View Full Version : Priority of Armor

03-10-10, 09:12
I currently own a IIIA concealable vest. On and off over the past several years I have been mulling over whether to purchase some plates and a carrier just to have around. If money were no object, I wouldn't be posting this topic and have a set sitting in my closet. However, since money doesn't grow on trees, I find that I end up talking myself out the purchase everytime I go to click on the order button. I rationalize it by telling myself that I don't "need" plates......I could buy more ammo, I could buy another gun, I could use another suit, I could get some more khakis and a couple pairs of shoes, etc.......also nothing that I need as I'm pretty well set here as well.

Early in my career, there were several situations where having a vest, at least available, was very comforting. I've since moved on to other areas of practice and I've had no ocassion to even consider doning the vest. Be that as it may, I can't shake the feeling that I should have a set...just in case. I don't kick in doors, I probably will never take a class which would require plates, there really is not real reason to own a set other than to just own a set. About the only time that I can think that I would use them is a SHTF situation.

For those of you who own armor, why did you purchase a set and would you do it all over again? Do you believe it was money well spent?

03-10-10, 09:31
I have soft armor but have not pulled the trigger on plates. This is in part because I know what I really want which is $650/plate (http://www.atstacticalgear.com/cgi/commerce.cgi?preadd=action&key=ST-4615) and the $1300 investment is hard to justify for my purposes.

My purposes being a training environment for the most part, shoot houses in-particular. This makes me consider these (http://bulletproofme.com/Body_Armor_Accessories_Rifle_Protection.shtml#Ultra-light) at $840 for the pair but which are not rated for SS109 which, given my application in a shoot house, should not be a concern.

Full IIIA rated to include SS109

In my research it appears you get to pick two from that list.

03-10-10, 13:36
It's the justification thing that gets me, even with just $540 a pair on these (http://bulletproofme.com/Body_Armor_Accessories_Rifle_Protection.shtml#Stand-Alone).

03-11-10, 10:56
I have armor because I sell it, and because I've gone out into the field with some national guard units (on a fairly regular basis) and wanted my own armor.

Were I not in the industry, I might get a soft-armor vest for some classes, esp if I didn't have any idea of the other shooters' abilities and the class involved things other than on a static shooting line. For rifle classes, I'd obviously have to add plates.

Beyond that, it'd be a luxury to me.