View Full Version : Indiana Gov. Signs Carry to Work Bill

03-22-10, 16:21
Way to go Gov. Daniels!


Gov. Mitch Daniels this afternoon signed legislation that will allow most Hoosiers to take a gun to work as long as it is kept out of sight in a locked vehicle.

Daniels signed House Enrolled Act 1065 after it passed overwhelmingly in both chambers of the legislature, with a 74-20 vote in the House and a 41-9 vote in the Senate.

Citing language in both the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and what he called even stronger language of the Indiana Constitution, Daniels called the legislation appropriate.

"I also am compelled to give great weight to the overwhelming consensus of both houses of the General Assembly as they passed this bipartisan statute," Daniels said in a statement.

"The understandable concerns raised against the bill do not suffice to justify a trespass on a fundamental right so expressly protected by our founding documents."

HEA 1065 had been opposed by a number of business interests, including the Indiana Chamber of Commerce, Indiana Manufacturers Associations, the Indiana Hospital Association, the Indiana Petroleum Council and universities.


03-22-10, 16:23
Just received a reply for the Governor's office.

Dear Friend,

Thank you for your letter and for sharing your thoughts with the Governor. He appreciates the time you took to share your views on this subject.

House Bill 1065, various provisions concerning firearms, passed the Indiana General Assembly and was signed by Governor Daniels. This bill will go into effect on July 1, 2010.

Governor Daniels statement regarding HEA 1065:

"Considering the clear language of the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and the even stronger language of Article 1 Section Thirty-Two of the Indiana Constitution, protecting these rights as provided in HEA 1065 is appropriate. I also am compelled to give great weight to the overwhelming consensus of both Houses of the General Assembly as they passed this bipartisan statute. The law does contain ambiguities that the General Assembly may wish to refine at some future date, to avoid unnecessary litigation, but the understandable concerns raised against the bill do not suffice to justify a trespass on a fundamental right so expressly protected by our founding documents."

The 2010 Bill Watch on the governor's website has been established. We will continue to update the website as bills are received and/or action is taken by the governor. You may view this webpage at http://www.in.gov/gov/billwatch.htm.

Please be assured that Governor Daniels monitors all legislation very closely as it proceeds through the legislative process and thoroughly reviews all bills that are brought to him for approval or veto.

Thank you for your citizenship.


Kristen Kane

Constituent Services

Office of the Governor


03-22-10, 16:27

Gun Permit Database Privacy Protection Act Becomes Law in Indiana!

Friday, March 19, 2010

On Friday, March 12, Governor Mitch Daniels (R) signed House Bill 1068, the Gun Permit Database Privacy Protection Act, into law. No longer will newspapers and other members of the public have access to Indiana's database of state gun permit holders.

State Representative Peggy Welch (D-60) introduced HB1068 in response to the Bloomington Herald-Times' unveiling of an online gun permit database, searchable by street name. Representative Welch testified before the Indiana General Assembly that she was prompted to introduce the bill after hearing from her constituents, gun-owning and non-gun-owning alike, who were outraged by the newspaper's abuse of such private information.

HB1068 passed with overwhelming, bi-partisan majorities in both chambers. The Indiana House passed the measure 85-11, while the Senate passed the bill 48-0.

NRA-ILA would like to thank Representative Welch for her efforts to end this egregious abuse of power, as well as the co-sponsors of this important bill, who saw the Gun Permit Database Privacy Protection Act through to passage in both the Indiana House and Senate.

Friday was a good day for Indiana!


03-22-10, 18:05
we put other states to shame.

03-22-10, 21:41
I love my state. I was with the Lt. Governor tonight. I passed on our thanks for this and the fact that we have a budget that isn't in the red.

Left Sig
03-22-10, 22:40
I am proud to live in Indiana and to have voted for Mitch Daniels twice. He's one of the few politicians that really lives up to the term public servant.

He balanced the books during the good years from 2004 until mid 2008 and resisted increasing spending. Now the state is mostly solvent during the recession, and new business is still coming there. One of my concerns is what will happen when he finishes his second term. Hopefully we will be able to elect someone to fill his shoes. And hopefully, Mitch will decide to run for President in 2012 and fix the mess Obama has gotten us into.

Indiana is far from perfect, but it's a LOT better then our neighbor state to the west.

I now have a lifetime carry permit, and soon will be able to carry in my locked car at work without fear of getting terminated by overzealous HR people. I didn't grow up in Indiana - I moved here in 1996 I was 24 and have lived here for the past 15+ years except for a 1 year hiatus in 2000-2001. If I can keep finding the work, I'll stay here as long as I can.

03-23-10, 03:24
Wish Texas would do the same.....