View Full Version : Sent email to PA State Rep. Matzie today (Democrat).

03-12-10, 10:27
Not sure if this kind of thing really get's heard or if it is just foder for the delete key of some intern.... but I felt I should try to share my thoughts and provide my input to our state's elected official:

This is what I wrote to Mr Matzie:

Dear Representative Matzie,

I wanted to simply let you know that I do not support the pending health care "reform" that is being shoved down the American citizens throats. If you watch the polls, hit some blogs, and try to get a broad cross sectional view of what the American folks want, it is less big .gov and more free market. We need reform by way of allowing a free market health ins system that is not bound by state lines. We need to be able to take over our current health ins premium liability in the case of a company laying off or reducing man power. We do not need .gov to do a hostile take over and make bad into worse as the nation sees done time and time again. The entire .gov situation is sad, the system is bloated and wastefull with millions of dollars spent on non productive individuals setting in jobs that produce little yet get rewarded with great pay and lifestyles. Remember, you are an elected official and I am sure that you at least at one time had the very best of intentions, and you may still have these grand intentions. What I personally ask of you today is not to govern over me, but to govern over our .gov system. Watch and control this runaway train before it derails or nation forever. The responsability in front of us today is to protect our nation, embrace the constitution and hold true to the values of our founding fathers. Change.... it is not always a good thing.


03-13-10, 11:18