mixture of bad things. In this situation the beef lies with the dealer.

03-11-10, 08:54
Stupid idiots that do not know how to drive their cars.

How the hell do people not know how to drive a dam Toyota Prius. OK, I have one, right along side my dodge diesel. How the heck can you not know how to turn your car off if it starts accelerating by itself? I mean dam, I asked my 13 year old and she said put it in neutral. So I made a video, is it over the top you bet, will some tree hugging ###### make comments about it, probably, but I wanted to share it. If you think it is over the top, let me know, if you think it is funny as hell, let me know. Not all Prius drivers are idiots, some of us love God, guns, and country. And yes this is me, and my video. Face hidden to protect the innocent.


Funny video, loved it!

03-11-10, 12:40
Sometimes if you give someone enough rope...

Now this just flat out pisses me off, and I am not an LEO. I will be banned if I go on so **** it.

what was found in the CHP officers case was the dealer installed the incorrect floor mat of an RX400h into the ES350 loaner. Word on the street was the previous driver of that same loaner had an SUA, shifted to neutral, discovered it was the mat, fixed it, then told the dealer about it, but apparently it wasn't done. Big no no on the dealer. Now combine this with a lack of training and you have a tragic situation. If the previous driver story is true then it was completely avoidable. Just a bad mixture of bad things. In this situation the beef lies with the dealer.

Safety, read what I wrote please, not what you want to read. I said it could be possible, not that it was. In-fact, my best friend is a sheriff and it was him, not me that first brought it up. I can see me and you will never see eye to eye, and that is fine. I did not jab the dead officer, people, and that includes LEO's do stupid things, case in point the Pennsylvania officer that just got 18 months in prison for beating a handcuffed suspect in the back of his patrol car. So we should worship him because he is a police officer? How about the Chicago cop who beat up a 100 pound female bartender, wake up bud, your living in Wonderland with Alice.

And also, if it was found that the car was to blame that is great, however, he could of put the car in neutral, end of story.

03-11-10, 12:54
And also, if it was found that the car was to blame that is great, however, he could of put the car in neutral, end of story.

It would appear beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are likely correct: http://video.foxnews.com/v/4099805/how-do-you-stop-a-runaway-vehicle

I always admit when I am wrong, no problem. :)

That said, even the ultra-slightest insinuation that the police officer somehow deliberately subjected himself and his family to that for profit is beyond asinine. You can't possibly be serious.

Let's just say your heart may be in the right place, but your mouth surely was not. Think of it this way, if I turned it off so quickly due the content, how many others did you lose that might have watch until the end?

And finally yes, the I agree the last pansy that had all that time to shift to neutral on the open freeway and still didn't not and had to be stopped by the police does deserve to listen to your clip 100 consecutive times as punishment. So I suppose it has it's use. :D

03-11-10, 13:58
anytime theres an automotive accident the very first things you should look for the cause is driver error and/or maintenance error. Those are the major contributing factors and have the most chance of being correct. Not things like computer glitches. No matter how well a car is designed, the driver or bad maintenance can bring down hat entire system of safety. Its not just auto accidents look at chemical plant and construction accidents, I guaran-damn-tee you human error, because the person is the weakest part of the system, highly prone to mistakes. It is entirely possible that there are glitches but statistically there's a very high chance that human error was the major contributing factor.

If someone with a gun negligently/accidentely discharges it. At first, what do you think what happened, a glitch with the gun design or the person holding it being a dumbass.

03-11-10, 14:16
anytime theres an automotive accident the very first things you should look for the cause is driver error and/or maintenance error. Those are the major contributing factors and have the most chance of being correct. Not things like computer glitches. No matter how well a car is designed, the driver or bad maintenance can bring down hat entire system of safety. Its not just auto accidents look at chemical plant and construction accidents, I guaran-damn-tee you human error, because the person is the weakest part of the system, highly prone to mistakes. It is entirely possible that there are glitches but statistically there's a very high chance that human error was the major contributing factor.

If someone with a gun negligently/accidentely discharges it. At first, what do you think what happened, a glitch with the gun design or the person holding it being a dumbass.

all accidents on the face of the earth are the result of human error.. not sure what your point is.

D. Christopher
03-11-10, 16:30

Thanks for the kind words, however I fear a polite message from me would reach almost nobody. The over-the-top approach is called for in this case because people are dying, being injured, and hurting innocents for no good reason. Toyota and the media should be saturating the airwaves and internet with reminders of some basic emergency procedures that can be used in any vehicle, even a Prius. Unfortunately they are not, so this calls for guerilla tactics. If offending some people gets the word out, I can live with that.

