View Full Version : PS3 Yellow Light of Death?

03-12-10, 23:41
My wife got a PS3 for Christmas for Netflix & Bluray use. (Don't know anything about games)

The thing started beeping and spitting out the Netflix disc and when I turned the thing off it would turn itself back on after about 2-3 minutes. It now has blinking yellow and green lights, but seems to be working now.

I found NOTHING in the manual about a Yellow Light and then looked on line and there are hundreds of threads about the Yellow Light of Death. Any experience here and suggestions on what to do to save the thing if it is sick?

03-13-10, 00:29

03-13-10, 01:51
Keeping it clean and cool is important, and most ylod problems seem to be heat related. Vacuuming the vents is Sony's recommendation for cleaning the dust out. Also, don't use DVD lens cleaning discs because the brush on it can damage the Bluray lens. You can buy a disc made specifically for Bluray.

As far as your immediate problem, it's still under warranty if she just got it for Christmas, so you could send it back to Sony. The shitty thing is that they won't replace it with a new one, but will send you a refurb that had who knows what kind of problems or how many hours of use. Usually the YLOD problem is something you can fix yourself. My brother has had to fix his a couple of times and said it's very easy. You just need a heat gun(about 25 bucks) and I think some thermal compound.

This is a very good walkthrough for the older models, but the slim model would obviously be a little different. I'm sure there are some videos online for it too if you look around. This will at least give you an idea of what it entails.


I had mine apart to replace the lens unit, and it was extremely easy as well. They are simple machines to work on.

03-13-10, 01:59
Thanks, I'll start by vacuuming.

03-13-10, 03:44
Thanks, I'll start by vacuuming.

Is your ps3 sitting where it has a decent amount of room around it? If it's in a tight spot, especially with other electronics that put off heat, I'd try moving it so that it breathes plenty of cool air.

03-14-10, 01:17
Well, I thought it was... I had it 2 1/2 inches about the Comcast box:rolleyes:, which evidently was blowing hot air up and dust in:eek:. I vacuumed the thing and all appears OK now. I now have it sitting 2 1/2 inches above clean hard surface and nothing around it and the YLD is gone for now:p

I hope it isn't just dying a slow (post warranty death:eek:)

Thanks All

03-14-10, 10:06
Getting it away from that overheating comcast box was an EXCELLENT idea.
Mine gets kept onto of my dvd player/burner but when i play games or watch
movies, I pull it out and set it on the floor.
(i also run a plug-in fan bar that i got off overstock but unless you guys play call of duty or other heavy graphic packed games, it not worth the little nose those extra fans do create)

The biggest enemy of a ps3 is heat.
The other being dust. (dust blocks vents and causes more heat)