View Full Version : How to Custom Paint your Electric Guitar (step-by-step) 75 + pics.

03-13-10, 03:58
Warning!, this thread is extremely long and contains over 75 Pictures and is long!.. Please. Please (for the children) feel free to pour yourself a cold one before your proceed.. If not.. Well… You’ve been warned.. :)

Please!!! No post before 10 threads!.. thanks..

Hey Team,
It just me Link with another one of my (How to) threads.. This time I’ll be walking the newbie through all of the steps is takes to custom paint your own Solid body Electric Gautier.(I am such a giver!). Of course I’ll be doing my way thou (ie) in a P-40 WWII motif, complete with pin-up girl, bullets holes, grease marks, riveted panels and of course the ever popular Shark teeth.. Ahhh sometimes it’s good to be me.

Step 1. = Project Foundation:
The first step in any project is of course KNOWING where your going ie (Have a plan!)..I simply cannot stress that enough people. Without a plan the project will fail. If you need to Please (Write out the steps) first if you have too to get a clear path on which to follow. You do not want to get to the middle of the project and forget where you want to go with it. It’s extremely frustrating and of course time consuming!

Me.. I’m golden, I already know what I want to do.. I’m refinishing this gautier in a WWII theme (rite up my ally) so I’m going to wing it as I go, but to the untrained eye I might actually appear as really knowing what I’m doing.. Again sometimes it’s just good to me.. hahahahaaa..



Step 2. = Dismantle
Fully disassemble the guitar by taking off all of the hardware, removing the neck, the scratch plate, etc, Just take everything off..




03-13-10, 03:59


Step 3. = Label everything..
Don't skip this step people.. I use small plastic sandwich bags, separate everything and put each item it is own bag.


Step 4. = Removing the old finish and Prepping for new:
There are two different schools of thought on this step..



03-13-10, 04:01


Cheep / Quick / will work but it not the proper method is simply Scuff the clear coat using scotch brite pad. (make sure to do this evenly) If you want you can also use 600-800 grit sand paper, something for the paint to bite too.

The correct way ie Long / Boring / but will look killer at the end!.. is to remove all of the old finish!. That’s correct people IMO.. again IMO only, a guitar’s will lose some of there sound if to much paint is applied, call me old school but I truly belave that you need to have a pristine foundation to build off of and I know from past experiences that prep is 90% of the final product.. If you spend your time here, people will pay for it later..

I stated out with the old reliable used for the initial stripping of old finish off wood ie. Jasco (paint and epoxy remover) gel.. This stuff is nasty.. please wear gloves, eye protection and a mask..

After letting the Jasco soak I washed it all off and dried it

Here I’m using sandpaper, I started with 80grit, then went to 100,150 & 220 grit. The key thing here people!.. Don't overdue it with the 60-80grit paper, you don't want to change the shape of the body, you only want to remove the old finish.

Once all of the sanding is complete, wet wipe you project and then blow compressed air on it to remove any and all dust.. AGAIN the key here is to remove all of the dust before spraying your initial coat.

Since I’m / we are working with wood I used wood sanding sealer for foundation of this project, I applauded 3 light (light) coats of sanding sealer then when it was dry I sanded it down with 1000gr paper.. This took off all of the overspray from the sealer and now provides me with a butt baby smooth surface to start from.. Again it PREP.. I can not stress that enough..


03-13-10, 04:01

03-13-10, 04:02
Step 5. = Applying your first layer of paint..
Now that I have applied and sanded down the sealer it’s time to start on my base coat.. Here I’m laying down 3 light coats of custom mixed Grey (Black and White) I’m looking for something that will help me achieve that old airplane look (grey / light silver).

First layer of paint is on and dry now it time to re-install the scratch guard and begin on my layout of the teeth.. Since I’ve using the P-40 Shark teeth as my focal point I’ll be starting here and building the rest of the design around it.. Right or wrong this is just how I do it..





03-13-10, 04:02
Step 6. = Laying out my design..
Ahh the fun part!.. this is where you have the opportunity to cut out life size objects and ramdely place them through your project piece, looking for any and all size and shape modifactions nessary to move to the next step.





03-13-10, 04:07

Step 7. = Starting on the mouth..
Remember team the main rule of thumb when painting is start out with your lightest coat first, in my case I’m laying down a good base for the teeth. I’m getting a little fancy here I’m laying down the first few light layers with Perl white then going back over it transparent white, this should help give me depth to the teeth. You can and most will just use white at this point..

