View Full Version : OH - OSU campus shooting, 3 die.

03-11-10, 10:20

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Police on Tuesday said that a disgruntled Ohio State custodial worker shot two employees before turning the gun on himself.

Nathaniel Brown, a custodial worker, entered a maintenance building located on Tuttle Park Place, just east of Ohio Stadium, at about 3:30 a.m. and started shooting, police said.

Brown, 51, then shot himself. He was pronounced dead on arrival at The Ohio State University Medical Center, police said.

Larry Wallington, 48, building services manager, was pronounced dead at the scene.

Henry Butler, operations shift leader, was hospitalized at The Ohio State University Medical Center. Police said that Butler, 60, was in stable condition.

University administrators said that Brown was a probationary employee who recently received a bad performance review and was going to be dismissed.

No students were injured. The university decided to hold classes as scheduled.

03-11-10, 10:21
I didn't see anything on this yesterday. http://www.examiner.com/examiner/x-2206-Cleveland-Gun-Rights-Examiner~y2010m3d10-Gun-bans-and-workplace-violence

By now most of you know about the shooting at Ohio State University early yesterday morning. At around 3:30am, Nathaniel Brown, who was reportedly serving a suspension for a poor job performance review, entered the university’s maintenance building and began shooting. Building supervisor Larry Wallington was killed and operations shift leader Henry Butler wounded. Brown killed himself before police could arrest him.

Gun control advocates will point to this as an example of why guns have no place in schools or the workplace. The problem with this logic is that it was already illegal for Brown to bring a gun into the maintenance building. Not only is it a violation of workplace policy but it is also banned by Ohio law since it is a building on school property. None of that deterred Brown from carrying out his murderous plan of revenge. The gun ban did, however, ensure that nobody was able to fight back.

Gun bans in the workplace do nothing to reduce violence. High-risk security expert Timothy Dimoff, President of SACS Consulting and Investigative Services, Inc., explains why.

If a person wants to bring a gun to work to shoot someone, it won't matter whether the company has a "no weapons on premises" policy or not...so it's NOT really a deterrent. When the CCW movement first started everyone was afraid of wild west type shootouts, but over the years we've found that to not be true. Letting employees with CCW permits bring guns to work, as long as they are left in the vehicle, will not result in workplace violence. Workplace shootings result from disgruntled employees or former employees, embittered spouses and for people looking for their "15 minutes of fame and policies mean nothing to these people.

I'd take that advice further and say requiring lawfully armed citizens to leave their defensive arms in their vehicles does not go far enough towards stopping workplace violence. While better than banning them in the parking lot as well, it still renders the first victims defenseless. There are many examples of shooting rampages being stopped by regular citizens who go out to their car to get their gun, but many more of shootings being halted because the good guys are already armed and don't have to retrieve their firearm first. Think of it this way, would you want police to have to go back to their cruiser to get their guns if an active shooter was on the loose?

We will never know if things would have turned out differently if Wallington or Butler had been armed. We do know, however, exactly how things turned out with the current gun ban in place.

03-11-10, 10:49
Are you sure three people died? In both articles it says the gunman shot and killed Larry, wounded Henry, and then shot and killed himself.

03-11-10, 15:28
I thought that college campuses were gun free?