View Full Version : Stupid Dilemma. Here's your chance to actually influence a decision.

03-09-10, 22:45
I know I really should save my pennies. But an Onkyo system is calling my name. It's a bit pricey for me though, but I watch a lot of movies and my aging Sony set up is on its last leg,

In this economy is it stupid to blow $700.00+ on a home theater system? Especially if the savings account is only a little over a grand.


Should I say screw it, life is short. Enjoy the goodies while you can.

I will go with the most popular opinions. Majority will rule my decision.

I have more guns and ammo than I could carry in a SHTF scenario. I can't eat a home theater system. I know this is not a necessity.

As always, THANK YOU.

03-09-10, 22:49
I built my home theatre system from pieces, a Yamaha receiver from Costco, speakers from Fry's, Blu-Ray from.....I can't remember where I got the Blu-Ray from but you get the idea. Smart shopping will save you a fortune. Build a home theatre like you would an AR and you'll do okay.

03-09-10, 22:51
I have a new LG 47", a 360, and a new PS3 slim. I have all of those bases covered.

This is what I am looking at http://www.us.onkyo.com/model.cfm?m=HT-S7200&class=Systems&p=i

03-09-10, 22:58
This is a dilemma? (why does this sound like a Dr Laura question?)


03-09-10, 22:59
If you had $15k in the bank I'd say go for it, but under a grand you should be eating ramen for dinner and saving cash. :p

03-09-10, 23:03
Is this account where your emergency money would come from? If so, I wouldn't.

Left Sig
03-09-10, 23:04
Don't buy a HT in a Box system whatever you do. The included speakers are usually truly horrible.

As said above, do it in stages. Get a good receiver if that's what you need. Then upgrade your speakers starting with the left, right, and center. Then upgrade the rears, and then upgrade the sub if you have one.

Whatever the weakest link in your system is, upgrade that first. You might start with the speakers.

Now, if you think you need to upgrade to get the benefit of all the new hi-rez audio on Blu-rays, there are ways around that. You can get a Blu-ray player that decodes them internally and outputs in analog, feeding that into the multi-channel inputs of your receiver (if it has such inputs).

The real truth few want to admit is that there isn't a whole lot of difference in actually sound quality between DD and DTS and the new and improved DD True HD and DTS-HD MA. Only high quality systems with better than average resolution will show the benefit. This has been shown in properly constructed blind tests with studio quality monitors.

Left Sig
03-09-10, 23:13
I have a new LG 47", a 360, and a new PS3 slim. I have all of those bases covered.

This is what I am looking at http://www.us.onkyo.com/model.cfm?m=HT-S7200&class=Systems&p=i

Crap. Don't waste your money. Buy a stand alone receiver and a set of quality speakers.

Good choice on the PS3 slim. Outstanding Blu-ray player with fast loading times. Decent DVD upconversion too. Outputs hi-rez audio only over HDMI or legacy formats over optical so you need a digital receiver of some sort.

Onkyo is OK for the receiver, but I prefer Denon. Your choice, but others are OK too. HDMI is horrendously flakey when you put an AVR between your PS3 and HDTV. Lots of incompatibilities and other issues. It's a crap shoot really, so just make sure you can return anything you buy in case it doesn't work well with your stuff. Sony is famous for having "issues" working with other non-Sony product, but the PS3 is pretty well tested.

Lots of options for speakers, too many to list. Get something good and you can live with them for many years. Just not HT in a Box speakers.

As far as affording it, only you can decide that. Probably not the best idea right now. The fact that you are asking means you know the right answer...

But if you wait another year or so HDMI 1.4 will be released and 3-D HDTV will be the next big thing. So you'll have to upgrade everything, again. Might just wait and see how it shakes out.

03-09-10, 23:15
Personally: now that it has been 3 years without work (well a little here and there but nothing steady) I was so glad the wife had managed a very healthy savings account, to which we still have and haven't dipped into yet, and I don't ever want to because you never know what tomorrow will bring. We sold off the big payment stuff and some that were payed for to reallocate the investment money to more economic vehicle for me and other things. I would be scared shit less with a Small amount of savings like that. You should have at least enough for 3 months to pay all bills and utilities for emergency situations. But it is a decision you will have to make. First mistake for you in MY OPINION, would be the part about "Majority Rules here in YOUR decision". You are the only one who knows your real financial situation. What are your priorities? Are you looking for permission here?
Good luck in your decision.

03-09-10, 23:35
I almost went down the same route (HTIB) but instead bought a higher quality Denon reciever and kept my older speakers for the time being. This is what I got:
Was able to get it through a friend that is a Denon distributor for a lot less than MSRP (about $550). This way I spent less now, and later on when I have the money for it I'll buy speakers that match the quality of the reciever.
Just what worked for me, but figured this would give you another option to look at.

Left Sig
03-09-10, 23:40
I almost went down the same route (HTIB) but instead bought a higher quality Denon reciever and kept my older speakers for the time being. This is what I got:
Was able to get it through a friend that is a Denon distributor for a lot less than MSRP (about $550). This way I spent less now, and later on when I have the money for it I'll buy speakers that match the quality of the reciever.
Just what worked for me, but figured this would give you another option to look at.

Excellent choice. I have the 4310ci, and was thinking of getting a 2310ci for an upstairs room. Not for the surround sound, but for the Audyssey MultEQ room correction. It does wonders on my main system, and I think it will cure some mid-bass boominess in the upstairs room. Thanks for the price tip - $550 sounds more reasonable. Maybe I'll wait until the 2310 is discontinued and goes on clearance...

03-10-10, 01:22
Ya don't need a home entertainment system, but you do need to keep saving until you have $2k in savings in case of emergencies

03-10-10, 21:45
You should have made it a poll, so it's easy to determine the result. I vote you keep saving also.