Ok now that I’ve cut out pattern for the teeth and let the color dry I’m now ready to mask off the teeth and install the second lightest color (red) for the tongue.

Cool now that the tongue is sprayed (looks pretty good) it’s time to cut in my definition line and paint up the roof of the mouth black.. This is easy.. see pics

Ok now that the paint has dried it’s time to remove the masking and see what we have..

Cool.. a few touch up areas to address but nothing to serious at this point.. so it’s time to move on (I’ll touch it all up at once at the end of the project)..




(First light coat)

(Second light coat)


03-13-10, 04:08
(Third and final coat)

(Masking off the tongue and working the upper part)




OMG.. This is looking killer!...

03-13-10, 04:09
Step 8.
This is where I’m separating the body into two different half the lower part of the plane and the upper.. My plan is to lay down some stripes (brown and green) above the mouth and carry the lower portion grey. Lets see how it works out..

I’m not really masking off between the stripes as I want to give the appearance of old used painted metal here.. I’m using a method I call (light masking) ie I’m just holding a paper edge over the line and spraying down, this will provide me with the illusion of a defining line. IMO..




IDK???? It just doesn’t feel right..

03-13-10, 04:11
Step 9.=
I changed the brown and green and I’m happier (but not stoked) on the new brown and green, I also paint up the nose of the plane, for this I’m simply painting up the top point for the guitar in red to simulate the front / nose cone on a P-40. I’m also laying down the initial panel seem lines and starting on the shark eyes.



Step 11. = Work it with the nose art!..Got to love it or at least where its heading.
This is where I adding in some (beloved) nose art, kill symbols finishing up the shark eyes but I still need to name it!?.. All planes had names and this bad boy needs one.. Any suggestions for the team??? I need a NAME??..




03-13-10, 04:12
Step12. = Installing the panel rivets

Layout the plan of attack.

Here is what it looks like in the middle of it all


Bam!.. Here it what this bad boy looks like with completed rivets!..





Just for fun or a before shot / depends on how you look at it..


Ok… this is where I’m stuck and really need the teams (2 cents).. before I proceed forward..

I want to add bullets holes BUT I’m afraid that it will start to make it look to busy!..
I plan on writing on the name above the girl (left hand side) but other than that I just don't know??? I want to add them, I know I can make them look killer but will it be too much!?? I think I’m already there / on that line and the bullets holes will simple put me over the edge??

TEAM.. Your thoughts please!...

Please stay tuned for the rest of the project.. I still need to add the name, clean up the girl and few rivets, add some rust and grease marks (maybe??, I’m still debating) plus I have really started on the other side yet either and then I need to install everything back up.. Ooo by the way I called the pickup manufacture and was told that I’m ok to paint up (certain areas of the pickup’s) So I’m looking to the forward the final product..

Step 13 – 17

Thank you for your time team and have a great one


Also you must come back and see what I do the neck!.. Yes this gets a complete make over to mach its new body..

03-13-10, 04:32
Looks good.

03-13-10, 06:40
Wow that looks great! Good job!

03-13-10, 09:39
ha, amazing. ide take that on the stage anyday!!!

03-19-10, 16:07
Hey thanks gentelmen... I'm glad you like it.. but it gets better :D

Step 13:
At this point I’ve decided how I wanted to finish up the front a guitar, I’ve added the beloved bullet holes as advised by the team (looks great) and now I’m moving on to the back or body.


Step 14:
This is where I pretty much just emulate the front build on the back, the only major change I’m making here is I’m adding a WWII unit name and insignia to my project. I’ve decided to go with Felix the cat (who’s famous for the) the FIGHTING 31st.. Good bless our boys..





03-19-10, 16:07


Step 15:
Ok not I that body complete (without touchups) I’m starting on the neck.. I was informed by the guys at the guitar shop (DO NOT PUT TO MUCH PAINT ON IT) wankers!.... LOL.. They advised me that to much paint will have a denttening in the overall sound of the instrument.. So I ditched my first idea of completely painting it up and went with a more subtle aprouch.. I just lined the neck with bullet holes and added a Felix to the head. Nothing to special here to speak of so just have fun with it team..




03-19-10, 16:08

Step16: (Final touch up)
This is always huge pain in the ass (at least for me) this is where you have the opportunity to go back through your project with a fine detail EYE and fix everything that you need to / or can live with depending on how you look it at.. For me this is where I spend a LOT OF TIME.. I truly believe the devil is in the details and although I have a lot to still learn I’m really happy with how this project is turning out.. I personally spent 1-2 days in this phase, paint needs to dry a fresh eye will always point out something that needs to be fixed.. Just spend some time looking at it to make sure that your happy with it..