I work with several different teams of people throughout the year, and on the rare occasions when we are near civilization with a day off we may go out to eat together. I'm always the first one to ask people at my table to please watch their language if they start cursing with other patrons within earshot. Especially if women and children are present. For those who ignore my requests, I get up, pay my bill and leave, and I never sit with them in public again, PERIOD. I've made quite a few enemies this way but that is who I am and I know I wouldn't want my family treated like that. That is forcing your bad manners and bad behaviours on others, and is just wrong. Gasitman's approach is vulgar and will turn a few people off, but the word will spread quickly to more people than a polite word. He is also not forcing himself on anyone, and it is easy enough for people to ignore him or turn him off at any time.

All it takes is one smart kid sitting in the passenger seat or even in the back to reach over and push the lever into neutral and the threat is over. Once again, rember that in the recent incident in San Diego, THE DRIVER NEVER ATTEMPTED TO PUT THE PRIUS IN NEUTRAL, OR USE THE KILL SWITCH! That is by his own admission.

Anyway, stay safe and spread the word as politely as you can, but as forcefully as needed.



03-11-10, 20:14
Anyway, stay safe and spread the word as politely as you can, but as forcefully as needed.



You seem like a good addition to our group. Hope you stick around more often.

An Undocumented Worker
03-11-10, 20:18
Wow that was you in that video? Good job as I have no sympathy the panicky idiots on the roadway. I saw that vid on a car forum I frequent regularly and we all got a good laugh out of it. http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1947335&page=7

And aparently, at least one member of that forum wants to buy you a beer.

03-12-10, 01:34
I just looked at the video, over 10000 views in about 24 hours, I am amazed on how fast it has gone out there. Maybe I will be famous, or infamous. :D

03-14-10, 00:53
It's even made it over to Dodge forum. http://dodgeforum.com/forum/off-topic/237322-hilarious-video-nws.html

03-14-10, 11:35
We are surrounded everyday by these knuckle heads. To many hold political office.

03-14-10, 14:12
Gasitman and Hoss356,

Are you guys on TDR?

03-14-10, 21:46
I'm on Dodge forum, what's TDR?

03-14-10, 21:47
"The number one Dodge/Cummins resource".


03-15-10, 00:41
Sorry, I got a gasser, couldn't afford the cummins. Would love to have one if I had something to fully utilize the towing capabilities. But I really like my Hemi, you can't do this in a prius...

03-15-10, 20:38
Gasitman, nice video! The "runaway" Prius in San Diego is under some scrutiny. It seems like something isn't up to snuff.

Crap this is turning into a hijack.

I can't resist though. I'm sorry.

Hoss356 that video looked like fun to make. Your truck sounds sweet. But...you can't do this with a Hemi:p:


^^^Not me or anyone I know BTW.^^^^

03-15-10, 21:01

03-15-10, 21:31
I bet I could do that to a prius!

03-16-10, 09:34
Congratulations, you made consumerist. Next up, Digg.

03-16-10, 10:10
gasitman is becoming internet famous! Look at all the haterade

lol one of the best comments:

I am still waiting for a guy with a manual transmission to complain about a runaway Toyota.

03-16-10, 10:50
LMAO. Great vid you have made, Maybe this will wakeup allot of people. A Jerk in a Pickup passes another car in front of him. He hits two Bikers. Kills them. From what the TV News said. The guy thought he was not that close to the Bikers when he passed the car. He was Dead Wrong.

03-16-10, 13:27
Gasitman: I like how someone said you "Could" become the new "Plumber Joe".

There will always be pros and cons of this, and I don't think we will ever know the truth about a lot of them. How can Toy be so damn good, for so damn long and now this? Welcome to the age of electronics.

03-18-10, 02:05
Gasitman: I like how someone said you "Could" become the new "Plumber Joe".

There will always be pros and cons of this, and I don't think we will ever know the truth about a lot of them. How can Toy be so damn good, for so damn long and now this? Welcome to the age of electronics.

Gramps, you can not imagine the phone calls I have had in the last 24 hours. There is some serious stuff in the pipe. I have to finish my finals this week, and next week I have tons of stuff happening, from radio stations to websites. I am over-whelmed at what is going on.

I thought my 15 minutes were up, someone told me that they have not even started yet. :D

03-18-10, 09:00
Be careful. I grew up on the coast and worked from Oly to Everett, doing customer service, and those people will try to tear you apart. I'm damn glad I was able to get out of there. I also used to drive truck up and down the west coast, and the most shit I saw was from Tacoma to Seattle. Last time over there, at 9 PM on the way from UW Hospital to Auburn, I had to stop and have several drinks, just to put up with that shit.
Best of blessings.

03-23-10, 14:16

how come you didnt post your part 2?

03-24-10, 17:06
Toyota's stuck throttle problem solved by a third world country. Who woulda thunk!!!
