View Full Version : Gunpal CEO cleared, case dismissed

03-16-10, 21:17

As of this morning the case against Ben has been dismissed as expected.

And after that, the court clerk turns to Ben & lawyers and said, "I guess I'll be seeing you in civil court."

Ben: "No, you won't. We'll be in US District Court."

Due to pending suits to be filed some info is being held close to the vest but Ben Cannon did post this on Calguns:

It's nice to be able to talk about this - but I am only going to comment so much as we now have pending litigation against those involved.

The facts so far.

I was arrested and my house raided for allegedly pulling someone over with a red light and badge somewhere in or near Santa Rosa. None of what was found at the scene of the alleged crime was found in my possession - yet prosecution commenced.

Trouble is I was 100 miles away in Sacramento that entire day with multiple witnesses, Cellphone GPS records, phone calls, and text messages, and signed credit charge receipts to prove it.

The story gets more interesting from here, as someone contacted many of my peers with a slam piece on me 5 days prior to the alleged incident "The typical situation is a single woman driving at night on a lonely stretch of road…" I find that incredibly interesting, especially since several hundred people know I am an Engineering Contractor and member of the ASCE (lawfully required to have amber strobes.) An FCC Technician's license (ham radio = 'police scanner' and PA.) and as for the handcuffs? http://www.handcuffgadgetinsurance.c.../handcuffs.gif

The story gets more interesting from here, there will be some interesting cases filed in the days and weeks ahead, we are already pursuing a Finding of Factual Innocence and Expungement, as well as other remedy.