Step 17: Applying a finish..
As with may things in life you have a few choices here to chose, you can use a clear (matt) finish go with a simi or high gloss clear coat.. IMO firearms are done in (Matt) but instruments / art should be in gloss.. After researching the different types of finishes that are used on solid body guitars
A. Nitro
B. Poly
C. Lacquer
D. Wax

I decided to go with a Poly (Auto body in a can) MAX 2k Glamour High Gloss Clear Coat. Here’s a link if you want to read up on it.. http://www.uschem.com/products/docs/2K_Glamour_High_Gloss_Clear_English_TDS.pdf

Here is a GREAT link to check out regarding the different finishes and how to chose one that is right for you!.. http://www.lmii.com/CartTwo/FinishOverview.htm

So that I’ve decided on the type of finish is was time to actually apply it. I stated by performing a final clean on the instrument and cleaning up my shop / Garage. Then I hung everything up so I can get to everything indepently of each other and installed the clear..

For me (right or wrong) this is how I applied the clear coat.
I started out with a light mist and waited 15 min, then I applied 4 more medium coats allowing 20 minuets to dry between coats (its 80 degrees here so the heat helped it all dry out). I then waited approximately 8 hrs before removing them from there hanging area.



Step 18: Wet sand (or don't!) / apply final finish..
Again just in life you have a few choices here too.. You can either
A. leave it as is and simply reassemble it
B. you can wet sand it

Personally I like to go the extra mile and know it will pay off so I’m wet sanding everything. I stated out with water with dish soap added to it and 1000 grit paper, I then moved up to 1500 grt and eventually ended up with 2000 grt.. Leaving me with a baby butt smooth finish.. In order to obtain the high gloss look I’ve used a light rubbing compound and then finished it up with some polish… PLEASE NOTE.. I did not say wax.. you can not!... I repeat you can NOT use wax on this product (max 2k) you must wait 90 days first!.. Wax won’t let the new paint’s solvents escape, thus resulting in a hazy finish. and yes there is huge difference between wax and polish..

Before wet sanding:


03-19-10, 16:10

After wet sanding: :eek:





Step 19. = Re-install it all.
Ok.. now (gently) put it all back together team.. I took some time here and polished up my chrome pieces, painted the knobs to match there surroundings, blaa, blaaa blaaa.. You’ve got to be tired of me talking at this point and luckily!.. It’s all done

A Few builder side notes / Tips:
• When working with masking (templates) always start painting on it and move in towards the center and apply the paint in light even coats this will really help cut down on your paint buildup when you remove the masking away..
• Allow ample time for the paint to dry between coats
• For learning how to do rivets (go here and watch the video) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xegLlfA_0Y
• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YD6VvWyCsgk
• For learning how to do bullets holes (go here and watch the video) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKK6X8wDho8

Personal notes on what I learned on this project and how it’s going to make me better in the future.
1. I will never you use Auto Air again on a guitar.. I’m going to be using house of kolor moving forward.. the big issues that I encountered with Auto air on this project were:
a. It takes forever to dry!
b. It pulls off way to easy!
c. There in no (inner clear coat) available for it..
2. Pin striping is your friend and really makes a big difference; I need to work on my pin striping. I struggled with it big time around the mouth and well (it shows).. I know it does, this is my wink link on my project..
3. I really, really need to build a “clean room” / spray both.. Dust is NOT my friend!..
4. I need to practice / perfect my wet sanding.. I know I can improve my finishes, I just need to hone my skills more..

03-19-10, 16:11
Well team that all I’ve got.. my project is complete is now in moving on to do this Telecaster. I actually doing this one (well the plan is) for a abstract expressionism look..


I hope this thread was helpful to someone out there and I wish you nothing but the greatest success on your current and future projects..

Have a great one everybody..

Lee Indy
03-19-10, 16:35
sweet. love your work. wanna do my quitar hero and my xbox?

03-19-10, 19:19
Very cool! ;) Great work!
Just noticed "Pluck you 2" LOL! :p

baffle Stack
03-19-10, 19:49
Maybe post this on harmony central or sevenstring.org. They love stuff like this. Be careful though, harmony central is kinka like ARF x DU

Looks good. Thanks for sharing.