View Full Version : Asymetrical Politcal Strategy

03-22-10, 13:02
This health care BS and now the threat of energy rationing legislation, illegals reform and who knows what else has really got me in a funk. I'm getting tired of fighting the politcal battles on their turf with their press keeping score. I've been thinking of how do we flank these socialist/progressive bastards going into and after the Nov. election.

One main thing I think we need to do is make is illegal to have a union in a government entity. If unions where meant to keep the evil capitalists from depriving the working man of his rights, why do workers need protection from their own government. It is like a double layer of dumb. I know we have a lot of civil servants here that belong to unions, and frankly I don't care. If you can't get a fair deal out of politicans that you elect, how in the heck am I supposed to get a fair shake from an unelected business owner?

We would have killed this multi-headed union hydra by now if it weren't for public sector unionization.

If they can force me to pay a head tax for just being a citizen under the health care law, we can get rid of these union bozos.

I also want to bring back Reagan's great stories about how people abused public assistance. With all these new programs, the number of people that will be able to leach off the rest of us that work is going to be huge. Throw in the illegals, who will get better care then we do, and there is a definate battle that can be won as to the fairness of the minority paying for the majorities govt mandated largess.

And may I suggest the following slogan:


True conservatives never consider themselves poor, or rich for that matter. If we can get the true costs of these programs spread on average over the population, it is going to get unpopular quick.

Anybody got anything else?

03-22-10, 13:19
It was already unpopular, has been from the getgo. Their media kept putting up polls getting the answer they didn't want (that it is unpopular) and taking the poll down & burrying the results. The people have been and continue to be against this.

I do like your thread title & I do believe that is how we need to start thinking.

Every "yes" vote was an act of terrorism.

03-22-10, 13:36
Yes, tax the poor. You are 100% correct that the tax code needs to be reformed so that everyone chips in. Interesting that a very large percentage of people pay no fed income tax.

Here are some numbers fro 2006 but it has not gotten any better


03-22-10, 13:53
One thing we need to do is to convert some of the house races this Fall to be national races. I mean ones that get national attention with national money pouring into them. Like the Tom Foley race in WA State in 1994.

We need to make examples of some of these Democrats. Like Stupak. And Reid.