View Full Version : Lost a truly Great Friend this Morning

03-26-10, 10:12
Misty the rescue Greyhound had been with us for 9 and a half years.

These dogs are amazing Misty the 35 mph coach potato took her early retirement very seriously.

She was just wonderful, easy going never pushy unless she needed to go out. She just wanted to know that her pack was safe and sound.

She started having back problems last December but we seemed to have that under control until Monday when she slipped and fell, She had a much harder time walking and moving about. We took her to the vet yesterday and they sent her home with stiffer meds but once she got back into the house she was never able to get up again. She had a very rough night and we went back to the vet this AM for xrays. 3 ruptured disks.

We stayed with her until the end, she really fought the sedation but she is in a much better place now.

God Speed Misty there will never be another one like you.



lethal dose
03-26-10, 10:17
sorry to hear about your loss. never easy, man. they become like family, don't they?

03-26-10, 10:22
I'm sorry for your loss. I know how it is.

03-26-10, 10:22
Beautiful dog, and a great companion. Sorry for your loss. :(

03-26-10, 10:23
She was beautiful. I'm sorry you had to lose her.

03-26-10, 10:24
Sorry to hear about your loss. I know how you feel. I went through the same thing back in December. :(

03-26-10, 10:28
Damn man, very sorry.

I found out last week that the dog that I left with my ex wife had to be put down in December. She still hasn't contacted me about it.

Loosing a member of your family, be they two legged or four, is a hell of a thing.

03-26-10, 10:36

03-26-10, 10:39
So sorry for your loss. Many of us here have gone through the same and sympathize...

03-26-10, 10:42
So sorry for your loss. The years you had together with such a beautiful animal must have been a blessing for both of you.

03-26-10, 10:52
sorry for your loss

03-26-10, 10:56
very sorry. know how it feels. :(

03-26-10, 11:00
Very Sorry, I lost my girl this week also......

03-26-10, 11:01
so sorry my dogs are my family, I feel your pain, but just remember you gave her a great home.:(

03-26-10, 11:02
I was once again reminded of what this feels like earlier this month. I am truly sorry for your loss.

woody d
03-26-10, 12:32
from one dog lover to another, im sorry for your loss

03-26-10, 12:36
One of the worst feelings there is. Sorry you are experiencing it, I really am.

03-26-10, 12:40
Sorry to hear that man.

03-26-10, 13:00
never easy. dogs really are family members.

03-26-10, 13:08
Sorry for your loss

03-26-10, 13:12
The loss of a beloved dog is the price we must pay for being blessed with their friendship and love, but no matter how sad, a price that is well worth it.

If there is a heaven, it will be filled with the souls of our friends and family, both two and four legged.

My condolences.

03-26-10, 15:14
My sympathies to you and your family.

She was a beautiful dog.


PT Doc
03-26-10, 15:21
Sorry bro.

03-26-10, 15:43
May she now run at Godspeed.

03-26-10, 16:22
:( I went through it last year. I'm very sorry.

03-26-10, 17:21
The loss of a beloved dog is the price we must pay for being blessed with their friendship and love, but no matter how sad, a price that is well worth it.

If there is a heaven, it will be filled with the souls of our friends and family, both two and four legged.

My condolences.

How very true, and very well put.

My best wishes for you and your family.

03-26-10, 17:37
I'm sorry to hear of the loss of Misty.

My heart goes out to you and your friends and family.
She was gorgeous and by the pics you posted looked like a happy baby.

again i'm sorry for your loss.

Ed L.
03-26-10, 18:09
Very sorry for your loss. Loosing a beloved pet is like loosing a child.

03-26-10, 18:14
Very sorry just went through this also.

03-26-10, 18:15
'Very sorry for your loss.

03-26-10, 19:50
We're greyhound people, too - two at the moment but we've had up to five at a time, a total of nine of them through the years.

It never gets easier... condolences from our pack.

03-26-10, 19:54
Sorry for your loss...

03-26-10, 20:18
Hey bud. Five weeks ago I was taking my usual inbound 35 mile trip every day from work to my house. Everyday I would look forward to my dog greeting me as came home! I am single and live by myself except for my black lab Lady. She is 5 years old. As I was driving to my house I noticed a black area on the road. As I got closer I began to dreadfully realize it was my sweetheart, Lady. I am a infantryman vet in the army and I have an admittedly hard heart. But on than day I cried like a baby over the loss of Lady. May your loss be dealt with swiftly and kindly.

03-26-10, 21:00
I am a veteran infantryman vet in the army and I have an admittedly hard heart. But on than day I cried like a baby over the loss of Lady.

I think it's harder on us than on the more touchy-feelies of the world. Most of us hate humans for what they truly are, which is why it hurts so bad to lose our dogs.

I don't know if that came out the way I meant it, exactly, but you get the idea.

Robb Jensen
03-26-10, 21:19
So sorry to hear that Shadco.

03-26-10, 21:20
I think it's harder on us than on the more touchy-feelies of the world. Most of us hate humans for what they truly are, which is why it hurts so bad to lose our dogs.

I don't know if that came out the way I meant it, exactly, but you get the idea.

I get and agree with the idea.

Sorry for the distraction, OP.

03-26-10, 21:23
I think it's harder on us than on the more touchy-feelies of the world. Most of us hate humans for what they truly are, which is why it hurts so bad to lose our dogs.

I don't know if that came out the way I meant it, exactly, but you get the idea.

Some one sent me this.

I think it speaks to your sentiment, and I find it very fitting

by Lord Byron

Near this spot
Are deposited the Remains of one
Who possessed Beauty without Vanity,
Strength without Insolence,
Courage without Ferocity,
And all the Virtues of Man without his Vices.
This Praise, which would be unmeaning Flattery
If inscribed over human ashes,
Is but a just tribute to the Memory of
Boatswain, a Dog.

03-26-10, 22:46
I don't know how you feel about it, but I know that when my Boston's time came it was heartwrenching. I tell myself that as far as she's concerned it's going to be a day out in some warm pasture chasing cows and squirrels and at the end of the day I'm coming home and we'll be together....

damn.... our dogs are family. I feel for you.

03-26-10, 22:52
Godspeed Misty.

Well written Lord Byron.

I'm sorry.

03-27-10, 07:20
Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.

The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together...

Author unknown...

03-27-10, 09:09
So sorry to hear of your loss. It's amazing how certain animals can become such a part of your life. Time heals all things eventually. Been there done that, so I understand...

03-27-10, 15:10
sorry for your loss I have a 12 year old lab that is really starting to slow down and I got a feeling his end may be near the vet says he is fine.

User Name
03-27-10, 17:25
I am so sorry about Misty. I lost my best friend in 2008 it still brings tears to my eyes. I am sorry for your loss. Though she seems that she had a great home where she was greatly loved. Somewhere out there there is another Greyhound waiting for you to love them. Take care.

03-27-10, 18:29
Thanks everyone of the kind words. At first it was hard just reading the comments but they really do help.

Let me leave another photo of Misty, doing one of her favorite things, Schooling her stuffy toy Ansel the Whippet.

Ansel called her Big Sister Mom, and accused her of being the Fun Police.


03-27-10, 22:29