03-10-10, 21:47
As much as I would say go for it, you are getting by just fine now. Why not wait until that model is on clearance for the new stuff, and then decide. You can manage to spend less this way. Plus that is money better spend on a man size tv :D:D:D

03-10-10, 21:52
My opinion? Movies are a waste of time. To put that much money into it is a waste of money. If I can hear the dialog, I'm fine. I don't have cable TV either, so maybe I'm a killjoy.

03-10-10, 22:47
Practical, heartless, funless advice here: Save the moolah.

I start to get uncomfortable when my everyday account dips below 2.5K. I stop buying fun stuff and start saving it back up...

03-10-10, 23:03
Don't buy a HT in a Box system whatever you do. The included speakers are usually truly horrible.

As said above, do it in stages. Get a good receiver if that's what you need. Then upgrade your speakers starting with the left, right, and center. Then upgrade the rears, and then upgrade the sub if you have one.

Whatever the weakest link in your system is, upgrade that first. You might start with the speakers.

Great advice and I would follow it. www.avsforum.com is the M4C of the audio/visual world and I've read days & days of info there. Log on there and give them specifics and you'll get great advice on quality components that fit your budget. Best of luck.

03-11-10, 09:57
It's your money and you can do with it what you will. I wouldn't, but hey, I rarely watch the telly anyway. Heck, I still have one of them there old style TVs with the giant tube and weighs 2500 lbs.

Im a neo-luddite when it comes to TV.

03-11-10, 10:11
Do you currently have 6 months of income saved up?

Are you currently saving for your retirement?

Do you currently carry any consumer debt other than a mortgage?

These are questions I'd ask myself before deciding to spend the better part of a grand on home theater equipment, but that's just me.

03-11-10, 12:59
Do you currently have 6 months of income saved up?

Are you currently saving for your retirement?

Do you currently carry any consumer debt other than a mortgage?

These are questions I'd ask myself before deciding to spend the better part of a grand on home theater equipment, but that's just me.

Well put......IMHO

03-11-10, 13:50
Do you currently have 6 months of income saved up?

Are you currently saving for your retirement?

Do you currently carry any consumer debt other than a mortgage?

These are questions I'd ask myself before deciding to spend the better part of a grand on home theater equipment, but that's just me.

Basically that and, it won't hurt to wait and save more regardless of how much money you have.

Plus it'll only get better quality and cheaper as newer stuff comes out anyway, technology progresses and such.

03-11-10, 17:02
Do you currently have 6 months of income saved up? No but my income is set and guaranteed.

Are you currently saving for your retirement? I retired with 25 years of Government service.

Do you currently carry any consumer debt other than a mortgage? Mortgage only, no CC debt.

These are questions I'd ask myself before deciding to spend the better part of a grand on home theater equipment, but that's just me.

I see your point. I'll save for 6 months and then buy something better. Thanks for the help.

03-11-10, 17:45
nuff said

03-11-10, 18:36
Dave Ramsey can KMA. I'm not a fan, he just tells everyone what they already should know. Just another buy my book/program and it'll make you financially secure. Just like the Paul Bots, you have the Ramsey Bots.

My point proven http://www.daveramsey.com/store/budgeting-tools/cBUDGETING-p1.html

And for those that would attempt to jump on me about dissing DR, I've spent thousands in savings stocking up on guns, ammo, Mountain House, Genny, etc.... I did this because I thought it was better to be prepared, than not. Dave Ramsey would want me to have bare cupboards, and spend hundreds on his program. You know the saying "a fool and his money". Screw it, I going to go out and buy the GD system just to spite those DR Bots. I was fine until the financial peace clones chimed in.

Did you notice his shit eating grin. I wonder why he smiles so big? Rhetorical. (It's the tens of thousands idiots buying his crap)

03-11-10, 18:39
Well sounds like you've decided to save the money. Definitely the best choice. I can also understand the wanting to buy a new toy though. You gotta have something to watch while you're staying at home saving money right ;). I would never ever buy a home theater in a box though. Just not the best way to save money and get good components.

Also something to keep in mind is that with all these fancy 7.1, 6.1, and hell even 5.1 systems a lot of times isn't really going to be all that spectacular unless you have a dedicated home theater room. Most living rooms, dens, etc with lots of doors, windows, complete lack of a wall leading to a kitchen or dining room, whatever are not ideal for surround sound. I would probably go with something like this


03-11-10, 18:46
Dave Ramsey can KMA. I'm not a fan, he just tells everyone what they already should know. Just another buy my book/program and it'll make you financially secure. Just like the Paul Bots, you have the Ramsey Bots.

My point proven http://www.daveramsey.com/store/budgeting-tools/cBUDGETING-p1.html

And for those that would attempt to jump on me about dissing DR, I've spent thousands in savings stocking up on guns, ammo, Mountain House, Genny, etc.... I did this because I thought it was better to be prepared, than not. Dave Ramsey would want me to have bare cupboards, and spend hundreds on his program. You know the saying "a fool and his money". Screw it, I going to go out and buy the GD system just to spite those DR Bots. I was fine until the financial peace clones chimed in.

Well, considering you claim he just tells people what they already know, why did you ask the question in the first place if you already knew it?

03-11-10, 18:48
Well, considering you claim he just tells people what they already know, why did you ask the question in the first place if you already knew it?

You're right, my bad. It won't happen again.

03-11-10, 18:57
You're right, my bad. It won't happen again.

I think someone is missing my point.

03-11-10, 21:31
Well, considering you claim he just tells people what they already know, why did you ask the question in the first place if you already knew it?

:D:D:D ...now that's kinda funny....